Free Essay

It and Communication


Submitted By nishant92008
Words 3415
Pages 14

| | |Batch:2010 |
| | |SEMESTER: I |
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|Computer Fundamentals : (4) |
| |
|Block Diagram and functions of computers – Latest input and output devices-Types of memories-Types of Software- Basics of operating system – Desktop |
|and Server OS. |
|MS-Word : (10) |
| |
|About all toolbars-Shortcut keys-Formatting-editing-header/footer-tab setting-decimal tabs- margin setting- paper setting - spell check-Tables – Mail |
|merge – Labels – Table of Contents -Inserting objects – WordArt- Creating webpages, reports, fax and email using Templates. |
|Ms-Excel (10) |
| |
|Basic operations of spread sheets - Functions of all tool bars – Financial, Mathematical, Statistical, Logical Functions using Function wizard – |
|Drawing all types of graphs(15 types), legends, customizing, and all chart options-conditional formatting-goal seek-all type of formulae |
|–filters-subtotals-sorting. |
|Ms- Powerpoint (5) |
| |
|Basics of presentations – views – slide design –layout – background – slide transition-Slide design – custom animation – set up slide show. |
| |
|5. |
|Internet (5) |
|Fundamentals of E-commerce – Internet business strategy - Various domains – Role of ISPs –Security – components-Business models - different types of |
|Internet connectivity – DIALUP, DSL, VSAT, ISDN, DEDICATED LINE – its features – Browsers – Surfing. |
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| | | |
| | |Batch:2010 |
| | |SEMESTER 1 |
| Reference Books |
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|Computer Fundamental – P.K Sinha |
|Computers Today - Sendor |
|Microsoft Office XP Plain & Simple – Brown & Resources |
|E-commerce – Milind Oka |
|The complete e-commerce book – Reynolds Janice |
|Special Edition using MS-Access 2000 - Jennings |
|Management Information System - Javadekar |
|E-Logistics – Website |
|Enterprise Resource Planning – Garg & Venkatakrishnan |
|ERP –Alexis Leon |
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PgP – SeMster – I
Practical Assignments : I



Knowledge Acquisition:

Knowledge Acquisition is “The transfer and transformation of potential problem-solving expertise from some knowledge source to program”.

This transfer is usually accomplished by a serires of lengthy and intensive interviews between a knowledge engineer, who is normally a computer specialist, and a domain expert who is able to articulate his expertise to some degree. It is estimated that this form of labor produces between two and five units of knowledge per day. This rather low ouptut has led researchers to look upon knowledge acquistion as ‘The bottleneck problem’ of expert systems applications.

There are number of reasons why productivity is typically so poor; here are some of them.

Specialist fields have their own jargon, and it is often difficult for experts to communicate their knowledge in everyday language. Analyzing the concepts behind the jargon is rarely straightforward, since these concepts need not admit of precise mathematical or logical definition.

The facts and principles underlying many domains of interest cannot be characterized precisely in terms of a mathematical theory or a deterministic model whose properties are well understood.

Experts need to know more than the mere facts or principles of a domain in order to solve problems.

Do the following operations.

11 Format the Title in Font - “Georgia”

12 Font size -16

13 Underline style –Words only

14 Effects –Small caps

15 Alignment – Centre

The first paragraph should be justified with 1.5 line spacing and character spacing expanded by 2 pts.

The second paragraph text effects should be sparkle text.

The bullets should be of the symbol (.

Second paragraph left margin should be 1.5 “ and right margin 1.5”.

Take print out and file it.

