...macro environmental trends that encompass most businesses both domestic and foreign. Regardless of where the organization is located, the marketing managers must comprehend the demographical regions in which they conduct business transactions, the sociocultural situations and well the economic livelihood of the populace. Additionally, this paper will explore the technological resources, regulatory rules of the regions they are conducting business in, and the regulatory rules that may have a favorable or unfavorable affect on conducting business in the regions they wish to conduct business. The focus organization is Coca-Cola and how they marketed water and healthy beverages versus carbonated Coca-Cola products. Introduction The Coca-Cola Company has ventured into the water business with the onset of more and more people embracing a healthier lifestyle. This paper will be encompassing the six categories defined in Marketing Management A Strategic Decision Making Approach, which are demographics, sociocultural, economics, technological, regulatory, and natural environments (Mullins & Walker. p. 97). These six categories are relevant because the trends are what the marketing managers must understand to understand what influences the demands of the general market. In many areas, the push for bottled water and healthy beverages is becoming greater around the globe. This trend is forcing carbonated beverage companies, like the Coca-Cola Company (CCC) to bring...
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...Proposed Research Work 1. Project Title: Redefining the Concept of Sovereignty in a Globalized World Order 2. Introduction The theme of the present paper is to analyze the effect and impact of globalization on the sovereignty of states. While pointing out the effect, impact and even the need of globalization, albeit in a structured pattern, in the present era, the author intends to examine the concepts of industrial revolution, neo-liberalization, international corporate governance, millennium development goals, the need for international institutions and the international regulatory framework in different areas like international trade, financial services sector, environmental protection etc., with a view to question the relevance of the traditional concept of sovereignty in the present globalized world. * Origin of the research problem: Research Question Whether the traditional concept of sovereignty of states has undergone a sea change in the wake of massive globalization? The Industrial Revolution which is referred to the period from the 18th to the 19th century brought the winds of change during which major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, transport, and technology had a profound effect on the socio-economic and cultural conditions of the human race. Starting in the United Kingdom, and then subsequently spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world, the Industrial...
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...“REPORT ON IMPACT OF TELECOM INDUSTRY ON INDIAN ECONOMY” INTRODUCTION The Indian telecom industry is one of the fastest growing in the world. Government policies and regulatory framework implemented by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) have provided a conducive environment for service provider. This has made the sector more competitive, while enhancing the accessibility of telecommunication services at affordable tariffs to the customers. In the last two decades, the Indian Telecom Sector and mobile telephony in particular has caught the imagination of India by revolutionizing the way we communicate, share information, and through its staggering growth helped millions stay connected. This growth, however, had and continues to be at the cost of the climate, powered by an unsustainable and inefficient model of energy generation and usage. Simultaneously, this growth has also come at significant and growing loss to the state exchequer, raising fundamental questions on the future business and operation model of the telecom sector. The telecom industry has witnessed significant growth in subscriber base over the last decades, with increasing network coverage and a competition induced decline in tariffs acting as catalysts for the growth in subscriber base. The growth story and the potential have also served to attract newer players in the industry, with the results that the intensity of competition has kept increasing. The sector expected to witness up US$ 56.3 billion...
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...Consultation Paper No 3/2011 TELECOM REGULATORY AUTHORITY OF INDIA Consultation Paper On Green Telecommunications 3rd February, 2011 Mahanagar Doorsanchar Bhawan Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg New Delhi-110002 Preface Operation of telecommunications networks requires electrical power. The expense on energy accounts for a significant share of the operational cost of these networks. This is particularly so in the rural areas where availability of power is uncertain. The use of diesel generators to ensure continuous power supply has the disadvantage of increasing the greenhouse gas emission and consequent enlargement of the carbon footprint which has a deleterious impact on the environment. While contribution of the telecommunications sector to the global carbon footprint is low compared to other sectors like transportation and construction, it nevertheless contributes a noteworthy share and increasingly so with growing reach of the telecommunications network. Efforts are afoot, all over the world, to find measures to deal with this issue. As the second largest and fastest growing market in the world, there is need for India to be conscious of the concerns in this regard. Besides, as a country heavily dependent on import of petroleum products while being abundant in renewable energy sources there is scope for innovative measures towards making telecommunications green. It is in this regard that TRAI believes that this is an opportune time to discuss the related issues...
