...In ‘’Why Read?’’ the author presents the idea that we as individuals gain from others. We read to get an opportunity to propel our own insight with individuals more experienced. The central theme of ‘’The misconception about reading’’ is that reading is training your mind, in the same way, working out trains your body. Reading is rewiring the fibers in your brain to make them stronger. Reading should be done consistently for improved outcomes in the brain and in your life. In ‘’The importance of literature’’ the author presents the idea that literature remains as our largest collective reference of all information. If we took a lot better care of our literature we would know so much more about who we are. literature is one of the best ways...
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...research proposal addressing the importance of encouraging children to read for pleasure. The proposal explains the importance of such research within the introduction and then poses the research questions that will act as a guide for the researcher. It goes on to discuss literature found by the researcher that is relevant to this topic. The research will be a case study done using qualitative research. The methods and procedures will include participants from Rodman Elementary School along with a few instruments that will be needed for the collection of data. The analysis will seek to answer to research questions and the conclusion of this proposal will be a re=statement of the importance of the research. Introduction In a world consumed by technology it can be difficult to pull children’s attention away from devices such as television, computers, and video games and convince them to sit down with a good book. Yet, reading is the cornerstone of a successful education. Children who read often will develop a stronger vocabulary, have a greater depth of general knowledge, be more aware of cultural diversity, and even develop stronger social skills. The research proposed in this paper will explore the importance of reading for pleasure. It is probably fair to assume that the majority of people in our society will remember the alphabet song as being among the most memorable songs of their early years. This one fact alone says something about the importance that is put on literacy. Learning...
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...CONTENT AREA LITERACY IMPORTANCE Tracey Turner EDUC 525A Instructor: Craig Carter December 7, 2014 CONTENT AREA LITERACY IMPORTANCE Literacy is an important aspect for success in life in general. An individual’s success in the classroom, in their career, and in their quality of life is directly related to how literate that individual may be. Literacy is more than the ability to read, but how an individual uses written information to function in life. Literacy was traditionally thought of as just the ability to read and understand what has been read. Now, the term literacy is being thought of in terms as a much wider range of skills related to subjects such as science and math. Changes in society and advancements in technology have brought about rising skill requirement in every aspect in life. To be successful in every area, one must be literate in every subject being taught. The success of the school will also be related to how well the school is equipping the students to have strong literacy skills. Regardless of the subject being taught, literacy is an important aspect for success in that subject. In order for a student to fully comprehend in every subject, they must have strong literacy skills in that subject, not just in reading. “The ultimate goal of literacy instruction is to build a student's comprehension, writing skills, and overall skills in communication.”(Alber, 2014). The incorporation of reading instruction and strategies into content area...
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...Doing a literature review This Advice Sheet introduces you to the basics of compiling a Literature review. What is a literature review? 1 What it is not …. 1 Approaches needed …. 1 Approaching your review …. 2 Writing the review …. 3 What is a literature review? • • • Further reading …. 4 • It is a critical and evaluative account of what has been published on a chosen research topic. Its purpose is to summarise, synthesise and analyse the arguments of others. (It is not an academic research paper, the main purpose of which is to support your own argument.) You should describe and analyse the knowledge that exists and what gaps occur in research related to your field of interest. (This should clarify the relationship between your own research and the work that has previously been done.) It should reveal similarities and differences, consistencies and inconsistencies and controversies in previous research. What it is not It is not primarily an argument for the importance of what it is you are researching. While it is necessary to explain what is the primary purpose of your research, the reader of a literature review will assume that the need for undertaking the research has already been established. It is not a descriptive list of papers or summaries. You must not just list your sources and describe them in detail one at a time. A literature review is organised around ideas, not the sources themselves as an annotated bibliography would be organised. You should...
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...Literature is the foundation of life. It places an emphasis on many topics from human tragedies to tales of the ever-popular search for love. While it is physically written in words, these words come alive in the imagination of the mind, and its ability to comprehend the complexity or simplicity of the text. Literature enables people to see through the lenses of others, and sometimes even inanimate objects; therefore, it becomes a looking glass into the world as others view it. It is a journey that is inscribed in pages, and powered by the imagination of the reader. Ultimately, literature has provided a gateway to teach the reader about life experiences from even the saddest stories to the most joyful ones that will touch their hearts. From a very young age, many are exposed to literature in the most stripped down form: picture books and simple texts that are mainly for the sole purpose of teaching the alphabet etc. Although these are not nearly as complex as an 800-page sci-fi novel, it is the first step that many take towards the literary world. Progressively, as people grow older, they explore other genres of books, ones that propel them towards curiosity of the subject, and the overall book. Reading and being given the keys to the literature world prepares individuals from an early age to discover the true importance of literature: being able to comprehend and understand situations from many perspectives. Physically speaking, it is impossible to be someone else. It is impossible...