Practical Assignments : II

23 Draw the following table.

|Level |Department |Present Student Strength in |Actual Intake |Total AICTE |
| | | |(a+b+c+d) |Approved Intake |
| | |I Year (a) |II Year |III Year (c) |IV Year (d) | | |
| | | |(b) | | | | |
|Diploma / PG Diploma| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|Post Graduate |MBA |181 |119 | | | |300 |
|Programmes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| |MCA |56 |52 |65 | |173 |173 |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
|Ph. D |
|103 |JOHN |45 |67 | | | | |
|104 |HENRY |64 |78 | | | | |
|105 |JACOB |67 |87 | | | | |
|106 |MILIND |78 |54 | | | | |
|107 |DAVID |87 |37 | | | | |
|108 |DRAVID |54 |89 | | | | |
|109 |MARY |37 |78 | | | | |
|110 |ROSY |89 |46 | | | | |

24 Calculate the total as SUB1 + SUB2.

25 Find average.

26 Insert the following column before total.


|SUB3 |
|67 |
|78 |
|87 |
|54 |
|37 |
|89 |
|78 |
|46 |

34 Display result as “PASS” only if all subject marks are >49 else “FAIL”.

35 Display Grade as following

If “PASS” and

37 average > 69 then grade = “Distinction”

38 average > 59 then grade = “First class”

39 average > 39 then grade = “second class”

40 else grade = “NIL”.

Practical Assignments : V

Calculate correlation and regression equation for the following data.

|x |Y |
|1 |2 |
|2 |4 |
|3 |6 |
|4 |8 |
|5 |10 |

Find variance and standard deviation for the above data.

Type the following data.

|item |qty |rate |amount |Discount% |Discount amt |net amount |
|i101 |99 |3.5 | | | | |
|i102 |85 |2.6 | | | | |
|i103 |65 |3 | | | | |
|i104 |34 |6 | | | | |
|i105 |56 |5 | | | | |

Calculate amount = qty * rate.

Calculate discount = 12.25% of amount.

net amount = amount – discount.

Use goal seek and set net amount to 150 accordingly adjust discount.

Calculate 13.33% tax for the net amount with absolute reference.

Get date in dd/mm/yyyy in one cell and convert it into dd-month-yyyy format

Enter Date of Birth in one cell and print day of the week in adjacent cell.

Practical Assignments : VI

Generate graphs in Excel for the following data:


|Year |Indian IT Industry Growth Rate % |Pune IT Industry Growth Rate % |
|1998 - 1999 |67.53 |139.13 |
|1999 - 2000 |56.76 |133.81 |
|2000 - 2001 |65.3 |16.64 |
|2001 - 2002 |28.74 |33.33 |
|2002 - 2003 |30.13 |55 |
|2003 - 2004 |28.25 |42.28 |



| |2003 |2002 |2001 |
|Expert System Users |350 |200 |110 |
|Non Users |450 |520 |470 |
| |800 |720 |580 |



|Functional Areas of IT Industries |No. of Industries |
|Software Development |350 |
|Expert Systems |35 |
|Embedded Systems |45 |
|Networking Solutions |90 |
|BPOs |75 |
|Web Development |175 |
|Mainframes |15 |
|System Software |15 |
|Total |800 |



|Database Type |No. of Companies |
|RDBMS |16 |
|Text Files |3 |
|Static Pages |7 |
|Documents / Books |4 |
|Total |30 |



|No of Users |No. of Companies |
| 40 |1 |
|Total |30 |



|Sources of Knowledge |No. of Companies |
|Training |13 |
|Media |6 |
|Internet |6 |
|Seminar |3 |
|Workshop |2 |
|Total |30 |


Practical Assignments : VII

1) Get the output for the following financial functions






79 Rate : 5.5%

80 No. of Period : 12

81 Payment for each period : 3000

2) Calculate IRR (Internal Rate of Return) for the following values.

(-1000, 200, 345, 543, 123, 22)

3) Enter the following data and sort the details based on Dept in descending order. calculate its subtotal department wise.

