...Case study NIKE Key concept Key issues What is international Mgt ? what are the key issues ? = 2 Mnagement issues in NIKE study case 1/The key issues are social responsibility = 2/ laso aboput corporate image ..Nike has a problem Cormportae image = magt issue = issue of the CEO responsibility Image of the whole company. If bad corporate image , impact not only on sales, but on more than that. Frontier about MKT & MGT Key question: Agenda afternoon working on case study Principles & rules to make good presentation Don’t read the scream you have to keep contact with the audience You except feedback from the audienc e you adapt your message to the audience Defin your objective = planning If you don’t’ know how to defione your objective, you’re lost Yearbook = objective = givce a good image of the MIM students to employers We want to biuild opur self estime when you see your achievement Participate in building your self estime Confusions between the goal and the ways the reach the gaol! If you don’t know where you are going, you can-t reach it. Objective = iompress the audience Breing a circus, fireworks, schow… The objective will define 5” to present the agenda = During the poresentation , Money refund = remboursement Us = if you don’t help me to make money, good bye. No focus in one area Watch for active listening Watch carefully, if boresd it they agree, Right posture Show that you are an...
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