...Indp Part 2 Denetso NTC/362 November 24, 2014 Indp Part 2 Protocols ensure that programs and networks are written in the same format to communicate and work properly. For upgrades to happen, communication must take place for the Patton-Fullers’s network. The Internet has protocols designed for its use and these protocols will integrate into the new system. A small portion of the network architecture is discussed as it fits these new requirements. The increase in network traffic will have an impact and will drive the need for an analysis. Problems and limitations will become clear as long as the analysis concentrates on certain areas. Implementing certain strategies will mitigate the effects the analysis will uncover. Communication Protocols The conceptual framework should already be present with the current Cisco switches and routers already used in the IT data center. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) protocol model is a standard seven layer framework utilized by the industry. These protocols are important because they establish the communication rules. Two devices that require each other to communicate on a network must follow a set of rules to ensure they are compatible to each other. The seven layers of the OSI specify the hardware and software component requirements to ensure that the collection of these is adequate enough to exchange information on the network. The inclusion of a WLAN, WAN, and VoIP will require additional protocols that are unique from the...
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...Kudler Fine Foods Network Overview NTC/362 - FUNDAMENTALS OF NETWORKING Instructor: ANDREW CARPENTER Individual: INDP, Part 2 Assignment The Kudler Fine Foods is one the best fine food stores around. They have come a long way in such a short amount of time. However, Kudler has out grown the old network infrastructure and is in major need of an enterprise wide upgrade. The strategic goals of the enterprise network are to introduce new technologies in data collection, company communication, and information protection while providing the best data speeds and network access. An upgrade is very important to Kudler Fine Foods and if done correctly it will increase revenue and reduce the cost of operations in all Kudler Fine Food stores. The new network will bring Kudler Fine Foods back up to technological speed and at the same time improve the way they keep track of inventory and sales by using data mining techniques which will be collected and analyzed in real time. After careful review of the Kudler Fine Foods network currently in use, it has been determined the network topology being used at this time is the bus network. The bus network is set-up in such a way that all the network nodes are connected via CAT5 to the bus or communication line. All of the sites in the corporation are using the same configuration of workstations, servers, and standalone ups. All the networks have one way of communicating to the Internet, which is by 56k modems. The...
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...Modern GPUs use most of their transistors to do calculations related to 3D computer graphics. They were initially used to accelerate the memory-intensive work of texture mapping and rendering polygons, later adding units to accelerate geometric calculations such as the rotation and translation of vertices into different coordinate systems. Recent developments in GPUs include support for programmable shaders which can manipulate vertices and textures with many of the same operations supported by CPUs, oversampling and interpolation techniques to reduce aliasing, and very high-precision color spaces. Because most of these computations involve matrix and vector operations, engineers and scientists have increasingly studied the use of GPUs for non-graphical calculations. An example of GPUs being used non-graphically is the generation of Bitcoins, where the graphical processing unit is used to solve puzzles. In addition to the 3D hardware, today's GPUs include basic 2D acceleration and framebuffer capabilities (usually with a VGA compatibility mode). Newer cards like AMD/ATI HD5000-HD7000 even lack 2D acceleration, it has to be emulated by 3D hardware. [edit]GPU accelerated video decoding The ATI HD5470 GPU (above) features UVD 2.1 which enables it to decode AVC and VC-1 video formats- GPU from Vaio E series laptop Most GPUs made since 1995 support the YUV color space and hardware overlays, important for digital video playback, and many GPUs made since 2000 also support MPEG...
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...|[pic] |Course Syllabus | | |College of Information Systems & Technology | | |NTC/362 Version 1 | | |Fundamentals of Networking | Copyright © 2013 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides a foundation in the basic telecommunications and networking technologies fundamental to the industry and to the broad field of telecommunications. Analog, digital, and radio frequency technologies are covered. Also covered in this course is an introduction to the OSI protocol model, network-switching systems, basics of wireless communications, and network security. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at...
