...Industries 14 Internet Use Policy OMNICORP Devices Rodriguez, Jacob Isiah CTR NSWC Corona, MS41 CONT OMNICORP Industries 14 Internet Use Policy OMNICORP Devices Rodriguez, Jacob Isiah CTR NSWC Corona, MS41 CONT Change Management | Version History VERSION | NAME | CHANGES | DATE | APPROVED BY | 1.2 | Jacob Rodriguez | Modify Policy | 8/19/2014 | Jacob Rodriguez | 1.1 | Jacob Rodriguez | Extend and refine the policy | 7/25/2014 | Jacob Rodriguez | 1.0 | Jacob Rodriguez | Creation | 7/1/2014 | Jacob Rodriguez | Introduction OMNICORP makes internet access available to its employees where relevant and useful for their jobs. It is unfortunate that the internet can be so great but yet so risky. Accordingly, this policy shall be categorized as “Highly Important”. This will ensure the proper individuals and systems follow the policy. This internet use policy describes the rules governing internet use at the company. It also sets out how staff members are expected to behave when using the internet. As OMNICORP grows their products and services so shall this policy implementation and structure. This policy should be read alongside other key policies. The company’s Data protection and email policies are particularly relevant to staff who use the internet Purpose The internet is a powerful tool that can bring significant benefits to OMNICORP. However, it’s important every person at the company who uses the internet understands how to use it responsibly...
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...Necessity of an Acceptable Internet Use Policy for Business William E. Boyle Point Park University Abstract This paper will argue that an Acceptable Internet Use Policy, combined with effective network monitoring and policy enforcement is an essential requirement for businesses to protect business assets and resources. It discusses the potential loss to business from employee misuse of internet access and the danger from external sources. Necessity of an Acceptable Internet Use Policy for Business The internet is an integral part of today’s business resources. Organizations, large and small use the internet to improve organizational efficiencies. Businesses use the internet for everything from worldwide sales using websites, workforce collaboration using email and network data access, and for business research. In most business organizations, all types of devices, from desktop computers to cell phones and PDA’s, allow workers to access the internet and send and receive email on demand. A 2008 study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that 53% of Americans are employed, and 96% of these workers have some access to these tools. (Madden, M. & Jones, S., 2008). This allows workers instant access to websites, email and instant messages, but uncontrolled access exposes a business organization to a great risk of financial loss. All businesses must manage this risk through the implementation of an Internet Use Policy combined with employee education...
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...Acceptable Use Policy Internet and Email Employee Responsibilities: The use of company-owned computing devices and networks is a privilege, instead of a right, and inappropriate use can result in revocation of such privilege. Employees must remember that their behaviors represent the actions of the company, and the respect to the rights of others and all relevant laws, regulations and contracts. Employees also must be aware of that their inappropriate uses may lead to a catastrophic results on the company and other employees. Acceptable Uses: General and authorized uses for achieving the objectives of their job description, and occasional personal communications by using email. Unacceptable Uses: For Internet Use, the following actions are prohibited: * Accessing, downloading, storing, recording sites that are offensive, obscene, defamatory, abusive or otherwise unlawful * Knowingly downloading any materials irrelevant to their work * Conducting actions irrelevant to their work, such as playing games, listening to music, watch videos, and etc. For Email Use, the following actions are prohibited: * Accessing inappropriate sites or inappropriate e-mail * Transmitting private mass mailings * Transmitting messages disclosing personal information without authorization. Implementation of Policy: The head of each department is required to file reports of each employees according to their appropriate and inappropriate uses of internet and email...