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...UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF APPLIED MANAGEMENT SCIENCES Aruna Chandra Hall (Near Post Office), Panjab University, Sector 14, Chandigarh-160 014 (India) Telefax: 0172-2701403 Phone: 0172-2534889 Email: uiams@pu.ac.in Website: uiams.puchd.ac.in SYLLABUS OF THE 1ST YEAR TRIMESTER – I CODE MBA-011 MBA-021 MBA-031 MBA-041 MBA-051 MBA-061a MBA-061b PAPER Principles and Practices of Management Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decision Making. Managerial Economics Human Resource Management Accounting for Management Seminar on Executive Communication Workshop on Information Technology for Management CREDITS 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 MARKS 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 TRIMESTER – II CODE MBA-072 MBA-082 MBA-092 MBA-102 MBA-112a MBA-112b PAPER CREDITS Quantitative Methods and Operations Research 4 Economic Environment for Business 4 Production and Operations Management 4 Financial Management 4 Seminar on Negotiation Skills 2 Workshop on Management Information Systems 2 o Introduction to Retail Management (R. Mgt.)* 4 SECTORAL SUBJECT – 1 MARKS 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 o Principles of Banking and Insurance (B & I)* o Introduction to IT and Telecommunications (IT & Tel)* o Introduction to Infrastructure (Infra. Mgt.)* o Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology (Pharma. Mgt.)* o Hospital Planning and Organization (Hosp. Mgt.)* MBA-122 *R. Mgt= Retail Management; B&I= Banking & Insurance; IT & Tel.= IT & Telecommunication; Infra. Mgt.=Infrastructural Management; Pharma. Mgt...
Words: 30662 - Pages: 123
...NON-PERFORMING ASSETSCHALLENGE TO THE PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS INTRODUCTION After liberalization the Indian banking sector developed very appreciate. The RBI also nationalized good amount of commercial banks for proving socio economic services to the people of the nation. The Public Sector Banks have shown very good performance as far as the financial operations are concerned. If we look to the glance of the financial operations, we may find that deposits of public to the Public Sector Banks have increased from 859,461.95crore to 1,079,393.81crore in 2003, the investments of the Public Sector Banks have increased from 349,107.81crore to 545,509.00crore, and however the advances have also been increased to 549,351.16crore from 414,989.36crore in 2003. The total income of the public sector banks have also shown good performance since the last few years and currently it is 128,464.40crore. The Public Sector Banks have also shown comparatively good result. The gross profits of the Public Sector Banks currently 29,715.26crore which has been doubled to the last to last year, and the net profit of the Public Sector Banks is 12,295,47crore. However, the only problem of the Public Sector Banks these days are the increasing level of the non performing assets. The non performing assets of the Public Sector Banks have been increasing regularly year by year. If we glance on the numbers of non performing assets we may come to know that in the year 1997 the NPAs were 47,300crore and reached to 80...
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...SCOPE OF COMPETITION IN RENEWABLE ENERGY SECTOR IN INDIA ___________________________ INTERNSHIP PROJECT REPORT SUBMITTED BY: PRIYANKA VARMA BANARAS HINDU UNIVERSITY VARANASI UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF: MR. VIJAY KUMAR SINGH DEPUTY DIRECTOR (LAW) ____________________________ COMPETITION COMMISSION OF INDIA NEW DELHI JANUARY 2012 i DISCLAIMER This project report has been prepared by the author as an intern under the Internship Programme of the Competition Commission of India for a period of one month from January 2, 2012 to January 30, 2012. This report is for academic purposes only. The views expressed in the report are personal to the intern and do not reflect the views of the Commission or any of its staff or personnel and do not bind the Commission in any manner. This report is the intellectual property of the Competition Commission of India and the same or any part thereof may not be used in any manner whatsoever, without express permission of the Competition Commission of India in writing. Priyanka Varma M.A. (Final) Economics Banaras Hindu University ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My sincere thanks and regards to Mr. Vijay Kumar Singh, Deputy Director (Law), Competition Commission of India, Government of India, for giving me the opportunity to work on this sector and for guiding me every step of the way. I would also like to acknowledge the Library and Support Staff of CCI for their unconditional help and cooperation during the entire duration of my internship...
