ISSC340 Week 1 Assignment (3% of Grade)
Lesson 1 Review: Overview of Local Area Networks
The purpose of this activity is to reinforce what you have learned so far about local area networks technologies.
1. What are the main architectural components of a LAN? (Minimum word count: 60)
There are six parts to the to the LAN architecture components which include the network’s physical topology, the access method, the transmission technique, transmission media, protocols, and LANs interconnectivity. The architecture is the layout of how the network will be connected. The access method is how a particular node (network component) will gain access to a transmission medium. The transmission technique is how data passes throughout the network. Transmission media is the connection to the network whether it be wired or wireless. The protocols are the set of rules that defines how the nodes will communicate with each other. Last but definitely not least is the interconnectivity which determines what and how information is shared.
2. Describe the function and characteristics of a network operating system (NOS). (Minimum word count: 100)
The network operating system (NOS) is what manages resources of the network and allows sharing of services to its clients. There are two different parts of the NOS, the server portions and the client portions. The server portion of the NOS is the more complex portion because it is what manages who can access what resources. It is also what provides the security of the network and can limit who accesses what. The client portion of the NOS is what the end user will be using to access the files. This can range from an Apple product,
Windows, or even android to name a few. This is what allows the client to access the folders and resources of the server almost as if they were being run on the client machine.