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...An internet usage policy provides employees with rules and guidelines about the appropriate use of company equipment, network and Internet access. Having such a policy in place helps to protect both the business and the employee; the employee will be aware that browsing certain sites or downloading files is prohibited and that the policy must be adhered to or there could be serious repercussions, thus leading to fewer security risks for the business as a result of employee negligence. The Internet Usage Policy is an important document that must be signed by all employees upon starting work. Below is a Sample Internet Usage Policy that covers the main points of contention dealing with Internet and computer usage. The policy can then be tailored to the requirements of the specific organization. Internet usage policy This Sample Internet Usage Policy applies to all employees of <company> who have access to computers and the Internet to be used in the performance of their work. Use of the Internet by employees of <company> is permitted and encouraged where such use supports the goals and objectives of the business. However, access to the Internet through <company> is a privilege and all employees must adhere to the policies concerning Computer, Email and Internet usage. Violation of these policies could result in disciplinary and/or legal action leading up to and including termination of employment. Employees may also be held personally liable for damages caused...
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...Computers use, Internet, e-mail, and company Privacy Policies at O & R Fashion Inc. O& R Fashion Incorporated implemented new regulations to its current company privacy policy to regulate and monitor its employees’ e-mail and internet practices. The Internet use, electronic mail, and employee privacy policies needed to be reevaluated so employees can comply with company formal policies, regulations, procedures and because in the past our company’s managerial staff experienced many unresolved issues with employees due to their uncertainty to how to implement our policies. As a result O & R Fashion Incorporated with the association of its HR services developed an updated policy manual to monitor emails, and Internet access, however; providing the appropriate balance between company’s rights and employee’s privacy rights. The new changes and implementations to our existing privacy policies will reduce or even avoid misunderstandings or any similar situations in the future. This report was completed to explain the new implementations regarding emails usage, and Internet practices within our company and the reasons why O & R Fashion Incorporated decided to implement them. This report will also address some of the employees’ assumptions regarding such policies, how employees are affected by these new changes, and employees’ rights as well as current regulating federal and state laws regarding electronic mail and Internet use. Employees Accessing the Internet After...
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...Internet Mario Robles Com/285 July 13, 2011 Patricia Madrill Internet In my current workplace e-mails are non-existing, e-mails between our company members are avoided and communication is done through cell phone or radio call. Therefore, policies about Internet use are not available and not required in this stage of the company. However, if our company where to provide employees with Internet privileges I can see why they would want to implement Internet policies. With those policies the company enforcing them should be aware that employees would not be completely satisfied with about their privacy and think that their personal business is no longer personal. * What are the e-mail use, Internet use, and privacy policies at your job? * In my current workplace policies about Internet usage are not stringent, reason being everyone in the company has their own laptop. My company, after you have been with them for a year will give you a $1,000 gift card. This gift card is not just free money, it comes with two restrictions. The first restriction is that you should use 75% of this money toward the purchase of a new lap top, the second restriction is that the rest of the money has to be spent on a Verizon wireless card and a two-year subscription fee with a Verizon wireless vendor. Once you have purchase this items if there is any money left you may use...
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...E-mail Acceptable Use Policy Purpose E-mail is a critical mechanism for business communications at Richman Investments. However, use of Richman Investments’ electronic mail systems and services are a privilege, not a right, and therefore must be used with respect and in accordance with the goals of Richman Investments. The objectives of this policy are to outline appropriate and inappropriate use of Richman Investments’ e-mail systems and services in order to minimize disruptions to services and activities, as well as comply with applicable policies and laws. Scope This policy applies to all e-mail systems and services owned by Richman Investments, all e-mail account users/holders at Richman Investments (both temporary and permanent), and all company e-mail records. Account Activation/Termination E-mail access at Richman Investments is controlled through individual accounts and passwords. Each user of Richman Investments’ e-mail system is required to read and sign a copy of this E-mail Acceptable Use Policy prior to receiving an e-mail access account and password. It is the responsibility of the employee to protect the confidentiality of their account and password information. All employees of Richman Investments will receive an e-mail account. E-mail accounts will be granted to third-party non-employees on a case-by-case basis. Possible non-employees that may be eligible for access include: • Contractors. • Employees. • Interns. Applications for these temporary...