Words: 20915 - Pages: 84
...Mutual Fund Industries Introduction A mutual fund is financial intermediary that allows investors to pool their money in accordance with predetermined investment objective. The fund manager is responsible for investing the gathered money into bonds, stocks, short-term money market instruments and/or other securities. Thus Mutual fund issues units to the investors and they become a shareholder or unit holder of the fund. The main advantage to mutual funds is that Investment in securities are diversified which minimizing risk & maximizing returns. In mutual funds profits or losses are shared by the investors in proportion to their investments. Regulatory Aspects Regulations for mutual funds were passed in 1993 by Securities and exchange Board of India (SEBI) Act. Any person proposing to set up mutual fund industry is required to be registered with SEBI. The role of SEBI is to regulate the securities market and to protect the interest of investors. SEBI has defined rules related to their credit evaluation policy, formation and administration of mutual funds and also guidelines for calculation of Net Asset Value, disclosure requirements, accounting norms for greater transparency. Current market scenario • First time in past four quarters Mutual Fund industry in India has recorded growth of 4% in quarterly average assets under management. • The rate of saving is 23 % in India. • Foreign based asset management companies are entering in the Indian markets...
Words: 515 - Pages: 3
...Research Paper Jared Linden SMGT 360 Introduction Why would a corporation that is in the business of making profit for its shareholders go beyond regulatory compliance? It’s nice to think that the reasons behind such actions are of good nature – perhaps even philanthropic. And while there are definitely good intentions behind such decision-making, there is also value added for the corporation. Exelon has outlined their goals to be compliant to regulations and their desire to go further. They’ve also positioned themselves as a carbon free alternative for energy by investing heavily in nuclear. However, they are also making a large financial bet by taking this stake. While they are going beyond compliance for greenhouse gas emissions, they are certainly hoping to profit from this stance as well. Greenhouse Gas Regulations Greenhouse gases from anthropogenic sources are one of the main contributors to the rapid climate change that the Earth is now experiencing. As a prominent source for carbon emissions, utilities seem to be a logical place to impose standards. Despite the dire situation, there currently are not strict regulatory concerns for utilities in the United States as far as greenhouse gas emissions are concerned. The President recently proposed a Climate Action Plan that would limit the amount of carbon emissions from new power plant sources. But the standards are for new plants and not existing ones. There have been some attempts at applying the Clean...
Words: 1957 - Pages: 8
...Mutual Fund Industries Introduction A mutual fund is financial intermediary that allows investors to pool their money in accordance with predetermined investment objective. The fund manager is responsible for investing the gathered money into bonds, stocks, short-term money market instruments and/or other securities. Thus Mutual fund issues units to the investors and they become a shareholder or unit holder of the fund. The main advantage to mutual funds is that Investment in securities are diversified which minimizing risk & maximizing returns. In mutual funds profits or losses are shared by the investors in proportion to their investments. | | | | Regulatory Aspects Regulations for mutual funds were passed in 1993 by Securities and exchange Board of India (SEBI) Act. Any person proposing to set up mutual fund industry is required to be registered with SEBI. The role of SEBI is to regulate the securities market and to protect the interest of investors. SEBI has defined rules related to their credit evaluation policy, formation and administration of mutual funds and also guidelines for calculation of Net Asset Value, disclosure requirements, accounting norms for greater transparency. Current market scenario * First time in past four quarters Mutual Fund industry in India has recorded growth of 4% in quarterly average assets under management. * The rate of saving is 23 % in India. * Foreign based asset management companies are entering in...
Words: 516 - Pages: 3
...Business Environment (A project report on FOREIGN COMPANIES OPERATING IN INDIA AND THEIR ENTRY STRATAGIES) My Project report covers: * Introduction * Types of Entry Strategies in India * Two Case studies * Conclusion * Sources Introduction: India Strategy Assessment Businesses entering India should analyse the following points before selecting the Entry Strategy: * Am I entering India at the right time? * How do I get my project approved and deal with the legal regulations? * Who are my sourcing partners? India an incredible promise, demonstrating rapid growth and entrepreneurial spirit. Brickwork India is definitely the gateway to the best of India. We help you in evolving innovative and intelligent strategies to foray your efforts into India. We are a specialist firm that can develop, mould, and monitor your India business strategies. We visualize, implement, and realize India entry strategies for companies from across the globe. Our services include consultancy in Setups, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), Partner Search, Market Research, Procurement Research, Supplier and Distributor Research, etc. We have an exclusive network of professionals, analysts, thought leaders, industry experts, and bureaucrats who help you in a smooth execution of India Strategy projects. Market Intelligence Market & Industry Analysis Company Profiling Feasibility Studies Competitor Analysis Entry Strategy Market...