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...very essential when teaching a literacy class. I always have students to write down the before, during, and after strategy used in each lesson. For example, I use the KWL chart to access the student’s prior knowledge, what they want to learn as well as what they have learn. Next, I used a semantic strategy during the lesson assessing the student’s vocabulary growth. Finally, most importantly the after strategy “Ticket out the Door” students share on a sticky note what they have learned or answer to question related to the lesson. As a 5th grade basic social teacher I found that it is very important to use read aloud to keep the students energized and it also increase the student’s literacy growth. According to the article “The Importance of Reading Aloud for All Children a classroom that uses read aloud on a daily basic develops an increase in the student’s oral language. I used this to help students collaborate with each other. This is a...
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...PROJECT PROPOSAL BOOK READING HABITS OF PRIVATE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS AS OPPOSED TO PUBLIC SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS KOBINA AMISSAH-AYIKU RHODA ANSU YEBOAH PROJECT SUPERVISOR DR. AMANKWAH INTRODUCTION “Reading habits” refers to the behaviour which expresses the liking for reading of individual types and tastes of reading (Sangkaeo 1999). More or less, it refers to the different tastes that individuals have in terms of reading. Book reading is an essential part of any developing nation. Iheanacho (2007) opined that a healthy reading culture has a pivotal role to play in the social, economic and technological development of any country. All the developed nations that exist in our world today are where they are because they managed to obtain a high level of reading and so therefore have expanded their understanding of life. To Holte (1998), the importance of reading is essential to full participation in modern society because it adds value to life and provides access to culture and cultural heritage. We can therefore see the importance of reading in our everyday lives. PROBLEM STATEMENT In the study, we intend to find out if our Senior High School students have been able to adopt good reading habits which might be beneficial to themselves and the nation as a whole. We raise the issue of book reading habits because we feel that our fellow Ghanaians do not actively engage themselves in reading which will be able to develop them really well. This statement is based on our experience...
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...SECULAR LITERATURE | Important Reasons for the Christian to Study Secular Literature | | When thinking of secular literature it could be defined as literature that is not bound by religious views, but rather literature that is based on worldly views and not on religious principles. My first thought will be on the importance of Christians reading secular literature. It is my belief also that Christians should read secular literature because even though it may be based on principles of “secularism,” does not mean it is not good reading material. To be a good student, one must be aware of what is going on in the worldly readings, as well as scriptural readings. This is what will make us good scholars in the natural and spiritual. The thoughts that stick with me most from the presentations are: “Seek God’s wholeness for your life, the how and why is important, Jesus is the Master Teacher, Literature helps you be exposed to the world around you, and Television has inundated American Culture.” Seeking God’s wholeness for your life, the how and why is important really struck me. It is imperative that we make sure we are not trying to fill our lives with things that will give us temporary satisfaction. While we all have flaws about us, Jesus shedding His blood on the cross for us, has given us an entrance into becoming whole; once we become one through His transforming power, then we can begin to seek answers for the how and the why concerning our lives. This leads us to Him...
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...female who is only wanting love and a man who is only wanting a bed for the night. Both of our main characters are flat, as we know hardly anything about them let alone their real names. This story is fiction however the events seem all too real, especially to a female reader reading from a female's point of view. Mrs. Dutta Blog Mrs. Dutta is a heartfelt short story about a woman who moves to America to live with her son's family after their strong suggestion. The point of view this story is written in is third person; as an outsider telling the events. Mrs. Dutta, being the main protagonist in the story, is struggling to adapt to her new life in America. The biggest change that Mrs. Dutta is struggling with is being a housewife stereotype. The most interesting thing about Mrs. Dutta is the subplot containing her flashbacks back home and the conversations between herself and Mrs. Basu. Being such a round character, Mrs. Dutta shows a lot of progression at the end of the story by finally admitting to her friend Mrs. Basu and to herself that she is not happy. Why Literature Blog The argumentative essay Why Literature? by Mario Vargas Llosa is an impressive and lengthy recount of the importance of literature in society, history, and the basis of all knowledge. Llosa’s words are filled with anguish as well as ardor. Through an array of topics ranging from statistics...