|Expenses of ABC limited |
| |Dept |year |Expenses |
|4 |Admin |2000 |965482 |
|10 |Admin |2001 |25698 |
|16 |Admin |2002 |458967 |
|22 |Admin |2003 |125478 |
|5 |Maintanence |2000 |458367 |
|11 |Maintanence |2001 |325691 |
|17 |Maintanence |2002 |639874 |
|23 |Maintanence |2003 |36987 |
|3 |Marketing |2000 |565420 |
|9 |Marketing |2001 |369871 |
|15 |Marketing |2002 |325478 |
|21 |Marketing |2003 |369875 |
|6 |Production |2000 |124879 |
|12 |Production |2001 |632145 |
|18 |Production |2002 |369875 |
|24 |Production |2003 |12658 |
|2 |Purchase |2000 |225000 |
|8 |Purchase |2001 |15788 |
|14 |Purchase |2002 |65874 |
|20 |Purchase |2003 |12456 |
|1 |Sales |2000 |450000 |
|7 |Sales |2001 |65987 |
|13 |Sales |2002 |98745 |
|19 |Sales |2003 |32698 |

From the above data use auto filter and retrieve the following details.

88 Extract all details of year 2002 only.

89 Find the Sales dept details where expenses > 40000

90 Display the expenses of all dept between 45000 – 78000.

91 What is the Maximum expenses of Maintenance Dept ?

Find the last cell in excel sheet using short cut keys.

Insert a new sheet named “INDIRA” and copy the expenses table in it.

Which is the last row and last column in a Spread Sheet?

How will you navigate to a particular cell ? (goto DA17 cell)

What is the short cut to edit a particular cell ?


Practical Assignments :IX

Power Point Exercises

Power Point Assignment on custom animation:

1) Explain the term custom animation with example? 2) Write down the steps to apply custom animation on text. 3) Write down the steps to control the speed of animation applied to the text. 4) Write a message “ HAPPY NEW YEAR” and apply the following motion animations on the text a. Up b. Down c. Right d. Curve Path 5) Write a message “ Thank you” on slide and apply animation so that text should disappear from slide in diamond format. 6) Apply an animation so that the size of the text should get increased and color should get changed. 7) Apply animation on important headings of your presentation so it should be displayed on screen in blast form. 8) Apply time settings on animation in terms of seconds. 9) what is order and re-order in custom animation? 10) How to remove animation from text. 11) What is slide Transition? Apply comb horizontal slide transition on first and third slides.
12) Apply sound settings along with slide transition.

Practical Assignments : X

Topic – Tourists spots in India

Create a PowerPoint presentation with minimum 7 slides and attempt the questions given below.

1. Choose a blank presentation 2. Choose title layout for the first slide Give appropriate title and sub-title. and choose appropriate slide layout for the remaining slides. 3. Apply suitable design template of your choice. 4. Format the background with good colour combinations. 5. Insert suitable pictures from clip – art. 6. Apply custom animation on the following PowerPoint - Assignment xi

|On Item |Effect |Speed |Direction |Start |
|Slide 2 & Slide 3 Title |Checkerboard |Medium |Across |On click |
|Slide 2 & Slide 3 |Fly In |Medium |Left |With previous |
|Text | | | | |
|Slide 4 & Slide 5 |Wedge |Medium |- |After previous |
|Title | | | | |
|Slide 4 & Slide 5 |Grow / Shrink |Medium |Size 150 % |On click |
|Text | | | | |
|Slide 6 & Slide 7 |Diagonal Down Right |Medium |Unlocked |After previous |
|Title | | | | |
|Slide 6 & Slide 7 |Unfold |Medium |- |On click |
|Text | | | | |

7. Give slide transitions effects as given below

|Slide 1 |Comb Horizontal |medium |
|Slide 2 , Slide 3, Slide 4 |Checkerboard Down |medium |
|Slide 5 , Slide 6& Slide 7 |Cover Right Up |medium |

8. Give suitable font color and size for the text in all the slides.

Practical Assignments : XII

Create a Custom Slide Show
The Custom Slide Show feature allows you to select the slides you want to display in the slide show if not all the slides should be used. 1. Select Slide Show|Custom Slide Show from the menu bar. [pic] 2. Click the New... button in the Custom Shows window. 3. In the Define Custom Show window, type a name for the slide in the Slide show name field. [pic] 4. Add slides to the custom show by highlighting them in the Slides in presentation window and clicking the Add >> button. Those slides will then appear in the Slides in custom show window. 5. To remove slides from the custom show, highlight their names in the Slides in custom show window and click the Remove button. 6. To reorder slides in the custom show, highlight the slide that should be moved and click the up and down arrows to change its order in the show. 7. Click OK when finished. 8. Click the Show button on the Custom Shows window to preview the custom slide show and click Close to exit.

