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Submitted By bjones
Words 470
Pages 2
Chapter 3 of Developing a Leader Within is about integrity. Integrity can be defined as the state of being complete, unified. When I think about integrity honesty comes to my mind. It is basically being truthful about the things you say and do no matter what the situation is. For instance, if you told someone that you value honesty in a person, but became upset when they told you their honest opinion of you that is lack of integrity not sticking to what said. Integrity is being honest to yourself in actions, beliefs, and values. When you do not have integrity, you are only hurting yourself.
Everyone is faced with issues that are conflicting. Having integrity will be needed to endure the issues. Integrity determines who we are and how we will respond to the conflict before it appears.
By showing integrity to others, the more confident they are in you. However, the lack of integrity will only prove that they are less confident in you. Integrity builds trust. Maxwell says “in order to be a leader a man must have followers. And to have followers, a man must have their confidence.” Also, integrity has high influence in value. Integrity is regarded as high on the list of those traits which enhance effectiveness and as the human quality most necessary to business and personal success. Integrity facilitates high standards. In order to be successful, leaders must live by higher standards than their followers. Therefore, leaders must exemplify integrity on a daily basis even when times are hard. As you move up in the organization, your rights decrease, while your responsibilities increase. Many people are ready to assert their rights, but not to assume their responsibilities. Integrity results in a solid reputation, not just an image. Maxwell said “Image is what people think we are. Integrity is what we really are.” By asking the questions below with determine is you are into image-building instead of integrity-building. 1. Consistency- Are you the same person no matter who you are with? 2. Choices-Do you make decisions that are best for others when another choice would benefit you? 3. Credit-Are you quick to recognize others for their efforts and contributions to your success?
Integrity means living it myself before leading others. We shouldn’t be concerned with other people as to how far you should lead them. They should not be lead any further than you lead yourself. Integrity helps a leader be creditable, not just clever. Clever people never last. To be creditable, you have to be trusted. The leader’s actions must be congruent or at least compatible and consistent. Integrity is a hard-won achievement. Integrity results from self-discipline, an inner confidence and a decision to be relentlessly honest in all situations in our lives.

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