...Melbourne Business Practicum Report Benchmarking Melbourne as a Sports and Arts Capital Research conducted by: Carthur Wan Daniel Chen Eliza Tong & Karleen Wu Disclaimer: The MBP team has used reasonable care and skill in compiling the content of this material. However, neither the MBP nor the students provide a warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information in these materials. No part of these materials are intended to be advice, whether legal or professional. Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 2 Background and Objectives ............................................................................................................ 3 General Benchmarking Methodology ............................................................................................. 4 Benchmarking Melbourne's Arts Status ......................................................................................... 5 4.1 4.2 Arts Comparison Cities Overview............................................................................................ 5 Arts Capacity Index ................................................................................................................. 6 Physical Infrastructure - Venue Number......................................................................... 6 Physical Infrastructure - Size ...................................
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...Robert Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence Sternberg described three different kinds of intelligence in his model: * Analytical Intelligence (Componential) * Creative Intelligence (Experiential) * Practical Intelligence (Contextual) Applications of the Concept of Successful Intelligence: Triarchic Teaching For Analytical Thinkers… * Analyze (a literary plot, a theory in the sciences, a mathematical problem) * Compare and Contrast (two characters in a novel, two systems of government, the styles of two artists) * Evaluate (a poem, a cultural custom, a strategy in tennis) * Explain (the use of grammar in a sentence, your interpretation of an historical event, the solution to a scientific problem) Analytical Thinkers: “I like…” * Analyzing characters when I’m reading or listening to a story * Comparing and contrasting points of view * Criticizing my own and others’ work * Thinking clearly and analytically * Evaluating my and others’ points of view * Appealing to logic * Judging my and others’ behavior * Explaining difficult problems to others * Solving Logical problems * Making inferences and deriving conclusions * Sorting and classifying * Thinking about things Outcomes of Teaching for Analytical Intelligence Analytical instruction and assessment should enable students to: * Identify the existence of problems * Define the problems * Allocate resources...
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...SCHOOL SATISFACTION AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF SELECTGRADE 8 LOWER SECTION STUDENTS IN SAN BARTOLOME NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SAN PABLO CITY, LAGUNA An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty of College of Arts and Sciences Laguna State Polytechnic University San Pablo City Campus San Pablo City In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Psychology STELLA MAE OBIASCA ROSE AN DIANGKINAY October 2015 Chapter I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction In this era of globalization education is considered as a first step for every human activity. It plays a vital role in development of human capital and is linked with an individual well-being and opportunities for better living. It ensures the acquisition of knowledge and skills that enable individuals to increase their productivity and improve their quality of life. The researchers are very aware of the difficulties experienced by the lower section students. The seriousness involved as it affects the student’s education through him or her not being able to fully concentrate in order to comprehend lessons. Some of the public schools do not have proper facilities especially who belongs to the lower section class. Some of them are not fully focusing on their study. Educators were faced today with a growing challenge of maintaining the nation education facilities. At the same...
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...The power of music: its impact on the intellectual, social and personal development of children and young people Susan Hallam, Institute of Education, University of London Executive Summary Recent advances in the study of the brain have enhanced our understanding of the way that active engagement with music may influence other activities. The cerebral cortex selforganises as we engage with different musical activities, skills in these areas may then transfer to other activities if the processes involved are similar. Some skills transfer automatically without our conscious awareness, others require reflection on how they might be utilised in a new situation. Perceptual, language and literacy skills Speech and music have a number of shared processing systems. Musical experiences which enhance processing can therefore impact on the perception of language which in turn impacts on learning to read. Active engagement with music sharpens the brain’s early encoding of linguistic sound. Eight year old children with just 8 weeks of musical training showed improvement in perceptual cognition compared with controls. Speech makes extensive use of structural auditory patterns based on timbre differences between phonemes. Musical training develops skills which enhance perception of these patterns. This is critical in developing phonological awareness which in turn contributes to learning to read successfully. Speech processing requires similar processing to melodic contour. Eight year old...
