...Submission of Research paper as a part of curricular activity. Forensic Accounting: A new dynamic approach to investigate fraud. SUBMITTED BY: Aniket Desai (12BBL016) Alakananda Duggirala (12BBL016) Rut Shah (12BBL051) SUBMITTED TO: Dr. Pranav Saraswat For the academic session July to December 2014 1 PREFACE This research project is carried out as a part of curricular activity for the course of Financial Audit, in semester V for the programme B.com LLB (Hons.). We have tried our best to do justice with the project and put it in black and white the research we've done in the last three months. Regards, Aniket Desai Alakananda Duggirala Rut Shah Date: 2th November, 2014 _______________________________ Signature of the researchers. 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We owe a debt of gratitude to Dr (Mr.) Pranav Saraswat, the faculty for the course of Financial Audit, for his constant guidance and support which helped us to conceive this research project. It is also my duty to record my thankfulness to Dr. Atul Bhatt, the librarian of the Institute of law, Nirma University for keeping handy useful resources which helped me collect information and datas which was very important for my doctrinal research work. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my friends and colleagues for the support whenever required. Regards, Aniket Desai Alakananda Duggirala Rut Shah 3 DECLARATION We hereby declare that this piece of written work...
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...A Project Report On “Forensic Accounting And Auditing” Submitted By Durvesh S. Naik Roll No: - 6025 MCOM PART-II (Advanced Accountancy) 2014-15 MULUND COLLEGE OF COMMERCE SAROJINI NAIDU ROAD, MULUND (W.) MUMBAI-80 SUBMITTED TO UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-15 DECLARATION I Durvesh Naik student of Mulund College of Commerce, S. N. Road, Mulund (W.) Mumbai – 80 of Mcom Part II (Advanced Accounting) Seat no: - 6025, hereby declare that I have completed the project on the title “Forensic Accounting and Auditing” during the academic year 2014-15. The information submitted is true and best of my knowledge and belief. Date of submission: - Signature Place:- Parle Tilak Vidyalaya Association's MULUND COLLEGE OF COMMERCE Sarojini Naidu Road, Mulund West, Mumbai 400080. Certificate This is to certify that Mr. __________________________________________________________ Of Mcom. Part II (Advanced Accountancy) Semester _______ has undertaken completed the project work titled _________________________ ______________________________ during the academic year __________ under the guidance of Prof. ______________________________________. Submitted on _________________ to this college on the fulfillment of the curriculum of Mcom (Advanced Accountancy) University of Mumbai. This is a bonafide project work & the information presented is true/ and original to the best of our knowledge...
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...Forensic Accounting & Auditing: A New Paradigm INTRODUCTION Thanks to the popularity of some criminal dramas, the word "forensic" might cause you to think about the process of working a crime scene. These investigators track down criminals using DNA samples, fingerprints, bloodstains, photos and other clues. So at first, you may wonder how the word "forensic" could ever be joined with the word "accounting." It's not as if you've seen accountants working with the other investigators at a crime scene. However, it really depends on the type of crime. “Auditor should be watchdog and not be the bloodhound”. It’s a good quote that every auditor should know. This quote makes the definition of forensic accountants even simpler. The forensic accountant is the bloodhound of Book keeping. External auditors look at the numbers but the forensic auditors look beyond the numbers. Only Forensic just means "relating to the application of scientific knowledge to a legal problem" or "usable in a court of law." Most of the crimes, such as homicides, investigated on a show like "CSI" are known as "crimes against the person." Forensic accounting is simply a specialty field within the broader arena of accounting. The types of crimes forensic accountants investigate are classified as "crimes against property." They investigate crimes such as fraud and give expert testimony in court trials. They also perform work related to civil disputes. Forensic accountants are also known as fraud investigators...
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...History Satyam Computer services Limited an Information Technology Company was founded in 1987 by Ramalinga Raju. The company is based in Hyderabad, India and was the fourth largest software exporter in India until January 2009. As one of the largest software company, Satyam traded in the Bombay Stock Exchange, the national Stock Exchange and New York Exchange. Satyam grew rapidly with customers stretching over 66 countries and was ranked at 185th on the Fortune 500 companies list. In 2008, Satyam received the the Global Peacock Award for global excellence in corporate accountability. Satyam continued to grow even when stock markets around the world were collapsing. In December 2008, Mr. Raju wanted to merge Matyas a real-estate company with Satyam. Matyas a company owned by his family was a complete diversity from the software company. Raju and his family owned a lot more shares in Matyas than they did in Satyam. The merge caused investors to question Mr. Raju’s intentions. The stockholders objected to the merge and the idea was aborted. However, the damage had already been done. The investors had lost faith and Satyam’s stocks plunged to an unbelievable low. Ironically, the word Satyam means Truth in Sanskrit and as the world watched the truth about Raju started to unravel. Fraud is Uncovered In October of 2008, World Bank fired Satyam and restrictions were put in place against the company from bidding for eight years. World Bank alleged that that Satyam had placed spy...