Edit a Custom Slide Show
1. Select Slide Show|Custom Slide Show from the menu bar. 2. Edit the show by highlighting the name in the Custom shows box and clicking the Edit... button. 3. To delete a show, highlight the name and click Remove. 4. Create a copy of a show by clicking the Copy button. The copy can then be renamed by clicking the Edit... button. 5. Click the Show button to preview the custom slide show and click Close to exit. Hide the last slide :- Select Slide Show|Hide Slide from the menu bar. To add the slide back to the slide show, select Slide Show|Hide Slide again.

Practical Assignments : XIII

Working with Hyperlinks in your Slide show.

Step 1:

Create the PowerPoint with the following Slides.

Slide 1: Title: Indira School of Management Studies SubTitle: PGDBM, Course Structure.

Slide 2: Title: Course Contents Text: Semester I Semester II Semester III Semester IV Campus Tour End

Slide 3: Title: Semester I Text: Enter list of Subjects in Sem I

Slide 4: Title: Semester II Text: Enter list of Subjects in Sem II

Slide 5: Title: Semester III Text: Enter list of Subjects in Sem III

Slide 6: Title: Semester IV Text: Enter list of Subjects in Sem IV

Slide 7: Title: Campus Tour Movie Clip: Insert the desired Movie Clip

Slide 8: Title: Thank You Image: Related Image

Step 2:

Creating Hyper links within the presentation.

i) In second Slide, select the text “Semester I.”

ii) After the selection, create hyperlink for the slide which you want to create a link.

iii) You can create a link by three ways. a. From Insert Menu, Select Hyperlink or b. Right Click on the selected Text, Choose Hyper link or c. Use Shortcut Key combination, Ctrl + K for opening the Hyperlink dialog Box.

iv) In this dialog box, on the left most pane you can see four tabs. a. Existing Webpage b. Place in This Document c. Create New Document d. email Address

v) Choose second Tab, Place in this Document to have a link in the same document for a different page.

vi) On the right pane, you can see various slides; select the required slide which you want to be shown from that text you are referring.

vii) Continue this process still all the text in slide had been linked to the respective pages in the presentation is linked.

viii) In the referred slides, you can have any text or image having link for the called slide, so that you can come back to the start position and navigate further from the single starting point.

Practical Assignments :XIV


1. Create a Database on your name and generate a “Student table” using Table wizard with the following fields. StudentID Auto number FirstName Text 25 LastName Text 20 Address Text 100 City Text 15 PostalCode Number 6 Email Id Text 30

2. In the table design view do the following validations. a) Firstname and LastName should not be blank. b) Address should have default value as “ Not Entered”. c) Pincode should be greater than 100000. d) Default of value of Email Id should be “Not Applicable”.

3. Enter the following Records.

|FirstName |LastName |Address |City |Postalcode |Email Id |
|Robert |John |10. Car Street |Calcutta |700120 | |
|Jimmy |George |3. M.G. Road |Banglore |411033 | |
|Abhay |Sharma |1. N.K. Road |Banglore |511002 | |
|Abhishek |Agarwal |12. New Baugh |New Delhi |110010 | |
|Mansi |Swapna |11. Triplicane |Chennai |611004 | |

4. Insert a new text field called “Remarks” in the table. 5. Count number of students available. 6. Display the Students whose name starting with A. 7. Insert a new record with your details. 8. Change the Email-Id of the students who are residing in Banglore. 9. Display the Students who are from Calcutta. 10. Display FirstName and City order by Firstname and then by City in Descending order.

