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Inhumanity In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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Some are so engrossed in the prolonging of a tradition for illogical reasons, they fail to see the harmful impact it may induce. In Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” children are being brainwashed at young ages to extend their customs to future generations and people are desensitized to the act of murder, lowering the value of human life.

It is clear the people in the village are determined to keep the tradition alive for generations to come. In an attempt to keep their rituals continuous, they train the village youth to participate and enjoy the lottery activities. For example, the author writes that after school one of the boys “already stuffed his pockets full of stones...selecting the smoothest and roundest stones”. This proves that …show more content…
Towards the beginning of the story, readers see that there are neighborly interactions between the villagers, specifically between Mrs. Delacroix and Tessie Hutchinson so the assumption can be made that they are friends. Even though they understand Tessie is about to be prosecuted inhumanely, Mrs. Delacroix’s only concern is how much time the process is going to take and tells Mrs. Dunbar to “hurry up”. Delacroix even decides to pick out “a stone so large she had to pick it up with both hands” to kill a woman she was not too long ago friendly with. Obviously, those subject to the lottery, have no problem betraying the ones they were once kind to. Furthermore, It is clear family relations play a critical role in the lottery. Only when every family member is present that the activities proceed; however, consanguinity becomes trivial when the victim is chosen. Once it is known that Tessie had the marked paper, her own husband and children betray her as if she was a stranger that meant nothing to them. In fact, Tessie’s husband, Bill, was the one that “forced the slip of paper out of her hand” exposing the fact the she was the one who is to be brutally stoned to death by her peers, Even her own kids “beamed and laughed” when they discovered it was their mother being sentenced to death and not them. Those with any sense of empathy or sympathy would be devastated by the fact their family was about to be killed and that they were the ones obligated to execute them. These examples prove that people become self-interested and ruthless when it comes to the lottery. While the lottery is centered around kinship, head of households and community, in reality, those relationships are essentially meaningless and could be overlooked at any

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