ISSC340 Week 3 Assignment (3% of Grade)
Lesson 3 Review: Networking and the Internet
The purpose of this activity is to reinforce what you have learned so far about local area networks technologies.
1. What is an extranet? (Minimum word count: 30)
An extranet is an internal network that allows users to share information without making it public. It is similar to a business library that allows only employees to have view the content.
2. Describe the function of a firewall. (Minimum word count: 70)
The function of a firewall is to control the flow of information between the internet and private networks. The function of a firewall within a network is similar to a barrier door or gate. It serves as the first line of defense and assists in preventing network attacks. Another way to think of a firewall would be a security guard or metal detector. As information is passed to and from different networks, the firewall is inspecting and looking out for suspicious content.
3. Which tunneling protocols are commonly used by VPNs? (Minimum word count: 25)
The four most commonly used tunneling types for VPN’s are L2TP, IPSec, PPTP, and SSL. L2TP is layer to tunneling protocol and does not provide encryption, IPSec is another an encryption and authentication method that is very time consuming and expensive. PPTP is point to point tunneling and the most supported by VPN. And SSL is secure socket layering and does require software installation.
4. Describe a differential backup. (Minimum word count: 35)
A differential backup is a type of backup that stores and preserves data that has been added or new since that last full backup was performed. It takes the difference from the full back up and add it to its database.
5. What is authentication? (Minimum word count: 50)
Authentication is the process of verifying information or identity to confirm and