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Is3350 Unit 5 Assignment

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I was a member of Adam Team during the Unit Five assignment. The communication among the team members were very limited, we had one conference call throughout this assignment (Miller & More, 2011). The two important factors that define a group are interaction and influence (Miller & More, 2011). Carla volunteered to lead the Adam Team, but as a leader Carla did not create an action plan for the group; therefore, it is my opinion that our group was not effective (Miller & More, 2011). In reading Chapter 6 of the text the author stated that the leader must be actively involved with the group in order for the group to be effective and successful (Miller & More, 2011). There should have been collaboration on ideas for a community policing program, a clear understanding of which slides each member will be responsible for, and a plan of action for how the members will interact from the very beginning. Carla asked the group which will be better to assign roles or we can volunteer, unfortunately only two responded me and Stacy. It took me sending out an e-mail to all members requesting those who were sitting back to step up and choose a section to complete or get voted out, in order to get the ball rolling. …show more content…
I have no problems working with a team, but I do not perform at a mediocre level but some members of my team appeared to be satisfied with “just getting by”. During our first group meeting, which Kathleen did not participate in, some members of the team even suggested that the other members complete slides for the “lazy members” and we will still include their names on the assignment, of course I objected to this

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