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...Executive Summary Every human being essentially has a solitary purpose in life. We spend hour after hour, day after day in the pursuit of happiness. Somehow we all seem to be laboring under the common delusion that wealth can bring happiness. Yet the past has proven that the joy that money brings is fickle and impermanent. Our individual experiences usually concur with this statement. Assuming that this holds true for the majority of people, employers and employees alike, we have to ask ourselves whether material success is enough? Can a company retain its proficient and conscientious employees by offering them mere monetary incentives? Can human resources be stirred or inspired to achieve for the organization by something as ephemeral as money? The history and present of the business world will answer with a resounding “NO”. In that case, what is the formula, in a system driven by human beings, whose minds are swayed by objects, emotions and thoughts, to create a harmonious organization, which endeavors for excellence together? Pixar appears to be one of the rare organizations whose methods resolve this question. They have managed to attain a global reputation for their employees’ satisfaction and assiduousness. This report delves into some of Pixar’s secrets of creating an environment that is incalculably favorable to innovation. It begins by introducing Pixar to the readers and advances to an analysis of some of the Pixar’s philosophies that have contributed...
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...Appendix 1: Literature Review Report to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Scoping study into approaches to student wellbeing Literature Review PRN 18219 July 2008 Erebus International Australian Catholic University Table of Contents Appendix 1: Literature Review 1 Table of Contents 2 Executive Summary 4 Section 1: Project Overview 4 Section 2: What is Student Wellbeing? 5 Section 3: The Outcomes of Student Wellbeing and its Pathways 6 1. Physical and Emotional Safety 6 2. Pro-social values 7 3. A supportive and caring school community 7 4. Social and Emotional Learning 7 5. A Strengths-based Approach 8 6. A sense of Meaning and Purpose 8 7. A Healthy Lifestyle 9 Section 4: International Focus on Student Wellbeing 9 Section 5: Student Wellbeing in the Australian Educational Context 9 5.1: Australian Government National Frameworks in Education 9 5.2 Report on the of the Responses of State and territory and non-government education authorities to the Concept of a National Student Wellbeing Framework 11 5.3 Student Wellbeing in State and Territory Curriculum and Policy Documents 11 Section 6: Whole School Approaches to Student Wellbeing: Issues of School Leadership, Implementation and Sustainability of Student Wellbeing Initiatives 12 Section 1: Project Overview 13 1.1 Introduction 13 1.2 Project Objectives 13 1.3 Methodology 14 Section 2: Student Wellbeing and its Pathways 16 2.1 What is Student Wellbeing...
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...Principles and Practices Of Management PART - A Q1. “Management is a combination of Arts, Science & Profession” Explain fully. Ans. Before writing a write up on “Management is a combination of Arts, Science & Profession” I would like to write something about the management. Management Management is to create a team which accomplishes pre-determined goals with more efficiently in a prescribed time period as planned/decided. Management actually is planning, organizing, directing, controlling & coordinating supported by leadership, communication, motivation and morale. Now I would like to start Management as Art and afterwards I will write about management as science and profession in detail. Management as an Art 1. It requires conceptual, technical, human relationship & decision-making skills. a) Conceptual Skills: Ability to see the “big picture” to recognize significant elements & to understand relationship among the elements. b) Technical Skills: Is knowledge of & proficiency in activities involving methods, procedures & pressures e.g., Mechanic works with tools & Superior show knows how to use these tools to teach them. c) Human Relations: is ability to work with people; it is a cooperative effort; teamwork; create an environment where people feel secure & free to express their opinions. d) Decision: Ability to solve problems in ways that will benefit the enterprise. 2. It requires knowledge: Learning & acquiring...
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...The Association Between School-Based Physical Activity, Including Physical Education, and Academic Performance U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division of Adolescent and School Health www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth Revised Version — July 2010 (Replaces April 2010 Early Release) Acknowledgments: This publication was developed for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) under contract #200-2002-00800 with ETR Associates. Suggested Citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The association between school-based physical activity, including physical education, and academic performance. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2010. TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary . 5 Introduction . 8 Methods 10 Conceptual Definitions . 10 Inclusion Criteria . 10 Identification of Studies that Met the Inclusion Criteria . 11 Classification of Studies . 11 Study Coding Process . 12 Data Analysis . 13 Results . 14 School-Based Physical Education Studies . 16 Recess Studies . 19 Classroom Physical Activity Studies . 21 Extracurricular Physical Activity Studies . 24 28 Summary . Overall Findings . 28 Findings for Physical...
