Premium Essay

It241R4 Appendix H


Submitted By digitalair
Words 493
Pages 2
Associate Level Material
Appendix H

Wireless Network Types Summary Tables

Complete the Week Nine Capstone CheckPoint by filling in the summary tables below. These tables will help you summarize wireless network types.

Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN)

|Maximum transmission distance |(WPAN) is a wireless computer network used for communication between computer |
| |devices within close proximity of a user. |
|Two current applications of WPANs |The most common technology in WPANs are Bluetooth |
| |ZigBee is another RF medium that has the potential of low-cost wireless networking|
| |between devices in a WPAN architecture. |
|Research WPANs and list one future use of this |Some industry groups have for years been using another version, 802.15.4, to bring|
|technology. |wireless home automation and control to homes. |

Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)

|Maximum transmission distance |Local area networks provide networking for a building |
| |or campus environment. large corporations can deploy and manage 802.11 WLANs on a |
| |global scale. |
|Two current applications of WLANs |The majority of 802.11 wireless network deployments are indeed LANs that provide |
| |access at businesses and homes.

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