Practical Assignments :XV

Ms Access
a) Create the following tables Company and Person.
b) Create a one to many relationship between them
c) Do the queries given below

|Company |
|comp_no |comp_name |comp_adrr |
|1 |bajaj |Akrudi |
|2 |century |pune camp |
|3 |hero |pune camp |
|4 |mahindra |f c road |
|5 |tata motors |wakedewadi |
|6 |telco |Chinchwad |
|7 |thermax |Chinchwad |
|8 |tvs |f c road |
|9 |kinetic |Akrudi |
|10 |opel |pune camp |

|Person |
|p_no |p_name |p_addr |comp_no |p_designation |p_salary |
|1 |anita |akrudi |1 |Director |25000 |
|2 |anagha |pune camp |2 |Designer |10000 |
|3 |aparna |satara |3 |Director |35000 |
|4 |asha |nagar rd |3 |Sales Executive |6000 |
|5 |manisha |f c road |2 |Sales Executive |4500 |
|6 |nisha |satara |1 |Manager |9600 |
|7 |Rohini |f c road |4 |Designer |15000 |
|8 |Smitha |wakedewadi |5 |Director |25000 |
|9 |Reshma |pune camp |5 |Sales Executive |5000 |


1. Display all the names of persons who belong to address pune camp 2. Display all details of persons where person address and company address is akrudi 3. Display all details of the persons whose salary is greater than 10000 4. Display all names of persons belonging to hero company 5. Display all details of persons whose designation is Sales Executive 6. Display all names of persons staring with alphabet a 7. Display all names of persons containing alphabet a

Practical Assignments :XVI

Access Assignment 1. Create the following tables dept, Emp, Salary 2. Create the relationship between them and then enter records 3. Execute the following queries given below

|Dept |
|Dept_no |Dept_name |
|3 |STORES |
|4 |HR |
|5 |SALES |

|Emp |
|Emp_no |Emp_name |Emp_addr |Dept_no |
|1 |Anagha |Pune |1 |
|2 |Anisha |Mumbai |2 |
|3 |Anita |Pune |1 |
|4 |Smitha |Pune |1 |
|5 |Sarita |Mumbai |2 |
|6 |Ruby |Chennai |3 |
|7 |Stella |Chennai |3 |
|8 |Rekha |Hyderabad |2 |

|Salary |
|Id |Emp_no |Dept_no |Salary |Month |
|1 |1 |1 |10000 |JUNE |
|2 |2 |2 |23000 |JUNE |
|3 |3 |1 |5000 |JUNE |
|4 |4 |1 |7000 |JULY |
|5 |5 |2 |8900 |JULY |
|6 |6 |3 |32000 |AUG |
|7 |7 |3 |12000 |AUG |
|8 |8 |2 |4567 |SEPT |

Queries 1. Display all names of employees who belong to address Pune 2. Display all details of persons where dept name is FINANCE 3. Display all details of persons whose salary is greater than 12000 4. Display all names of persons who got salary for the month of JUNE 5. Display all names of persons starting with alphabet a

Practical Assignments :XVII

Access Assignment 1. Create the following tables Books, Transaction, Member 2. Create the relationship between them and then enter records 3. Execute the following queries given below Books:

|Book_Id |Book_name |No of copies |
|1 |If tomorrow comes |12 |
|2 |Morning Noon & Night |10 |
|3 |SQLfor professionals |23 |
|4 |IT Fundamentals |20 |
|5 |PC Quest |15 |
|6 |India Today |21 |

Member :
|Member_id |Member_name |Member_addr |
|1 |Verma |Kothrud |
|2 |Asif |Pashan |
|3 |Das |Aundh |
|4 |Kulkarni |Camp |
|5 |Bhatia |Wakad |
|6 |Deepak |Aundh |
|7 |Thakur |Aundh |
|8 |Anita |Aundh |


|Id |Member_id |Book_id |Date of Issue |Return Date |
|1 |1 |1 |16/2/04 |23/2/04 |
|2 |2 |2 |27/2/04 |6/3/04 |
|3 |6 |1 |08/03/04 |15/03/04 |
|4 |6 |1 |6/04/04 |12/4/04 |
|5 |5 |2 |15/05/04 |22/05/04 |
|6 |6 |4 |15/5/04 |22/5/04 |
|7 |7 |4 |21/9/04 |27/09/04 |
|8 |8 |2 |21/9/04 |27/09/04 |