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...1 AC 19‐3‐2012 Item No.4.17 University of Mumbai Revised Syllabus for the S.Y.B.A. Program: B.A. Course: Psychology Semester III & IV (As per Credit Based Semester and Grading System with effect from the academic year 2012–2013) 2 Programme – Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) Credit Based Semester and Grading System S.Y.B.A. Psychology Syllabi To be implemented from the Academic year 2012-2013 Semester III Course Course Code Title UAPSY301 Social Psychology: Part I UAPSY302 Developmental Psychology: Part I Units 1. The Field of Social Psychology 2. Social Cognition 3. Social Perception 4. Attitudes 1.Introduction - Beginnings 2.The Start of Life; Birth and the Newborn Infant 3.Physical Development in Infancy 4.Cognitive Development in Infancy Credits 3 Marks 100 ( 60 +40) 100 ( 60 +40) 3 Semester IV Course Course Code Title UAPSY401 Social Psychology Part II Units 1. Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination 2. Social Influence 3. Aggression 4. Groups and Individuals 1. Physical, Social and Personality Development in the Preschool Years 2. Cognitive Development in Pre-school years 3. Physical, Social and Personality Development in Middle Childhood 4. Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood Credits 3 Marks 100 ( 60 +40) UAPSY402 Developmental Psychology: Part II 3 100 ( 60 +40) UAPSY 301 Semester III. Social Psychology: Part I (Credits = 3) 3 lectures per week; 45 lectures per Semester Objectives: 1. To impart knowledge of the basic concepts and...
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...PRACTICE & PROBLEMS OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT OF BANGLADESH ARMY INTRODUCTION 1. Human beings are the most important resources in an organization. A firm’s / organization’s success depends on the capabilities of its members. Most problems, challenges, opportunities and frustrations in an organization are people related. Human Resource Management is one of the toughest duties of a manager or leader since humans differ in terms of attitudes, values, aspirations, motivations, assumptions, psychology, and life goals. Looking at today’s competitive world, managerial level staff will require more conceptual and strategic skills. Managers have to be proactive, able to anticipate technological developments and prepare their staff for whatever technological changes that might take place. This will be a successful task only when the HRM itself is fully aware of those changes and has the means to deal with them. HR managers have a number of roles to fulfill. They are the guardians of the manpower- the key assets of the organizations. They are also counselor and protector of employees and directly responsible for their effectiveness in the organization. They need to do their jobs in keeping with the existing laws, rules and regulations of the organization, and promote harmony at the workplace. This has direct bearing in a healthier and more attractive work environment. The success or failure of HR depends also on the top management’s recognition of the importance of HRM, and...
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...P R E FAC E W elcome to the evolving world of organizational behaviour! Social networks and virtual teams are replacing committee meetings. Knowledge is replacing infrastructure. Values and self-leadership are replacing command-and-control management. Companies are looking for employees with emotional intelligence and team competencies, not just technical smarts. Diversity and globalization have become challenges as well as competitive opportunities for organizations. Co-workers aren’t down the hall; they’re at the other end of an Internet connection located somewhere else on the planet. Canadian Organizational Behaviour, Seventh Edition is written in the context of these emerging workplace realities. This edition explains how emotions guide employee motivation, attitudes, and decisions; how values have become important for guiding workplace behaviour; how self-concept influences employee motivation, team cohesion, leadership, and behaviour; and how appreciative inquiry has become an important strategy for changing organizations. This book also presents the new reality that organizational behaviour is not just for managers; it is relevant and useful to anyone who works in and around organizations. Canadian and Global orientation Canadian Organizational Behaviour, Seventh Edition is written by Canadians for Canadians. It includes several Canadian cases, is anchored by Canadian and global scholarship, and is filled with Canadian examples of organizational behaviour in...
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...address customer needs through a value. Proposition: Set of benefits that satisfy customer needs. Offerings: Physical representation of those benefits. Brands: Offering from a known source, a brand’s name carries many associations in people’s mind that makes up its image. 2. 3. Value & satisfaction Value: sum of tangible and intangible benefits and costs to a customer (perceived value increases with the quality and services) Satisfaction: A person’s judgment of a product’s perceived performance in relationship to his expectations. 4. Exchanges & relationships Exchange: The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return. (= ONE sale, to ONE customer) Relationship: several exchanges with several customer = the goal. Relationships are built through delivering value and satisfaction. The marketing process: 1- Analyzing the environment (consumers, macro-environment, competition, distributors) 2- Developing a marketing strategy (segmentation, targeting, positioning) 3- Designing a marketing program (Product, price, promotion, place) Marketing - Session 1 MARKETING MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers...
