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Informatio Xenophon's 'Lycurgas' Reforms

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Lycurgas could have created these reforms with the motives of giving the young boys a strict life style to live by so that they could become great men for military purposes. One line in the story of the reforms talks about how they encouraged the boys to steal food, and if they were caught stealing food they were starved and severely punished by the elder Spartans. This reform to me shows that not only did these reforms encourage the young boys to be strong militants but they wanted to show them how to survive severe circumstances.
The boys were treated with these reforms to help make them strong but live strict lifestyles. They wanted the boys to become strong and I think make them scared of nothing. One part of the story I noticed was that the older Spartan men would encourage fights to see with young boys were going to be strong and valiant in the times of battles and which boys would be cowards in dangerous situations. The boys were also not given much information on reading and writing, they learned just enough to be able to get them by. They wanted to raise these men to be fighters and they wanted to use treatment on them that would only encourage that.
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He talks about how young Spartan woman should be fed with a particular diet that does not inflict on their child bearing in the future. For example the young girls were not allowed to drink wine. He does not believe that these Spartan women should do any labor, such as make wool clothing. He thinks that girls who are peasants should be in charge of making the clothes, because they are just as capable, and free woman should focus on the most important thing which is bearing children. Xenophon also believes that Spartan woman should be as strong as Spartan men so that they create strong children. He thought men and women should both compete in competitions so that they can be

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