Queries 4. Display all details of book id= 2 5. Display all details of members who has taken book “If Tomorrow Comes” 6. Display all members who has taken books on 15th may 04 7. Display all member details whose address is Aundh and who has taken “IT Fundamentals” 8. Display the transaction details for the date “ 21/9/04”

Practical Assignments : XVIII


1. Surf Information on how cockpit voice recorders work 2. Find a site where children can ask questions about how the universe works 3. Find the text of "Frankenstein". What formats is it available in? 4. Find information about the best palmtop computer (or other consumer item of your choice) to buy. 5. Browse information and recent trends of e-logistics. 6. List Five companies in each field (Marketing, Sales, Purchase, Maintanence, Telcom, HR, Admin, Finance, Banking) who are outsourcing. (BPO). 7. Search Five reference books for each subject of PGDBM – Trimester – I . (Excluding books that are given in Syllabus). 8. Find Ten sites that publishes research Papers every year. 9. Find 10 e-Commerce sites or Cyber mall sites. 10. Download PDF files which has information about a) Balance Score Card b) Internet based Mass Customization c) Effective of WTO (World Trade Organization) on India. d) Production export and import of automobiles of India e) Life cycle of Knowledge Management f) Country profile of Srilanka and Russia. g) Government site information of your State h) Latest trends in Recruitment i) Overseas Market Research of any Indian Product. j) Trends affecting Job Marketing


85/5A – New Mumbai Pune Highway , Tathawade , Pune – 411 033.
(22933279 - 84

Course : PGDBM

Subject Name : Computer Fundamentals I

Semester : I

Revision date : 20/5/2005

Approved by

Prof. Chetan Wakalkar Director - ISMS

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...Anna Neriza E. Custodio Rheyneil H. Caballero Clark Jonar R. Aguilar Chapter 6 Communication Communication is a requirement for survival and growth not only of people but also organizations. In the past, nations rose and fell depending on their ability to communicate effectively. History is replete with stories of individuals who became successful because of their effective management of communication. When ancient Rome became the target of hostile forces, its communication system was effective enough to warn its leaders about the forthcoming danger. Modern armies consider communication as an important factor in waging a successful attempt to defeat the enemy. In the same manner, modern organizations consider communication as an important factor in motivating their employees to improve productivity and to meet competition. What is Communication? Communication may be defined as the transfer of information including feelings, and ideas, from one person to another, the goal of communication is to have the receiver understand the message as it was intended. The transfer process, however, is affected by a number of factors that either help or hinder the message. The Importance of Communication Without communication, organizations cannot exist. It is through communication that the individual members of the organization will know the important concerns such as: 1. What their organization is 2. What objectives their organization wants to achieve 3. What their roles are...

Words: 3447 - Pages: 14

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...HCS 320 Communication Opinion Paper Communication Communication refers to the simple process of sending and receiving messages. Great communicators are endowed with exceptional capacity to speak and build a climate of openness to make people listen attentively, leading to personal effectiveness” (Showry, M. M., & Manasa, K. 2012). However, in some instances, the messages sent and received may be unclear to either party. The communication process involves more to make certain there is mutual understanding. Mutual understanding supports the effectiveness of communication; this is a significant factor. Effective Communication Effective communication is a two-way process; it entails sending the right message while making certain that the information received is accurate and supporting understanding. An individual must have interpersonal skills to master effective communication. Effectively communicating involves the shared understanding of the feelings, thoughts, wants, needs, and intentions of the communicators, which may not be openly expressed in words (Cheesebro, T., O’Connor, L., & Rios, F. 2010; pg 5). To communicate effectively, one must understand and incorporate the basic elements of communication. The basic elements of communication are sender/receiver, encoding, decoding, message, channel, and feedback. Basic Elements The first element of communication is the sender and receiver. When speaking, an individual acts as a “transceiver” by not only sending information...

