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Irony In The Crucible

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In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the tone of irony boats from every corner you look, this story casts a mirror onto McCarthyism and reflects the outcomes of this ironic process. The Crucible depicts the reality of the Salem Witch Trials in a time of hysteria and fear. Miller uses a past event to emphasize the effects of unnecessary fear imposed by McCarthyism, indirectly relating to the Salem Witch Trials. Miller’s, The Crucible, is one of irony in which it obliquely equates to the consequences of fear and blaming others by relating the Salem Witch Trials to McCarthyism. Abigail’s intentions regarding John Proctor are nothing if not ironic, you can see this perfectly in which Abigail acted out in a complete façade so that she could be …show more content…
During The Red Scare, just as in The Crucible, people were being accused of something out of the social norm without any solid evidence. This created a process in which those accused would accuse someone else to get the negative attention off themselves. Towards the beginning of the story in The Crucible, Abigail sees that Tituba accuses someone else the blame comes off her shoulders; this caused Abigail to come forward and “open” herself to everyone by saying she saw “Sarah Good [and] Goody Osburn with the Devil” (Miller 45). There is strong irony in this for when an innocent is accused all they need to do is admit to seeing the Devil and then blame someone else. As long as the accused proclaims their love for God and that they were under the influence of evil, they are safe. The trial process is similar to this, if you are accused and plead innocent then you are hanged but if you admit to being under the Devil’s influence then you live. Anyone in their right mind would clearly understand that there never was any Devil’s influence nor witches in Salem and yet twenty citizens of Salem were hung, all of which innocent of witchcraft. While these innocent citizens were put to rest, those who blamed others

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