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Indian Youth


Submitted By aditya1998
Words 2919
Pages 12
Youth signifies and represents ideal-ism and hope. Every generation of young persons charts out its own course to realize its dreams and aspirations in life. Meanwhile it is the perpetual responsibility of the elders to assist the youths in growing up and in becoming familiar with the eternal human values.
Further, they need acquaintance with different facets of human quest that has led to generation, creation, dissemination and evolution of knowledge resulting in better understanding of the forces of nature, the world around us, and the way civilizations evolve and march ahead. They must prepare themselves to chalk out their new goals of life they wish to pursue and the contributions they intend to make to society. The youths are to be taught to paint the vast canvas of life with ideas and activities that could help them visualize the future they are to create for themselves and their fellow men. They need to strive to know what is real and what is unreal. They could also be guided to appreciate that the search for truth is the ultimate goal that one realizes only after understanding the transitory nature of all that is constantly changing around every moment. An acquaintance with the history and heritage of India could give them a feeling of continuity and motivate them to assume responsibility to take the lineage ahead. Above all, cultural moorings and scriptures may motivate and instil in them a sense of possession of the sublime, goodness and beauty, which they need to assimilate and internalize.
The world is continuously on the march. The 21st century represents a transition from ‘information society’ to the ‘knowledge society’. Knowledge alone can transform even a slack and lethargic society to join others in dynamic endeavours for progress and development. No society can remain stagnant and isolated and hope for survival these days. What matters is the level of general awareness and willingness coupled with determination to utilize knowledge for the welfare of the ‘people’, ie themselves. It is well understood that universal education and greater participation in higher education is the road that every nation must tread at this stage. They do need leadership and guidance in early stages. Millions of Indians imbibed the seemingly impossible goals put forward by Mahatma Gandhi during the freedom struggle. They gladly accepted sacrifice, sufferings and personal injury of various kinds. No generation can pass on the eternal values of life like truth, integrity, idealism, service of others and moral codes of conduct to the next generation without itself presenting concrete evidence of having adhered to these in their own lives. There must be examples for study, scrutiny and adaptation and then, finally, every generation has to learn for itself, prepare to delineate what would be the best in the times ahead. Education along with the family and the society could prepare every generation to make the correct and appropriate choice. Apart from dedication, commitment, acquisition of competence, proficiency in acquisition of knowledge and willingness to upgrade it continuously, it would also be equally, rather even more, important to internalize the need for disciplined exercise of human faculties. The moral crisis being faced by every nation at present arises out of unwise, materialistic and undisciplined application of human faculties. All awareness and acquaintance with high morals, ethics, values and principles is of little consequence unless sustained efforts are made by all concerned to achieve their internalization and then imbibe a determination to stick to them even in circumstances that may indeed be testing and demanding.
The 20th century was the century of science and technology. It gave mankind enough know-how, knowledge and skill that empowered them to control the forces of nature. A possibility emerged in which, with an equitable distribution of the natural resources, every human being could live a decent life, and the world could be freed from hunger, poverty, misery and drudgery. What the world really got was two World Wars, the brutal and cruel destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, massacre of millions in Germany and also in USSR and China. There was violence spread over the globe all around. There was a Mahatma Gandhi, a Martin Luther King Jr, an Albert Schweitzer and also Hitler, Mussolini, and
Stalin. There were illumined minds that strived hard to propagate eternal human values. There werealso those who had not been imbued with the basics of humanity and the eternal human values.
Things changed fast. There were positive developments like end of colonialism and apartheid, restoration of rights to women, establishment of the United Nations and others. In India, caste system and untouchability were discarded; acceptance of diversity, India’s greatest heritage and asset began gaining strength. Young persons from India have proved to the entire world that even learning in deficient and deprived conditions, they can match in effort, commitment and intellectual abilities with the best in the world. Indians have established their superiority in science, technology and lately in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The West is now looking towards India, which has the demographic advantage as around 65 per cent of its population are below 30 years. It is time to realize the value of every human life—some prefer to call it human resource—and the need to give them chance and opportunity to prove themselves in non-exploitative conditions.
A very significant point to be noted is that, at the time of the beginning and subsequent growth of science and technology in Europe, there was little acquaintance with the Eastern philosophy and thought amongst the people in general and also amongst the scientists. Scientific advances influence the socio-cultural and spiritual values, hence these cannot be viewed in isolation. The growth of science and technology has mostly resulted in materialistic gains at the cost of spiritual quest, which alone provides fullness to the human endeavour and is crucial for the very survival of human beings.
Materialism leads to the weakening of the sense of adherence to eternal human values. It creates an imbalance between man and nature. Overexploitation of natural resources has already reached nonreversible and non-renewable stages in several areas. The consequences of these are visible in terms of several new concerns that the youth of tomorrow shall be facing: the global warming, the ozone hole, deforestation, environmental degradation and serious issues of pollution, adulteration and toxification. The dilemma is best explained by a simple and familiar example. The government policies recommend prohibition and incur expenditures to promote the idea. Surprisingly these very governments try to earn more and more revenue from liquor sales! Such liquor shops are invariably located in areas that are inhabited by the poorest of the poor. And practically all these governments swear by the name of Mahatma Gandhi, democratic values, and their ‘dedication’ to serve the poorest of the poor!