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...considerations that are given priority in the AmBank Group’s products, services and market initiatives. Annual Report 2012 Leading Innovation, Stimulating Market Participation The AmBank Group has closely aligned itself with the country’s efforts at entrenching Malaysia as the world’s leading international hub for Islamic finance. AmInvestment Bank was appointed as one of the Joint Principal Advisers/Joint Lead Arrangers/Joint Lead Managers for the 20-year Sukuk Musharakah Programme of up to RM2.0 billion in nominal value by Westports Malaysia Sdn Bhd on 2 June 2012. It was structured under the widely accepted principle of Musharakah to a wide investor base. AmInvestment Bank was also the Sole Lead Manager for Gulf Investment Corporation GSC, Kuwait’s RM750 million (USD253 million) issuance under its existing 20-year RM3.5 billion (USD1.18 billion) Sukuk Wakalah bi Istithmar Medium Term Notes programme, where AmIslamic Bank was Transaction Agent to facilitate the commodity trading via the Suq Al-Sila’ trading platform on Bursa Malaysia. To enable customers to ride on the growth of commodities, AmIslamic Bank launched two Islamic Negotiable Instruments of Deposit, the AmEnergy NID-i (energy-themed) and AmAdvantage Plus NID-i (oil, corn, copper and cotton). AmFamily Takaful Berhad, a joint venture company between AmBank Group and Friends Life Group of the UK,...
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...WOMEN DEVELOPMENT AND NATIONAL POLICY ON WOMEN IN NIGERIA Olubunmi Aderemi Sokefun Abstract This paper discusses the document on women in Nigeria (National Policy on Women). Several past administrations in this country have treated women issues and affairs with calculated levity: Carefully side - tracking or blatantly refusing to accord it the necessary attention. It is now a thing to gladden the hearts of all women of Nigeria that, "after four attempts by four former heads of Nigeria's Government," Chief Obasanjo's administration finally granted government recognition to women's issues in this country. The official document .on Human Rights' issues as it relates to Nigerian women; this document is known as the NATIONAL POLICY ON WOMEN. This paper therefore focuses on the document which promises to bring delight to the heart of every woman in this country. Introduction When late Mrs. Olufunmilayo Ransome Kuti joined the vanguard team as the only nationalist and activist during the early struggle for Nigerian independence, hardly did .anybody realize then that she had a dream, a clear vision of a future Nigerian woman, that vision was crystal clear in her heart, and like a pivot, it stood firmly on three stand posts-known today as women's rights, women emancipation and women empowerment.. . Mrs. Olufunmilayo Ransome-Kuti later joined by some educated women of like minds, fought daringly and relentlessly for these three .pivotal goals of women emergency and relevance in the socio-political...
Words: 71889 - Pages: 288
...The Truth: About Managing People . . . and Nothing but the Truth Stephen P. Robbins, Ph.D. PEARSON EDUCATION, INC. “If someone wants to unleash the truth of people management, read this book. Author Robbins addresses the most critical challenges organizations face today in a concise and entertaining way.” — SUBIR CHOWDHURY Executive Vice President, American Supplier Institute Author of the best-selling The Power of Six Sigma and The Talent Era: Achieving a High Return On Talent “Stephen Robbins does it again! A prolific scholar and writer, he cuts through the research and theory to deliver immediately useful and essential insights for the effective management of people. I have never seen anything quite like The Truth. Excellent for all of us who don’t take the time to keep up with leading edge thinking and practice in the field of management.” — ERIC G. STEPHAN, Professor Organizational Leadership & Strategy Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University “This is a clever book. Stephen Robbins has put together a book I wish I had written. It’s a quick reference written for practicing managers, social scientists, and anyone interested in managing people. Robbins’‘best of ’ approach, as well as the reference materials each section draws on, make this book a ‘must have’ for practical, reliable, and valid information on the important leadership/management/people topics of the day.” — RANDALL P WHITE, PH.D. . Principal, The Executive Development Group LLC Co-author...
Words: 43389 - Pages: 174