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Invisible Glasses Research Paper

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Everyone wears invisible glasses. These glasses are made up of countless lenses that affect how people see the world and their surroundings. Each lens represents something from one's surroundings and environment that affects their worldview. One of the lenses within my glasses is family; this lens has been influencing my worldview for my entire life. Another lens within my glasses that also has an extensive impact on my worldview is society. Ultimately; however, the lens which has the most impressionable impact on my perspective of the world is the media. The invisible glasses that everyone wears have a tremendous impact on how people see the world; the three most significant lenses within my glasses are family, society, and the media. …show more content…
This lens has been within my glasses for my entire life and is the foundation for how I see things around me. An example of my family's influence on my worldview is how their teachings of treating everyone with respect and not to discriminate would, in turn, make me treat everyone fairly and look at everyone as equals. Another example of how my family affects my worldview would be how their discipline of following rules would make me look down on people who break rules. One more example of my family's influence would be how their teaching of keeping an open mind would make me not immediately jump onto the bandwagon of disapproving of something. Family is one of the most significant lenses within my glasses, it has been affecting my worldview for my entire life and has a major impact on

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