Words: 2045 - Pages: 9
...POLI3001 Assignment No. 2 Briefly compare the political regime type in China and India. Which of the two would you prefer to do business in and why? India and China are two republics that have experienced very opposing political regimes throughout history. China has been fundamentally stable country with a lack of a distinct authority figure (Desai, 2003). Being a single party state China has been controlled by the Chinese Communist Party since the 5th National Congress held in 1927 (Wang, 2013). Correspondingly India, have always been a federal parliamentary democratic republic where the President of India elected is head of state and the Prime Minister elected is the head of government (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, 2013). This essay will reflect on the political views of both China and India, and attempt to determine why it is more advantageous to do business in India. Government regulation is the process of dissemination, monitoring and enforcement of policy established by appropriate legislation. In, China regulation is central as particular industries are not accessible to foreign investors as the Communist Party aims to restrict external influences on its own population (Desai, 2003). An estimated 90 percent of companies listed on the Chinese exchanges are either partly or fully state-owned (Desai). Retaining a level competition base is significantly reduced, as the chances of competing against a government owned company is more than likely. A good example...
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...PESTLE ANALYSIS: INDIA POLITICAL ANALYSIS Democracy is the focal point of the Indian political system, but is often constrained by social tensions due to religious, caste and linguistic differences. Some of the communal flare-ups—such as Babri Masjid in 1992, Godhra in 2002, and the large exodus of India’s northeastern migrants from the southern cities in 2012 due to fear of attacks by Muslims— have rocked the whole country in the past. In 2013, the country again witnessed communal riots between Jat Hindus and Muslims in the town of Muzaffarnagar (located in the state of Uttar Pradesh), which has been deemed as ―the worst instance of political violence in the country in the last decade‖. In addition, the government’s assent to the creation of a new state of Telangana in southern India has brought intensified demands for new states in other parts of the country, either on ethnic lines or for better administration. Current strengths Strong democratic setup India is the largest democratic nation in the world and principles of democracy are deeply entrenched in the Indian political system. Indian diversity is reflected in the federal political structure of government, where power is shared between states and the center. There are national level elections, state level elections, municipal elections and panchayat (village) level elections, all of which require citizens to exercise their vote. As per the World Bank’s Worldwide governance Indicators, India ranked in the 58...
Words: 8214 - Pages: 33
...economy like India. The present study is related with the derivative market in different commodities in India. The study has tried to describe about the various functions of commodity derivatives market like the players (hedgers, speculators, and arbitrages), the functions of a commodity exchange (NCDEX), clearing and settlement process and also the future potential of commodity derivatives. The role of the regulatory body (forward market commission) and its function is also being discussed. Also the recent development in the field of commodities derivative trading is also being discussed. This report also discuss the evolution of derivatives market in India and also deal with the derivatives like future, forward, swaps and options. Synopsis Commodity markets are an important constituent of the financial markets of any country. It is the market where a wide range of products, viz., precious metals, base metals, crude oil, energy and soft commodities like palm oil, coffee etc. are traded. It is important to develop a vibrant, active and liquid commodity market. This would help investors to hedge their commodity risk, take speculative positions in commodities and exploit arbitrage opportunities in the market. Commodity markets are not well developed in emerging markets like India. Also, till recently, research has not focused on the various issues these markets face issues like the regulation of a commodity market in a country like India or the products...
Words: 2615 - Pages: 11
...SPECTRUM ALLOCATION PROCESS IN INDIA What is Spectrum The word spectrum refers to a collection of various types of electromagnetic radiations of different wavelengths. Spectrum or airwaves are the radio frequencies on which all communication singnals travel. In India the radio frequencies are being used for different types of services like space communication, mobile communication, broadcasting, radio navigation, mobile satellite service, aeronautical satellite services, defence communication etc. Radio frequency is a natural resource but unlike other resources it will deplete when used. But it will be wasted if not used efficiently. The spectrum allocated to Indian telecom operator is most crowded and inadequate to accommodate the usage by 650 million mobile subscribers as on date. This has affected the quality of customer service and resulted in poor voice quality, call drop and undelivered messages of mobile services in India. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++===== ------------------------------------------------- Spectrum Management at International Level ------------------------------------------------- Agencies allocating spectrum : ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Spectrum allocation is important and necessary to ensure interference free operation for each radio service. All nations share the electromagnetic spectrum and reserve their right to its ------------------------------------------------- ...
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