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...The Ways of having an Effective Organizational Communication Communication is fundamental to the foundation, success and effectiveness of an organization. Experts note that too much communication is not a bad thing. While some think of it as a just part of the bureaucracy, communication is essential in managing employees and pushing for organizational growth. Without proper communication between different components of the organization, it is impossible to properly facilitate processes and other procedures. Organizational communication involves formal and informal communications throughout an organization. This branch of communications considers an organization's communications to employees, with employees and from employees to upper management. When a business or agency does not establish clear communication policies, define roles or provide training for better communications, this can result in several barriers to effective communication. The writer is showed the element of communication process involve. There is an idea that need to communicate, and the message will sent to receiver in the form of verbally and non-verbally. The successful transmission is depends on content and context. Content is the way to deliver message through tone, expression, body language as well as gestures. However the content is the actual words which is a part of the message. In the article, there are 3 types of communication barriers. Those are ourselves , perception and mental stage. Normally...

Words: 1326 - Pages: 6

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...Professional Health Care Communication Professional Health Care Communication There are many different modules of communication in healthcare. Communications relays feelings, and thoughts through a series of verbal and non-verbal cues. In the healthcare setting effective communication among the healthcare team is crucial. It allows for minimal miscommunication, and safe quality care of the patient. The lack of communication results in healthcare providers missing important information which can lead to misunderstanding or wrong interpretations of the patient’s needs and/or expectations. Poor communication affects both healthcare professionals and patients. Patients may not understand their rights and the choices available to them if communication is not clear, concise and correct. (Arnold & Boggs. 2011). Additional exploration will show of how relevant effective professional healthcare communication is to health outcomes, and how the lack of effective personal and professional communication contributes to poor health outcomes. “Healthcare communication is concerned with the application of communication concepts and theories to transactions that occur among individuals on health-related issues” (Northhouse, 1998). The healthcare spectrum is a broad entity that encompasses roles of healthcare providers ranging from community outreach programs, to physician’s offices, hospitals, and individuals working in the community, to the insurance companies, and includes individuals...

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...Communication factors and theories Communication is the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. (Oxford Dictionary 2014) Communication is fundamental to human life, and whether communication is voluntary or involuntary it exists within all human beings (McCabe and Timmins 2006) We as individuals develop communication skills from an early age to enable us to progress and respond. As we grow older we learn to respond to others in a way that the situation requires. We are not always going to feel the same and people will not be the same towards to us. It is vital that we learn to recognise how people are feeling and adjust our communication skills towards them accordingly. Effective communication involves much more than just giving or receiving information. Good communication and interpersonal skills are essential to the practice of effective health and social care. In communicating with others, the practitioner needs to be able to use a variety of strategies to ensure professional practice, meet health and social care needs and facilitate positive working relationships. Different localities, ethnic groups, and work cultures all have their own terminology, speech patterns and phrases. Some people may feel threatened or excluded by the kind of speech they encounter in these speech communities. Special terminology used by care professionals is often called jargon. Jargon can create barriers for people who are not a part of these...

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The Importance Of Communication In Communication

...understanding when addressing your message to the audience, in written or spoken form. In business communication, having your audience understand your message is vital to success. The strategies that are being focused on are: Clarity, Conciseness, Credibility, Tone and Reference. Clarity is a big part of communication as it enforces understanding within the message. In other words, it allows for communication to flow naturally, and be understood easily. Without clarity, an audience may be thinking about something you said (such as a word, that they aren't familiar with), rather than thinking about what your message is about. In the past, I have used clarity to help describe a problem to a customer, rather than using difficult “trade terms” for them. Here's an example: “Look at the back of your TV, and you will see three cables. They are red, yellow and white colored.” That sentence is much easier to understand than “Look at the input...