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...Syllabus College of Information Systems & Technology NTC/362 Version 1 Fundamentals of Networking Copyright © 2013 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides a foundation in the basic telecommunications and networking technologies fundamental to the industry and to the broad field of telecommunications. Analog, digital, and radio frequency technologies are covered. Also covered in this course is an introduction to the OSI protocol model, network-switching systems, basics of wireless communications, and network security. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: · University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. · Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Goleniewski, L. (2007). Telecommunications essentials. (2nd ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson. Panko, R. R., & Panko, J. L. (2011). Business data networks and telecommunication (8th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall All electronic materials...
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...362 Week 1 DQ 1 NTC 362 Week 1 DQ 2 NTC 362 Week 1 Individual Assignment Telecommunications Evolution Timeline NTC 362 Week 2 DQ 1 NTC 362 Week 2 DQ 2 NTC 362 Week 2 DQ 3 NTC 362 Week 2 Integrative Network Design Project Part 1 NTC 362 Week 2 LT Assignment Analog and Digital Comparison Paper NTC 362 Week 3 DQ 1 NTC 362 Week 3 DQ 2 NTC 362 Week 3 DQ 3 NTC 362 Week 3 Integrative Network Design Project Part 2 NTC 362 Week 3 LT Assignment Protocol Paper NTC 362 Week 4 Assignment Hardware and Software Paper NTC 362 Week 4 DQ 1 NTC 362 Week 4 DQ 2 NTC 362 Week 4 DQ 3 NTC 362 Week 4 Integrative Network Design Project, Part 3 NTC 362 Week 5 Assignment- WLAN Network NTC 362 Week 5 Assignment- WLAN Network NTC 362 Week 5 DQ 1 NTC 362 Week 5 DQ 2 NTC 362 Week 5 DQ 3 NTC 362 Week 5 Integrative Network Design Network (INDP) NTC 362 Entire Course To Purchase this Tutorial Copy And Paste Below Link In Your Browser http://www.homeworkwarehouse.com/downloads/category/ntc-362/ For Any Information or Any Class Which you Did not find on Our Website, Just Hit US Email On below address Visit : www.homeworkwarehouse.com Email Us : Homeworkwarehouse@gmail.com NTC 362 Entire Course NTC 362 Week 1 DQ 1 NTC 362 Week 1 DQ 2 NTC 362 Week 1 Individual Assignment Telecommunications Evolution Timeline NTC 362 Week 2 DQ 1 NTC 362 Week 2 DQ 2 NTC 362 Week 2 DQ 3 NTC 362 Week 2 Integrative Network Design Project Part 1 NTC 362 Week 2 LT Assignment Analog and Digital Comparison...
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...Riordan Manufacturing INDP, Part 1 Riordan Manufacturing INDP, Part 1 Riordan Manufacturing Company Inc., the current Wide Area Network (WAN) and network security architecture documentation need to be updated. The purpose of this project is to evaluate and bring together the WAN and security documentation into a single format for an executive outline or summary. Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. specializes in plastics and is a leader in the industry. Riordan Manufacturing has been recognized international for state of the art designs and capabilities for the company’s plastics designs. Riordan Manufacturing is known for close attention to details and the quality of products. The company has four companies in Albany, Georgia, Pontiac Michigan, Hangzhou, China and the headquarters in San Jose the company depends on the communications through the internet services, email, and all other electronic services. The IT team will study the limits that current security network have and upgrade the system for better output for the company. Riordan’s WAN security system information at moment is scattered. The company has provided the IT team with a diagram of their current system setup, including the port and router configuration, the security software is not available at the moment. The IT team will view each site and we have provided a brief description of security settings for each Riordan sites below. The corporate headquarters network in San Jose (see attachment 1) has 2 WAN connections...