The 21st century began as usual with unmitigated violence and cruelest of mass killings in human history, which overshadow the outstanding breakthroughs in human welfare. It finds itself face-to-face with terrorism and fundamentalism. There is no paucity of scientific breakthroughs and technological advances to overcome most of the challenges being faced by the human beings, what is missing is the wisdom and compassion to do so. Knowledge proliferates in all its glory but wisdom languishes in some hidden spots only. While the visibility of globalization and transition to a global society is apparent, challenges before the future generations have increased manifold. The world is getting ready for a far more complex transition than any of its earlier transitions: from the caves to forests, from forests to nomadic, pastoral, industrial and then post-industrial society. Globalization unhinges cut-throat competition in a shrinking world in which the gap between the developing and the developed nations is not decreasing but widening. The distrust amongst faiths and religions is on the rise. The citizens of the world have all become neighbours. They still have to learn how to become
When Mahatma Gandhi wanted education ‘to draw out the best out of the body, mind and spirit’, he possibly understood the lack of emphasis on skills and spiritual aspects in education. If he were to witness the level of this neglect today, it would have appalled him! ‘My life is my message’ is one of the most valued of his statements that presents a code of moral conduct before all of us and particularly before the icons of the young whom they emulate for ‘learning’, and for reshaping their lives! The political leadership offers a very discouraging setting. The way elections are conducted and the type of people who become representatives of the people and project themselves as the saviours of democratic values perplexes the youth. What they observe generates more disinterest than the eagerness to enhance their thirst for democratic values. The easy entry of ‘tainted’ and criminalelements into the corridor of politics and power seems to sharpen their frustration. The manner in which the business of the Houses of the Parliament and state legislatures get disrupted rarely presents a worthwhile example to emulate in their future life. Corruption is practically institutionalized and the most horrifying aspect is that of its inroads into the realm of education—both in schools and in higher education. When the Prime Minister of India expresses concern that about 60 per cent of universities and 90 per cent of colleges are functioning at a below average level, there is a case for serious rethinking on what are we depriving our youths of.
Expansion in every sector generally leads to dilution of quality if necessary precautions are not taken.
India greatly needs an early expansion of higher education institutions, but it can ill afford any further dilution of quality, particularly the neglect of moral values and principles that are essential to prepare an individual for a purposeful journey in life. Can the Planet Earth survive if education fails to bring about a symphony of ‘Self, Society and Nature’?
India is now getting a taste of reality. While the number of billionaires in India is increasing every month, people living below the poverty line is estimated at 300 million. Even those above this ‘line’ do not lead an enviable life. Is India not facing a crisis of ‘ideology of progress’? Can this country continue to ape the Western concept of progress and retain its own identity? Is India ready and equipped to face the challenges and onslaughts on its culture, languages, and diversity that it has nurtured and preserved as an asset over the centuries? With the passage of time these questions are likely to acquire larger magnitude. The inability of the present generations to act as the trustees of the future generations is evident. Our institutions also appear deficient to appreciate the emerging aspirations of the youths and respond to these with adequate moderation, wherever necessary.
Take the instance of stressful learning. Can any society ignore the increasing numbers of suicides before and after examinations, child abuse and molestation by teachers, violence within campus, fake degrees, and so much more? Even one such case must wake up our conscience and impel us to think of remedial measures. These problems, however, cannot be solved merely by issuing official circulars and even by punishing the guilty, which rarely happens. The maladies have taken deep root. So the solutions must emerge from careful scrutiny and logical inferences that are based on a comprehensive view of how human beings grow up and how they can be inspired to lead a meaningful life. All these developments call for a sound rethinking of values, ethics and morals which may lead to the internalization of humane elements and inculcation of a sense of need to grow up in inner strength and moral external actions.
What can be done
In one of his discourses on ‘Purpose of Education’ Dr Radhakrishnan summarizes the theme beautifully: If men make history, ideas make men. What is our objective with regard to the training of youth? Are we to prepare them for life or for death? Do we send our children to school, young men to colleges, to make them behave like beasts of prey? When we look around and see what is taking place in academic centres, how we are imposing on . . . youth false ideas, how we are debasing the minds and corrupting the hearts of the young, making them crazy with the lust of cruelty and power, do we not feel guilty of using the noble instrument of education for ignoble ends? What is our purpose in university education? Is it the Nazi ideal of military efficiency? Is it the Fascist ideal of ‘work, obey and fight’? Are we to train youth for class struggle as Communists demand? Will system of education based on such ideals help us to create a new and better order of society? The totalitarian States look upon human beings as aimless, drifting, soulless creatures, who without any mind or will of their own can be driven like cattle or moulded like clay by those who appoint themselves as their rulers. We are not taught to use our understanding, but to yield like animals to our instincts and appetites . . . . To make us soulless, to degrade us to the level of animal cannot be the purpose of education’.
Hard Work Is The Key To Success
Hard Work is the Key to Success