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...Running Header: E-MAIL, INTERNET, AND PRIVACY POLICIES E-Mail, Internet and Privacy Policies University of Phoenix Com 285: Introduction to Business Communication Group: MEBSB039 May 5, 2009 E-Mail, Internet and Privacy Policies With the invention of the internet, many conveniences have been developed to help companies run more efficient. E-Mail was developed to replace standard written messages. This form of communication sped up the receipt of messages from one person to another. Internet and e-mail have become, and will remain a necessary tool for the modern business to succeed. The internet is also used as a way to communicate globally. For instance, a company with offices in the United States and the United Kingdom, now has the ability communicate information at the speed of light. With the advancement of modern technology comes the advancement of ways to steal information and violate the privacy of an employee or the company. Companies have put privacy policies in place to protect employees and the company. Information that could be misused and potentially harm the employee or put the company at risk could easily be sent over the internet through unsecured means. This paper is meant to discuss e-mail, internet use, and privacy policies at the place of employment of the writer. Secondly, we will discuss the laws put in place to regulate employee’s e-mail and internet policies. Thirdly, we will discuss the reasons...
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...e-mail, Internet use, and privacy policies What are the e-mail, Internet use and privacy policies at your job? The e-mail use at my job is that it can’t be used for personal use, but only company business. Internet use at my job is definitely for business use only. At my job I can’t get on it to shop or pay bills, but only for company business. The privacy policy is your own personal information that you allow your company to have, but you still have right’s. The company can not disclose any of your information. The privacy policy can also help protect you against internet fraud, make sure your computer is safe, and also protect you and your personal information. What are the current laws regulating employee e-mails and internet privacy? One law is the at-will law. This law gives an employer the right to relieve an employee of duty with any explanation what so ever. The employer does not need a reason, you can show up for work one day, and they can let you go without any explanation. Another law is when a company does not allow a union in the company. A union can prevent a employee from being relieved of duty without any just cause. With a union there has to be a valid reason for letting an employee go. Employees have constitutional rights to privacy; it cannot be invaded according to the law. Most companies have the right to retrieve your e-mail and internet use. Why do companies implement e-mail and internet use policies? Most companies implement e-mail and internet use policies...
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...Employee Privacy Report • Write a 1,050- to 1,200-word report addressing e-mail, Internet use, and privacy policies. Answer the following questions in your report: o What are the e-mail use, Internet use, and privacy policies at your job? The email policy at my job at the Florida Foundation for Families (hereinafter “FFF”) are that work email is strictly to be used for work purposes and not for personal use. The policy is covered in our Employee Handbook, and states that the rationale for the policy is that we should only be working during work time, and that if we were to use work email for private use, it could expose the company to internet threats that would otherwise be easily avoidable. For instance, if we were to use email for private use and were to open an attachment that contained a virus, we could potentially jeopardize the entire system’s network. During our break periods and lunch we are allowed to use private email accounts, but we are likewise instructed not to open any attachments on our work computers in order to avoid the same threat that would be posed by using our private email accounts for such purposes. Like our email policy, the internet is supposed to only be used for work purposes as well, however, since work purposes aren’t strictly defined there is definitely more leeway in how we can use the internet, since we could be looking at an article in an online magazine or newspaper that’s work related. We are still forbidden from using any...
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...Acceptable Use Policy or AUP is a written policy and an agreement that defines what is allowed and not allowed to be used by employees regarding the use of internet. Here at Richman Investment are giving you, the employees the details and what the policy entails. The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of those privileges. The purpose of the internet resources is to help employees in the performance of their job related functions and not for personal usage. Each employee that is given privileges will have to comply with the company’s policy. Internet usage should be conducted for the company business only. Internet use creates the possibility of virus attacks or allowing any unauthorized people to get into our system with the potential of accessing company’s confidential information. The use of personal internet must be limited and only to be used for web based emails only with the approval of your Supervisor or Manager. Under no circumstances may Company network to be used on Social networking such as Facebook, or video viewing such as you tube, pornographic, or any unethical use. These websites will be restricted and prohibited for viewing. Doing so can lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Like the internet, email should also be for Company purposes only. Any employees are not allowed to send personal emails using Company email...
