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Intro to English


Submitted By lashonda23w
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Pages 2
Hello, my name is Lashonda Williams, I am 24 years old, and I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I was born and raised in Chicago, IL. I have two sisters and one brother. My mom passed in 2011 from cancer. When she passed I decided to move to Minnesota with my older sister. I just had a baby last year in September. She was my first child, I named her Nevaeh Rachelle. Nevaeh is Heaven spelt backwards and Rachelle came from my mom’s name Michelle. I’ve been going to NAU for a year and a half now online, and it’s amazing.
Taking Interpersonal Prof Communication class is very exciting to me. I am looking forward to remembering things that have been forgotten and learning things that were never taught. I am excited about what is to come and the goals I will achieve this term. My expectations from this class are to learn from my instructor and work with my classmates so I can become a better communicator. Over the next ten weeks I am expecting to learn the skills necessary to become a better communicator. If I have questions or concerns about any assignments I expect not to be afraid to ask. During this class I plan to participate in group activities, if there are any.
Upon completion of this term I am hoping to get an above average grade. The managerial skill I will use during this term is the human skills, which is interacting and motivating. I will use this skill by interacting with my fellow classmates and motiving myself and others to move forward to achieve their goal. To achieve these personal goals it will be important that I have the conceptual skills also because that gives you the ability to understand concepts and develop ideas. I am relying on my teacher to help me when I need it, to challenge me to use proper grammar and to correct my mistakes. This positive instruction and constructive criticism will enable me to grow as a communicator.

It will be equally important that my fellow students participate in this process. These are my expectations for the next ten weeks of Interpersonal Prof Communication. Yes it's going to be hard, and we can't do it by ourselves. There are going to be challenges and it will take a lot of determination to complete this course. Let’s all work together as a group to become better communicators and writers.

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