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...Classical Literature Should Be Widely Read How does a piece of literature become labeled a classic? Classics are works that have received distinction for exemplifying a literary movement or genre. In other words, they started a literary trend by either doing something first or doing it very well. Another way a book can be considered a classic is by rebelling against established beliefs or ethics (Chen). Classical literature challenges readers’ way of thinking, enhances readers’ knowledge, and is an important part of a country’s culture. Reading the classics has many benefits and should be more common. There are many examples of classical literature that pushed the envelope of what was acceptable when they were published, and some of those classics...
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...constructs used are derived from abstract concepts of the theoretical framework. Statement of the Problem Statement of the problem sets the direction of the study. It has to be stated vividly and explicitly in interrogative form. A good research problem should be SMART, that is, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound. Significance of the Study Significance of the study explains its importance. It defines the contribution of the study in relation to solving the problem and need; bridging a knowledge gap; improving social, economic and health conditions; enriching research instruments and methods; and supporting government thrusts. Significance of the study is presented either in inductive or deductive perspective. In and inductive way, the researcher moves from the particular to the general, and presents the importance of the study from target beneficiaries, to the researcher himself, to the people in the community, to the people in the province, region and nation. Likewise, in a deductive perspective, the discussion of the importance of the study is the exact reverse of the inductive process. Scope and Limitation of the Study Scope and limitations of the study...
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...Diana Gioia’s persuasive article on why literature matters, brings to light and shows the importance of reading. Gioia uses factual evidence and diction paired with sentence structure to help persuade his audience of the importance of literature. Gioia’s use of factual evidence throughout his article helps the reader understand that literature is important. Gioia states that according to a survey done in 2002, “arts participation by Americans has declined for eight of the nine major forms.” His choice of placement for this fact provides a form of credibility and proof of his statements in the previous paragraph. This structure of placing the facts after his statements provides a form of emphasis on the subject throughout the entirety of the...
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...separate identities. Students can afford the opportunity to confront new ideas and different points of views in classroom, all the while increasing their abilities to discuss and defend their own positions both in discussions and in writing. In my composition class this translates into an interactive, group-oriented classroom that focuses in equal amounts on the three components of critical thinking, reading, and writing. “It is now generally conceded that the art of thinking critically is a major missing link in education today, and that effective communication and problem-solving skills, as well as mastery of content, require critical thinking. It is also generally recognized that the ability to think critically becomes more and more important to success in life as the pace of change continues to accelerate and as complexity and interdependence continue to intensify. It is also generally conceded that some major changes in instruction will have to take place to shift the overarching.” (Paul, 2013). I could emphasize peer workshops, group work, and the use of student essays as reading material in...
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...The Timelessness of Literature Since the beginnings of society, there have been storytellers. Through these people, their words, and their stories, we have been given a heritage of thought. These stories have provided a basis of thought and action for society, by giving examples and expectations of how life should be. Among these stories and books, very few have been read and enjoyed enough to be called a classic. These few are the books that have, and will, stand the test of time and will continue to be read and taught. These are the books that contain the teachings that have remained true and relevant throughout the ages. These writings and their messages are still taught because, like Calvino’s contends, literature is timeless and ceaseless in its teachings. In present society, we do not often enough speak of how influential the past is and how much it can teach us. In “Why Read the Classics”, twentieth-century Italian writer Italo Calvino writes of the importance of reading classic literature. He defines the word “classic” in many different ways to give different reason they are important or relevant to the present day. In one of the definitions given, Calvino speaks of the influence that literature has had on society. He points out that this influence is often unrecognized largely because the teachings of literature are often understated, but powerful, “camouflaging themselves as the collective or individual unconscious” (127). Calvino makes evident the fact that although...
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...Over the course of my final two years in high school, my opinion of English literature’s importance and relevance has changed due to the authenticity and complexities in literature. In my junior year, I was intrigued by Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild a biographical novel which embodied themes of transcendentalism unusual to our world today. The divergent thinking expressed by the main character rejected social norms and chose self-enlightenment in the wilderness. Furthermore, I believe I grew most as a reader during my senior year, due to Trevor Noah’s satirical yet original read, Born a Crime. Those two works of literature really caused me to enjoy reading and writing about inquiries into global perspectives regarding life. In Jon Krakauer’s...
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