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...employees are expected to use Internet, Social Media and E-mail systems effectively and responsibly and in accordance with approved operational and security standards while in the course of their work. Employees equally have a responsibility to ensure that their private use of internet, social Media and e-mail out with the workplace does not impact adversely on the council and its business, compromise their contractual relationship with the council or breach council policy. This policy sets out the expected standards of internet, social media and email use and provides for those standards to be monitored and enforced. The content should be read in conjunction with the relevant employment policies referred to in this document together with other policies and guidance issued by the council’s IT Service, in particular the Data Protection and Information Security Policies. The key aims of the policy are to: * Regulate and control access to the council’s internet, social media and e-mail system networks; * Promote efficient and effective use of internet, social media and e-mail facilities while allowing reasonable and limited personal use in an employee’s own time; * Set standards for the proper secure and lawful use of internet, social media and e-mail in order to minimise and manage the potential risks to the council from inappropriate and illegal use; * Provide employees with guidance on their responsibilities when accessing the internet via the council networks...
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...Employee Privacy Report Introduction Using e-mail, the Internet, and privacy policies at an organization is partially what an employee does daily. Properly using the Internet, e-mail and privacy policies is the responsibility of each staff member. Although staff used e-mails to communicate with employees as well as research the Internet for information related to the job, one would expect for certain information to remain private; however, it does not occur like this all the time. Businesses have in place policies where they have the right to observed employees activities during job. While it is important for employees to be mindful of their companies’ policies, it is more important to know that employers have the responsibility to ensure that their employees have been properly inform and made aware of these policies. When an employer provide an employee with a copy of the companies handbooks, the handbook should address such issues as electronic communication and Internet use while on company computers. Additionally, most companies policies states, whether “internet use and communication … are considered part of the company’s business” and “such communication are not to be considered private or personal to any individual employee.” However, some company’s policy also provides, that “occasional personal use is permitted” (Gavejian). What are the e-mail use, Internet use, and privacy policies at your job? Law allows employing organizations to monitor business...
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...would otherwise consider personal and private. Therefore, it is important for employees to be aware of his or her privacy rights in the workplace, including policies regarding use of e-mail and Internet. Email and the Internet undoubtedly has revolutionized the way the entire world communicates. The irony is this technology erodes the expectation of privacy because users expose themselves to personal identity theft and it proliferates illegal and malicious activities such as child pornography; harassment; cyber attacks on personal and business networks; and attempts to steal intellectual property. All of this comes with a personal, legal, and financial cost, especially for businesses. Therefore, to protect themselves from legal action and monetary damages, it is necessary for businesses to implement policies that govern the appropriate use of their electronic systems. A Real-World Example of Email use, Internet use, and Privacy policies To demonstrate existing email and Internet use policies, below is a summary of the privacy and email and Internet use policies of a major defense contractor located in California. Privacy By law, all personally identifiable information for employees and external users is protected. The definition for this and the measures of protection are thoroughly defined in the policy. For California employees, the...
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...Assignment: Create an Internet and Email Acceptable Use Policy Course Foundations of Computer security Instructor: Amanda Lawrence Cooley Investments is an organization based upon client trust and confidentially. Without the trust placed in the organization by the clients, the organization will cease to exist. As such, every employee should consider their daily actions and the correlation of those actions to the trust placed in the company by the clients. Just as “Employee Smith” would safeguard his home computer against a malware attack, so should he protect the company’s computer from a malware attack. The following will outline the acceptable use of Cooley’s assets regarding Internet and email access and the actions that are prohibited. Cooley Investment’s computers, computer files, e-mail system, Internet access and any software furnished to employees are company property and subject to monitoring and unannounced review. They are to be used for company business only, and not for excessive personal use to communicate with friends or family or to access the Internet for personal purposes. While use of the computer, e-mail and Internet is intended for job-related activities, incidental and occasional brief personal use is permitted within reasonable limits so long as it does not interfere with the employee's work. The company specifically prohibits the use of computers (including Internet access) and the e-mail system in ways that are disruptive, offensive to...
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