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Ilab Week 1 Assignment


Submitted By gibsonsg1107
Words 256
Pages 2
iLab week 1 Assignment Lab Report: I. Seperation of a Salt Water Solution Lab II. Introduction In this lab scenario, we were asked to determine the percentage of salt present in a saltwater solution. We are able to reach a conclusion in the lab due to certain chemical properties of water and salt. One main property is that water has a significantly lower boiling point in comparison to the salt in the mixture. III. Procedure First we obtained a 250ml beaker as well as an electronic scale in grams (g) and a Bunsen burner. After weighing the empty glass, we applied the saltwater solution and weighed the beaker again. Then we evaporated the water by placing the beaker on the Bunsen burner. Then we were able to determine the amount of salt present by weighing the beaker contents. IV. Observations and Results Contents | Mass | . Beaker (control) | 75.000g | .Beaker + mixture | 85.175g | .Beaker + salt | 75.175g | . Salt | 0.175g | .water | 10.000g | Percentage of Salt in Mixture | %1.75 | V. Discussion

This, in my opinion, is a good Lab to start with. The results seem logical and the lab does a good job of demonstrating the proper application of the scientific method as well as the properties of saltwater mixtures. It also showed good basic practices to use during experimentation like the use of a control group , and measuring and recording data throughout the process VI. Conclusion The experiment resulted in the conclusion that the percentage of salt present in the mixture was

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