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It354 Final Project


Submitted By Mmtrd2
Words 344
Pages 2
1. Employees all have employee ID’s, first names, last names, middle initials, street addresses, city , state, postal codes, and a date of birth.
(empId int NOT NULL, LastName char(15), FirstName char(15), MiddleInit char(1), Street char(15), City char(15), State char(2),
Zip int, DOB date)

2. Departments all have department IDs, department names, and a department description, and a department manager.
Departments(DeptID, DeptName, DeptDescription, ManagerID)

3. An employee can work for only one department.
To accomplish this I created a one to many relationship:

4. Each department can have multiple employees but only one manager.
By including the ManagerID (which is the EmpID from Employees) within the department table each department will be able have only one manager.
But within our one to many relationship each department can have many employees assigned to it.

5. Create 5 fictional employees within the employee table.

6. Create 2 fictional departments within the department table of the database.

7. Products each have a product ID, product name, product description, weight and vendorID.
In order to resolve my many to many relationship between products and vendors I split the vendorID from the Products table and put it into a separate table which includes the ProdID and VendorID to match the vendors with the products they carry: Products are associated with a vendor ID but not in the Products table.
Products(ProdID, productName, productDescr, Weight)
VendorProd(VendorID, ProdID)

8. Vendors each have a Vendor ID, Vendor name, address, city, state, and postal code.
Vendors(PendorID, VendorName, StreetAddress, City, State, Zip)

9. Products can be ordered from multiple vendors and vendors can ship multiple products. (hint: you need to resolve this many to many relationship somehow)
In order to resolve my many to many relationship between products and vendors I split the vendorID from the Products table and put it into a separate table which includes the ProdID and VendorID to match the vendors with the products they carry:

10. Create at least 2 fictional products.

11. Create at least 3 fictional vendors.

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