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...Ethics in Accounting By Pace University – New York Accounting for Decision Making, MBA 640 Fall 2011 Required Research Paper Page 1 of 11 Table of Contents Number Content Page Number 1 Introduction 3 2 Ethics in Accounting 4 3 Enron Scandal 6 4 Satyam Scandal 8 5 Conclusion 10 6 References 11 Page 2 of 11 Introduction • What is “Ethics”? Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about morality—that is, concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime, etc. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethics • What is “Accounting”? Accounting is basically maintaining and providing records of transfer of funds for an individual or business. All the data collected from these records are then summarized in form of reports and statements, which are used by outside parties and the company itself for various uses and analysis. Source: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/accounting.asp#axzz1fbCBL2q0 Page 3 of 11 Ethics in Accounting With many scandals and scams coming out regarding the unethical behavior of firms in terms of Business and accounting, higher authorities in governments across the globe are worried. These scams are disturbing and damaging the economy at large. When the economy is already sliding down, governments have started taking extra care and strict rules are being applied to control the damage...
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...| IBA111 Management Concepts | | Luke Sutton | 10/8/2012 | Case for Critical Thinking: Satyam – the ‘Enron’ of India. | Table of Contents Background to case study1 introduction to management issues1 Identification of management issues2 rationalisation behind unethical behaviour2 corporate governance and social responsibility2 recommendations3 Implementation of recommendations3 references4 1.0 BACKGROUND The purpose of this case study is to identify the management issues of Satyam Computer Services Limited’s, former chairman Ramalinga Raju when he admitted to corporate fraud in 2009, and how these issues could be addressed. Satyam Computer Services Limited, (now known as Mahindra Satyam) is a “leading global information communications and technology company”. (Anon., n.d.) It is a part of the “US $15.4 billion dollar Mahindra group, a global industrial federation of companies of the top 10 business houses based in India”. (Anon., n.d., p. 1; Anon., n.d.)). 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT ISSUES “India’s corporate community experienced a significant shock in January 2009 with damaging revelations about board failure and colossal fraud in the financials of Satyam.” (Afsharipour, 2010)Ramalinga Raju and the CFO of the company were charged with “conspiracy, cheating and falsifying records. Raju was also allegedly using salary payments to fabricated employees, in order to steal money from the company.” (Anon., n.d.) This case study will explore the...
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...There are fraudulent accounting procedures taking place in many businesses all across the world, and many companies have been going a number of years covering up the real financial value of their company. Forensic accountants are becoming much needed as accounting frauds, financial scams, and various economic scandals are beginning to increase globally. This type of accountant does more than the typical accountant of a business or corporation, because their objective is to investigate fraudulent activities being used in the accounting departments of these companies. The amount of fraud being used by companies globally is most likely going to increase in the future as technology is evolving and scammers are getting more creative. This will also lead to a gradual decrease in the investment rates in companies, because the risks of investing in a corrupt business world will outweigh the benefits. Potential investors in companies using creative accounting techniques will increasingly become more at risk if there is no exponential growth in the field of investigative accounting. Accounting scams are becoming a part of the normal occurrence of day to day activities as this type of fraudulent activity is frequently gaining exposure in the daily news worldwide. As owners and managers conceal the financial state of their companies by manipulating their financial statements, the reliability and trust of these statements by investors are decreasing. Illegal accounting procedures are not being...
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... as well as content and concepts from the text. ANSWER I was overwhelmed while doing the internet news search to find an example of business that has abused its power. The search came up with so many examples that it made me realize that probably all the business abuse their position in some or the other way. There were many example to choose from but I chose “Corporate accounting scandal at Satyam “, which is also infamously called as India’s Enron. The reason why I selected this particular company is that I had my cousin brothers and sisters working for this company and this scandal affected our families in a big way. The background Scandals are like an iceberg, they represent the only visible catastrophic failure. Saytam Computers was founded By Mr. Ramalinga Raju who hailed form a traditional agriculture family of Andhra Pradesh, India in 1987 with a just 20 employees and converted the company got Public in 1992.The chairman of the company was the founder himself, Mr. Ramalinga Raju (Alias Raju) until January 7, 2009 when he resigned from the board of directors after admitting to corporate fraud. (Author HT correspondent, April, 9, 2015). The company offered consulting and information technology services to the various business sectors. The company had services in 66 countries and 53000 employees in 6 continents. It was listed on Bombay stock exchange, NSE & NYSE. The scam Ironically,...