Words: 874 - Pages: 4

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Communication 1,050-word paper describing demonstrative communication, which includes nonverbal and unwritten communication and involves such things as facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. Include the following elements in your paper: Provide examples showing how demonstrative communication can be effective, ineffective, positive, and negative for the sender and receiver. * Explain how demonstrative communication involves listening and responding. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Demonstrative communication is when an expression made either by tone or body language. When it comes to nonverbal and unwritten communication facial expressions can demonstrate on exactly how the individual feels about the message. The response will be given efficiently because message was set up to allow receiver to give positive feedback. Demonstrative communication can be ineffective if the receiver misinterprets the message. An example would be when the receiver is from a different culture and the message is interpreted in a way sender did not want to convey. Thus the message deliverance is not accomplished because feedback from decoding message is negative. Demonstrative communication uses the influence of messages with tone of voice and body language with interpretation. Thus sender and receiver on a positive note can communicate efficiently because of the response implied before verbal or written communication. The negative side of things for sender and receiver...

Words: 505 - Pages: 3

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...effective communication can be achieved in an organization.  (Be sure to refer to both interpersonal and organizational communication.) Communication is a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. The effectiveness of communication is therefore determined whether the receiver attributes the same meaning to the message after interpreting it. Whether on an individual or organizational level it is important to achieve effective communication in an organization because failing to do so will result in lowered efficiency and effectiveness. Interpersonal Communication This type of communication takes place every time we interact. A breakdown in this type of communication can be costly to an organization animosity and reduced co-operation in the workplace. The sender and the receiver shares responsibility for effective communication. Thus, senders must send a clear message and receivers must possess good listening skills for the communication to be effective. Sending a Clear Message Verbal communication accounts significant percentage of communication that takes place. In communicating one must be careful of word choice; concrete and abstract. Concrete words represent objects and makes ideas easily conveyed while abstract words are ambiguous and as a result an idea conveyed with this word usage is subjective. Effective communication can be...

Words: 375 - Pages: 2

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...Communication Coordinator Tonya Krchelich HCS/320 August 25, 2014 Sandra Anderson Communication Coordinator A communication coordinator is responsible for connecting a company or business to the media. Responsibilities include building media lists, planning events, and creating press material to determine the success of a campaign. Communication coordinators may use traditional, electronic or social media communication methods to address the public. In the scenario given, a well-known public figure has been affected by a medication. We will examine advantages and disadvantages of using these forms of communication. This paper will, also, look at the effects of HIPAA regarding these communication methods. One of the worst things that can happen to a drug manufacturer, is that a well-known public figure is negatively affected by one of its medications. What happens next can determine the success of the manufacturer. Forms of communication, such as, social media can quickly get the word out to many consumers about the negative effects of the drug. Social media includes outlets, such as, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. According to ECRI Institute, a study that was done in February of 2011 by the National Research Corporation showed, “that 41% of 23,000 respondents used social media to research healthcare decisions, almost 94% said that Facebook was their primary source, followed by YouTube at 32%,” (Health care risk control, 2011). This is because many people...

Words: 1106 - Pages: 5

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...Communication Cesar A. Salomon Grantham University Abstract The purpose of this paper is to talk about the different types and styles of communications and why it is important to an organization. Communication So let’s begin this paper with the types of communications in an organization. There are basically only two of them: Verbal Communication and Non-Verbal Communication. Verbal Communication is simply put is communication between management and all other personnel within an organization whether it be by word of mouth, over the telephone or email or other types of correspondence such as memos or fliers. Weekly meetings is one of the main staple of passing along information to your employees. They are told when projects are coming up, given praise when a job has been done well and complemented. Given grief when the job was not completed on time or there were other problems that arose that could have been prevented. Writing an email to everyone, especially when personnel are in other locations. This ensures that everyone gets it, and you have a soft copy kept on your computer. Speaking with your employees over the telephone works just the same as a meeting or an email, because they hear it directly from you. Then you have Non-Verbal Communication which is another way of saying grapevine or what you hear around the office. Where information is being passed along but it hasn’t been confirmed by management. This can lead to misinformation, but it could be helpful...

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