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Information Sharingand Innovation Goals


Submitted By romers97
Words 1515
Pages 7
Chapter 1
Information Sharing The sharing of information across any organization is essential in the mode of communication. The manner in which information is shared can be detrimental depending on the type of organizational structure. An efficient performance organization and a learning organization are two different types of organizational structures.
The learning organization is open to constant adaptation and improvement to better change the organizations structures, processes and working practices (Antonoaie & Antonoaie, 2014). In a learning organization, everyone in the organization engages in continuous learning from the individual to the teams (Antonoaie & Antonoaie, 2014). The values and decision making is informed by all information that can be shared (Antonoaie & Antonoaie, 2014). This type of organization will function optimally in an organic design. Having an organic design typically means that the organization adapts to a changing environment, an adaptive culture, and has an innovation strategy (Daft, 2013). In a learning organization with everyone receiving information from all areas, empowered roles are better suited than tasks that are narrowly defined to a person (Daft, 2013). The strategic emphasis is on innovation instead of efficiency as is the case in an efficient performance organization.
The efficient performance organization is focused on labor productivity and ways to improve efficiency (Daft, 2013). This type of organization focuses on a centralized structure that is hierarchical. Knowledge and control of activities are centralized to make sure all process are optimized for efficiency (Daft, 2013). In this organization tasks are assigned to specific people for further follow up and execution. Communication is this organization is from the top management to the bottom and vice versa. Information is controlled by the top and flows all the way down to the employees. The work activities are organized by common functions and very little collaboration between functional departments is needed (Daft, 2013). This type of work activities promotes a rigid culture.
Shared information is critical for the learning organization as all employees use that information to make decisions. Without information sharing a learning organization will not be able to implement innovative strategies. The culture will be effected by not being able to adapt to the forces effecting it.
For Profit and Nonprofit Stakeholder Analysis Manager in a profit and nonprofit organization have various differences. The major difference is that for profit managers direct the activities to earn money for the company (Daft, 2013). In a nonprofit company, managers direct the efforts to create a positive social impact (Daft, 2013). The stakeholders in each organization are different. Both do have customers in common, however in nonprofit organizations donors and volunteers are added in the mix (Daft, 2013). Both organization must provide for the customer, however in a nonprofit the social impact it focuses on must be effective in order to maintain and recruit donors. This dynamic creates the same environment for managers to pay attention to all stakeholders.

Chapter 2
Innovation and Development Goals A company’s goal will give direction and ability to maintain viable. A company’s innovation goals are specific in the development of new services, products, and or process (Daft, 2013). The employees of any company perform the tasks and process assigned each day. They are involved in the day-to-day operations. This can be beneficial to the company if the employee ideas and suggestions are listened to. Ordinary employees can drive innovation yet it means participating in organizational decision-making procedures (Ulhoi & Kesting, 2010).
To make good decisions on innovation an overview of the company’s activities and how successful they are, insights into the company’s strategy, and knowledge of the environment is which the company acts are needed. To accomplish all this employee development is essential. Employee development is training, promotion, safety, and growth of the individual in the company (Daft, 2013). By investing in the employee’s development innovation can flourish and a win-win situation occurs.
Development and Productivity Productivity is the amount of output achieved based on the resources used. Productivity is used in a company to see how much of something is being accomplished by an employee or cost per employee. Employee development goals have a direct impact on a company’s productivity. It is important for companies to have skilled and trained employees to increase performance (Tahir, Yousafzai, Jan, & Hashim, 2014). When employee development is used, it provides opportunities to get a better position in the organization (Tahir, Yousafzai, Jan, & Hashim, 2014). This leads to increase motivation in staff and increase productivity. The better employees know how to do the job assigned the more productive the employee can be.
Productivity vs. Innovation Productivity goals and innovation goals are meant to better a company. Increasing the amount of output and at the same time increasing new ideas that help in differentiation can be a double win. This may not always be the case as both goals may conflict with each other. On one side, the company strategy may be to differentiate from the other companies. Innovation goals will help to accomplish that strategy. On the other side, a company strategy is to be the low cost leader and productivity goals would dominate to accomplish that strategy. When innovation or productivity goals hinder the ability for that company to have a competitive advantage then the goals are in conflict. Selecting one as the primary goal will turn out to be more successful for the company.
Police Department Effectiveness Effectiveness is the degree to which an organization is able to attain its goals. There are four possible approaches to measuring effectiveness; the goal approach, the resource-based approach, the internal process approach, and the strategic constituents approach (Daft, 2013). Effectiveness in a police department means task performance or those departments that meet challenges put on them either by satisfying demands for service, or solving problems (Skogan, 1976). A police department provides a social service that entails responding to calls and solving cases. This means that a goal approach would be beneficial as the police department can trace how many calls of service were made and how many were responded to in a timely manner. This gives a success rate. The department is able to do this with the amount of cases it solves.
A company performs several tasks or functions that keep it moving. These activities or functions have the potential to be outsourced. Outsourcing is to contract certain activities or functions to other companies (Daft, 2013). Outsourcing may be beneficial in a cost to benefit analysis. Some of the activities and functions are manufacturing, human resources, and administrative functions. When looking at the organization configuration some activities or functions are more likely to be outsourced from the administrative support staff, technical support staff and technical core (Daft, 2013). These two parts have the majority of the building of products and support. The less likely area where outsourcing will happen is in the top management section. This section is the heart of a company. The top management coordinates and executes the activities that put in motion all other areas.
Biblical Perspective The bible does not directly address how a company should be organized. It does show us organization is essential. Organization can be seen in the Israelite nation by the plans handed down to Moses. The respective twelve tribes with the sanctuary in the center separated the people. The Levites had a special task of ministering in the sanctuary and Moses appointed leaders and governors over each successive group. Jesus himself had twelve disciples that went out two by two to preach the gospel and Judas was the treasurer of the group. Organization and specific duties to accomplish the mission can be seen throughout the bible. The organizations must also follow the rules given by Jesus to love God and love your neighbor. If an organization must make a hard decision like outsourcing then it must follow the command to love your neighbor. The people that work in the company are your neighbors and every effort must be made to prevent loss of jobs yet if it must be in order to save the company then that is the better choice. To outsource just for greed or self-exaltation would be contrary to what the bible principle speaks.

Antonoaie, N., & Antonoaie, C. (2014). Learning Organization. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov.Economic Sciences. Series V, 7(1), 67-70. Retrieved from
Daft, R. (2013). Organization theory & design (11th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning.
Skogan, W. G. (1976). Efficiency and Effectiveness in Big-City Police Departments. Public Administration Review, 36(3), 278-286. doi:10.2307/974585
Tahir, N., Yousafzai, I. K., Jan, S., & Hashim, M. (2014). The Impact of Training and Development on Employees Performance and Productivity A case study of United Bank Limited Peshawar City, KPK, Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 4(4), 86-98. doi:10.6007/IJARBSS/v4-i4/756
Ulhoi, J. P., & Kesting, P. (2010). Employee-driven innovation: extending the license to foster innovation. Management decision, 48(1/2), 65-84. doi:10.1108/00251741011014463

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