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...Public Accountants (CPAs) and accounting educators. The study identified sixteen skills needed by forensic accountants. According to the study, the five most important skills are analytical skills, basic accounting skills, problem solving skills, data analysis skills and interviewing skills (McMullen & Sanchez, 2010). Forensic accountants need analytical skills because as they review financial reports and other source documents, they need to analyze the validity of each transaction and determine if the company recorded the transaction fairly. The forensic accountant needs the ability to analyze where the data came from and whether the data accurately reflects the numbers posted in the financial reports (McIntosh, n.d.). With an in house forensic accountant, this will ensure the company’s financial state is accurately reflected while an independent forensic accountant can verify the accuracy of the reports, both of which help investors determine if the company is worth investing in. “Accounting is widely regarded as the language of business” (McMullen and Sanchez, 2010, pg.1). As such, the need for basic accounting skills is self-evident, for a forensic accountant to be able to review financial reports and other source documents he needs to have an understanding of basic accounting. Without that understanding, the forensic accountant couldn’t determine if the entries in the financial journals are correct or if there is some kind of fraud being committed. As for the...
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...specializes in information technology, business services, computer software, and is a leading outsourcing company in India. The company grew quickly during the 1990s and 2000s as more and more companies around the world looked to India for outsourcing solutions. It eventually became the fourth largest outsourcing company in India. Satyam provides solutions to approximately 185 Fortune 500 companies throughout the world. The business community recognized Satyam as a global leader in information technology outsourcing. Satyam was as an example of India's growing success. It won numerous awards for innovation, governance, and corporate accountability. Unfortunately, less than five months after winning the Global Peacock Award which is a World Council for Corporate Governance, Satyam became the centerpiece of a massive accounting fraud. As stock markets around the world collapsed during 2008, the Indian Stock Exchange fell enormously. The enormous losses caused investors to withdraw large amounts of cash from their investments. These cash withdrawals in turn triggered the discovery of several cases of financial fraud as perpetrators could no longer hide the results. Mr. Raju, the founder of Satyam, and the company's global head of internal audit used a number of different techniques to perpetrate the fraud. He created numerous bank statements to advance the fraud and falsified the bank accounts to inflate the balance sheet with cash balances that never existed. He also...
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...WorldCom history The history of WorldCom Company dates back in 1983 which started as a partnership between a former basketball coach Bernard Ebbers. This company was established at Mississippi as a coffee shop, which later developed to long distance Telephone Company. The company’s name initially was Long Distance Discount Service whose operations began on 1984. After several years in operation, the company became public in August 1989 with Bernard Ebbers as the company’s CEO (Moberg 4). Over the years, the company developed through mergers and acquisitions and becomes public in the year 1989. The notable merge which enabled the company to go public was the merger with the advantage companies Inc. This led to changing of the name from just LDDS to LDDS WorldCom in 1995 and to just WorldCom a year later (Moberg 4). In 1993, the company acquires long distance providers in the name of Resurgence Communications Group and Metromedia communications. This made history as the fourth largest long distance communication firm in United States. There were also several other mergers and acquisitions such as with IDB in 1994, WilTel in 1995, MFS communications in 1996, and the greatest merger which involved MCI communications. In 1998, WorldCom completed the merger with MCI at a cost estimated to be $40 billion. This was viewed as the greatest merger after brooks fiber properties and CompuServe which were valued at $ 1.2 and $ 1.3 billion respectively (Moberg 6). Another notable aspect...
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...INTERNAL AUDITING MOVIE REVIEW: Enron Movie: The Smartest Guy in the Room Tutor: Ms. Bewry March 29, 2014 Ashley Johnson-Blake ID #100426 Review Questions 1. Identify at least five (5) control issues in the movie using the Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission (COSO) framework as a guide. According to COSO, the five control issues are concerned with the control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication and monitoring. Based on the documentary several control issues were observed. They were: * During the Enron oil scandal aka the Valhalla scandal there was significant misappropriation of monies. In this particular situation instead of reducing risk lay encouraged traders to keep gambling more. Traders gambled away all of Enron’s reserves and this was covered up by Muckleroy who was able to bluff the market by acting quickly. * Ken Lay didn’t listen to auditors’ reports that the two rogue traders should be fired, this demonstrated one angle of lack of a good management style and monitoring. Instead lay read the report and read his budget and estimated how much the rogue executives made and if they were fired what he could lose. With all of this in mind lay did not fire the executives and had been described as a guy that puts earnings before scruples rather than reacting to the dishonesty in front of him. * Ken Lay as CEO of Enron made the statement that he is not responsible for things he didn’t...