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...INDP FINAL PROJECT Morris Arnwine NTC/362 10/29/2014 Steven Randel Patton- Fuller Community Hospital The network’s fundamental characteristics and components- The Patton-Fuller Community Hospital is serving the public and they have the responsibility of providing good service and protecting each patient’s rights. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) outlines the principles and requirements that the hospital must use to ensure they are protecting patient’s rights. In the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital there are a large amount of Protected Hospital Information that needs to remain protected to meet the standards that HIPAA defines. The network is a 1000BASE-T, which supplies 1Gigabit of Ethernet connectivity over 5 cables (CAT5). This long-haul, copper-based standard is ideally suited for use within the data center because which is used in all the clinical areas of the hospital such as Emergency rooms ,Operating rooms, Pharmacy, Labs, doctor’s offices, Wards, Outpatient examining rooms, and Intensive Care Units (ICU’s) but the throughput of copper wire connections leaves room for improvement. The Administrative sections of the hospital such as IT Department, Admitting/Discharge, Facilities, Human Resources (HR), Finances, and Hospital Senior Management are using 1000BASE-T network structure. “The backbone network structure for the entire hospital is 1000BASE-T. Individual sections of departmental networks such as Radiology use different standards...
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...INDP-week 4 Erin Estes NTC/362 Keshia Green 11/26/2012 Local Area and Wide Area networks are essential to connecting Kudler Fine Foods together. As are the hardware and software needed to create and secure the networks. Each location will be set up with its own Wireless local area connection and they will all utilize the Internet to provide a Wide Area connection for the company as a whole. LAN, WAN and Wireless technologies Local Area Networks, or LANs, are a grouping of computers networked together in a generally small geographic area. LAN technology refers to the hardware and software used to create a local area network. The most common wired methods are Ethernet and Token Ring, and WLAN technologies using IEEE 802.11. WAN or Wide Area Network technologies include ATM. TCP/IP, and Frame Relay to connect and transfer data across large distances. Using a cable such as an Ethernet cable computers on a LAN are required to share the network when passing data packets back and forth. Before sending data across the network each computer checks the line for other transmissions. If the line is clear the computer sends the data, if not the computer waits. This method is called CSMA/CD. Wireless LANs or WLANs use RF signals to transmit data across the network. Every computer on a wireless local area network share the same frequency and take turns sending data just like using a cable. Wireless LANs use CSMA/CA to check for an open line of communication to it intended...
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...SEMESTER 2 2011 CPA 118 ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE MODULE 1 ACCOUNTING AND SOCIETY 1.05 1.05 Part A: Ineraction with society Depictions of A/cting Depiction=描述 Defeating depictions defeat =挫败 Fig 1.1 new bean counter How to become professional? 3 aspects 1.06 Recruiting the best Beard(1994),Smith and Briggs(1999) and Simnik and Felton(2006) Friedman& Lyne(2001);Albrecht and Sack(2000);Coate et al.(2003) Jeacle: colourful accountant linked to corporate collapses 1.07 Moral agency Biddle(2006) Value creation - key to maintain high standards Moral agent - refer to individual making moral judgement for others Moral agent theory based on concept " act appropriotely and professionally" 1.08 Technical functions and social impact Understanding A/cting A/cting defination - Macquarie Dictionary - Technical practice - bookkeeping Not Prefect def - AAA(American A/cting Association) -communication skill… 1.09 Social impact of A/cting + impact - based on historic A/cting info professional capabilities - technical knowledge,soft skill & experience 1.10 Social impact example - A/cting and the GFC "mark-to market" Lonergan (2009) - if A/cting causative factor in GFC 2008/2009 1.11 Q 1.1 Logergan 'standard setters'slow reaction only cause GFC ? NO How wisdom come out? - experience /knowledge Distinguishing feature - building relevant wisdom over time Parker et al. (1989) - induce other behaviour Miller(1994) - intrinsically and inredeemable social impact IMPACT Macro level: all types of business...
