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Informative Essay: The Issue Of Dewayne Stealing

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Mom (Latoya) stated she is having problems with Dewayne stealing. Today, 11/15/17, mom, Dewayne, Catharine (second reporter), Ms. Starks (teacher) and Mr. Barnes (principal) had a meeting concerning the child being suspended and taking things that are not his. He takes other people cell phones and money at school. Mom said she went to Vicksburg today and when she returned she went to her mother’s house (Constance). While at the home her brother (Tommy) girlfriend (Tanga) called and asked if she could use her laptop. Mom told her okay. Mom’s cousin (Sharon) came from up the hill and over to the grandmother house as well. All the adults were talking and later Sharon got ready to leave and mom and Tanga walked her home. When they returned to the grandmother’s house it was discovered that Dewayne stole a Hershey bar form from …show more content…
Mom whooped the child with a belt as a result because she had already told to him about stealing. When getting the whooping Dewayne turned around and put his arm behind him. In the process the belt hit the child on his left arm and left a welt. Mom took a picture if the mark. Mom mention that early today she asked Dewayne to get a diaper out the car for the baby. She later remember that she left her purse outside and she went make sure everything was in her purse. When she came back in Dewayne was upset and Tanga said that Dewayne said he hope someone kill him. Mom asked Dewayne why he made the statement and he denied saying anything. Mom said he says unnecessary stuff. No long ago Dewayne said he was going to kill his great-grandparents because his great-grandfather (Curtis) was picking on him. Mom said that Dewayne always say people are picking at him. Dewayne picks at his sister Lanyiah until she get upset. He then say he will knock her jaw out of place. Mom is scared to leave Dewayne around the kids. She waits for him to go to sleep before

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