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...#: 297099-PDF-ENG Case Study 2 – Enron and Arthur Andersen Enron Corporation Case Study 2 – Enron and Arthur Andersen Enron Corporation began as a small natural gas distributor and over the course of 15 years grew to become the seventh largest company in the United States. Soon after the federal deregulation of natural gas pipelines in 1985, Enron was born by the merging of Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth, a Nebraska pipeline company. Initially, Enron was merely involved in the distribution of gas, but it later became a market maker in facilitating the buying and selling of futures of natural gas, electricity, broadband, and other products. However, Enron’s continuous growth eventually came to an end as a complicated financial statement fraud and multiple scandals sent Enron through a downward spiral to bankruptcy. During the 1980s several major national energy corporations began lobbying Washington to deregulate the energy business. Their claim was that the extra competition resulting from a deregulated market would benefit both businesses and consumers. Consequently, the national government began to lift controls on who was allowed to produce energy and how it was marketed and sold. But, as competition in the energy market increased, gas and energy prices began to fluctuate greatly. Over time, Enron incurred massive debts and no longer had exclusive rights to its pipelines. It needed some new and innovative business strategies. Kenneth Lay, chairman and CEO, hired the consulting...
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...Satyam scam- Accounting Fraud (MBA III B) Submitted to:- Submitted by:- Dr. Urvashi Ghai Varun Sachdeva(124) Khyati Mathur(123) INDEX S.No. | Topics | Page No. | 1 | Satyam Scam- Introduction | 3 | 2 | Factors responsible for Fraud | 6 | 3 | Lessons learnt from Scam | 8 | 4 | Guide to Predetermine Manipulations | 9 | 5 | References | 12 | Introduction to the Scandal Mr. Ramalinga Raju and the Satyam Scandal On January 7, 2009, Mr. Raju disclosed in a letter to Satyam Computers Limited Board of Di- rectors that “he had been manipulating the company’s accounting numbers for years”. Mr. Raju claimed that he overstated assets on Satyam’s balance sheet by $1.47 billion. Nearly $1.04 billion in bank loans and cash that the company claimed to own was non-existent. Satyam also underreported liabilities on its balance sheet. Satyam overstated income nearly every quarter over the course of several years in order to meet analyst expectations. For example, the results announced on October 17, 2009 overstated quarterly revenues by 75 percent and profits by 97 percent. Mr. Raju and the company’s global head of internal audit used a number of different techniques to perpetrate the fraud. “Using his personal computer, Mr. Raju created numerous bank statements to advance the fraud. Mr. Raju falsified the bank accounts to inflate the balance sheet with balances that did not exist. He inflated the income statement by claiming interest income from the fake bank accounts...
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...THE UNIVERSITY OF BURDWAN DIRECTORATE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION TERM PAPER ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRACTISE BY DIFFERENT COMPANIES OF INDIA AND OTHER COUNTRIES. COURSE: MASTERS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PAPER: BUSINESS LAWS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE. PAPER CODE: MBD 107. SEMESTAR: 1ST SUBMITTED BY SOUMYA KANTI BOSE ENROLLMENT NO: DDE/MBA/JUL2013/14. REGISTRATION NO: APPLIED FOR. SESSION: JULY 2013 - JUNE 2015. INDEX PARTICULARS | PAGE NO | Introduction | 03 | Objectives of Study | 03 | World Scenario in Corporate Governance | 03 | Indian Scenario in Corporate Governance | 03-04 | Corporate Governance Practices By State Bank of India, India | 04-05 | Corporate Governance Practices By Axis Bank Ltd, India | 05-13 | Corporate Governance Practices by National Australia Bank, NAB | 13-18 | Corporate Governance By HSBC, London | 19-23 | Conclusion | 23 | Reference | 23 | Introduction: The issue of corporate governance has come up mainly in the wake up economic reforms characterized by liberalization and deregulation. Corporate governance has at its backbone a set of transparent relationships between an institution’s management its board, shareholders and other stakeholders. Corporate governance has come up mainly in the wake up of economic reforms characterized by liberalization and deregulation. According to OECD, the corporate governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in the corporation...
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