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...SEMESTER 2 2011 CPA 118 ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE CPA - ETHNIC SEMESTER 2 2011 MODULE 1 ACCOUNTING AND SOCIETY 1.05 1.05 Part A: Ineraction with society Depictions of A/cting Depiction Defeating depictions defeat Fig 1.1 new bean counter How to become professional? 3 aspects 1.06 Recruiting the best Beard(1994),Smith and Briggs(1999) and Simnik and Felton(2006) Friedman& Lyne(2001);Albrecht and Sack(2000);Coate et al.(2003) Jeacle: colourful accountant linked to corporate collapses 1.07 Moral agency Biddle(2006) Value creation - key to maintain high standards Moral agent - refer to individual making moral judgement for others Moral agent theory based on concept " act appropriotely and professionally" 1.08 Technical functions and social impact Understanding A/cting A/cting defination - Macquarie Dictionary - Technical practice - bookkeeping Not Prefect def - AAA(American A/cting Association) -communication skill… 1.09 Social impact of A/cting + impact - based on historic A/cting info professional capabilities - technical knowledge,soft skill & experience 1.10 Social impact example - A/cting and the GFC "mark-to market" Lonergan (2009) - if A/cting causative factor in GFC 2008/2009 1.11 Q 1.1 Logergan 'standard setters'slow reaction only cause GFC ? NO How wisdom come out? - experience /knowledge Distinguishing feature - building relevant wisdom over time Parker et al. (1989) - induce other behaviour Miller(1994) - intrinsically and inredeemable social impact IMPACT Macro level:...
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...INDP Final Kudler Fine Foods Network Design Project NTC 362 March 17, 2014 Introduction This paper will present the Final Integrative Network Design outlining the cumulative plan that Kudler Fine Foods has accepted and agreed on for implementation of the following: Final Network Design The integrative network design project for Kudler Fine Foods will include Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) will be used as a means of communication within a private network or the internet for Kudler Fine Foods network devices. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is used for transfer of multimedia files, video, sound, and text over the internet. Kudler Fine Foods will implement File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to download files, transfer files, delete files, copy and rename files from the internet as needed. Mesh Protocol will be used to connect all devices such as printers, computers, and scanners on the network. In a true mesh topology every node has a connection to every other node in the network ("Common Physical Network Topologies ", 2014). The network will consist of a hardware firewall blocking unwanted access from outside of the location. The next step is to set up a hub or switch that will connect all of the stores terminals. All of these terminals such as registers and remote locations such as warehouse will be hardwired with twisted pair CAT 5 Ethernet cable. The server will be located in a room in each store with the hub or switch. A wireless...
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...Naimat Ullah Khan Cell: 0092‐300‐3663512/ cckarachi@yahoo.com As Coordinator@ Lincoln Corner Karachi (LCK): • • • • • • Executing LCK library routines, entertaining information queries related to the United States from students, professionals, scholars, NGOs etc. Participated in different local & National workshops & demonstrated strong communication & presentation skills in business operations & marketing of LC Karachi. Initiated different projects, strengthen the communities with LCK Children Club, Kids Summer Club & LCK discussion Club. Maintain LCK‐Google Groups, social networking tools like Youtube Channel, Facebook & picasaweb web events gallery etc. Achieve assigned targets, prepared official documentation, reference catalogues, Alerts & record updates etc. Registered LC Karachi & host institution with different local & international organizations and build collaborations. Prepared thematic & inspirational programs to promote cultural diversity & share the American values with the people of Pakistan to produce harmony & friendship. Promoted & coordinated Youth Exchange & Study Program, US Education Foundation Pakistan, and Mission’s Public Affair Section. Communicate & broadcast the information to targeted audience, negotiate with organizational heads & CEOs in programs planning & delivering results. Organize Literacy oriented programs with different platforms & communities...
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...those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission or Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Submitted on: 1/11/2006 1 Abstract This report, prepared for the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) of Washington, D.C., outlines our approach to investigating the increase in injuries related to inflatable amusement rides. Using data from surveys, interviews, injury databases, archival research, and product testing, we completed three goals: We developed a five category system to classify inflatable amusement rides; determined ways the CPSC and other involved parties can improve the safety of inflatable rides; and recommended how future CPSC investigations can be handled. 2 Acknowledgements We would like to thank the people and organizations who have aided us in this project: our advisors Professor Tahar El-Korchi and Professor Brigitte Servatius, Professor David Dibiasio, Chuck Ackerman, Dave Shibilia, Google.com, many state officials and trade organizations, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, the U.S. Consumer Product...
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