"One percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration"—Edison's definition of genius has often been quoted to define success as well. Even before Edison, the rigors of success were described by painter Michelangelo thus: "If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem wonderful at all."
Achieving success is almost like finding God—the destination is the same, but the roads are as varied as the seekers. All you need to do is choose your path…

But what is success?
Success may be described as the realization of an aim and for the realization of any aim hard work is essential. Hard work helps us to develop our potential to the maximum and strive for excellence in any field.
Hard work makes us better prepared to face adverse situations. Hard work helps an athlete to persevere in a race and win it , it helps an average student to become extraordinary, it helps to transform destinies.

"Success is basically about how you can turn adverse situations in your favor."

So, focus your energies in a concentrated manner on your goal and then start perspiring for it. The choice of the goal and the effort taken in reaching it are complementary: if you want to achieve something for the love of it, and not because it is the done thing, no amount of hard work would tire you. As De Bono puts it: "Successful people do often enjoy their work that it does not seem like work." According to a recent survey, success earned through hard work was the foremost factor responsible for a contented life.

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."
Behind every human effort lies a hope for success. So keen is his desire for success that he fails to see any value in failures. But one must remember that failures are the pillars of success. They provide us an opportunity to realize our shortcomings so that we can constantly strive to improve ourselves.

Hard Work Is Key To Success
Life is full of twistS and turns .Everyone has to struggle here in this world to overcome every obstacle in the way to success.For this hard work is necessary. Without working hard and just by sitting idle it will be hard for one to get success. Since from childhood and till now I always remember the sentence that my parents used to tell me "TO be A better person in life and to get success YOU havE to work hard, The result of hard work is always fruitful,so YOU have to work hard". I want to give exampleS from my experience today whatever I am its only becAUSE of hard work. For a guy from A lower class family it is almost impossible to GRADUATE in enginneering BY FINANCING YOURSELF. It's only becAUSE of the regular hard work I got A scholarship to do BTECh.I don't believe in luck since luck is never my LOT.

Today's world is a competItive world. Everyone here wants to be famous and wantS success in his life. Whether he may be A successful boxer, sportman, actor or writer his present positiOn is only due to hard work.Let's take an example FROM people who win gold medalS in THE OLYMPIC Games ,novel??? prize in differENT fields of knowledge is only because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with it .Just by watching television and siTTing idle if YOU are saying that can bend down success in your knee means YOU are wrong. YeS perhaps YOU HAVE got success sometimes becAUSE of your luck but it is not true always .Saying that I am A lucky person success automatically comes ....these are the only wordS of saying ,reality is different .

There is a well kNown proverb "NO pain, NO gain" hard work never goES wasteD .Although it may be later or sooner success comes to YOUR feet. we can have a look towards the life of great PEOPLE in the world like Mahatma GHandhi ,NapoleOn ,Florence ??,Shakespeare ,gautam buddha,Albert Einstein,Newton they all had struggled hard throughOUT their life .

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Premium Essay

Cultural Observation

...Cultural Observation Project 1 Date: September 10, 2012 Youth 201-Section # B06 Observation: I walked into River Crossing Mall to observe the youth of today. As I entered the mall, my first thought was that watching young people surely could not generate an entire four-page report. You see, I have never taken an interest in watching people that I did not have any direct contact with. I took the escalator down to the first level and I ordered some Chinese food and a diet coke. I found an empty table and proceeded to let the observation begin. Much to my surprise, I began to pay close attention to a group of very young white kids at a table about three rows up from where I was sitting. The first thing I noticed about them is that they each had body piercings and tattoos covered most of their arms. I wondered how they would feel about the dramatic body art they were advertising in about twenty years from now. Next, I saw two young white boys sporting blonde spiked Mohawk hairstyles standing around just outside a video game store. They appeared to be staring very intently at something on the back of one of the games that they each had purchased. This only lasted as long as it took for them to notice three young black girls, who could not have been more then thirteen or fourteen at the most, as they walked by. These girls wore the most revealing and tight little shorts I think I have ever seen on anyone before. When the girls saw that the boys were looking at them...

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