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Jails and Prisons


Submitted By cyrobles
Words 521
Pages 3
Jail and Prison


May 3, 2012
Albert Mendoza

Jail and Prison

Prisons and jails hold some similar characteristics but are entirely different entities in which they serve in the legal system. A prison is where all convicted offenders are to spend their sentences that range from one year to life and in jail most offenders are only there either for holding, pending transportation to prison units or serving a sentence for a short amount of time ranging from a few months to a year. There are four types of prisons federal, state, municipal, and military. Federal prison is operated and managed by the government who normally house inmates who have been convicted of a crime in violation of a federal statue. State prisons are facilities operated by a state and used to house and rehabilitate criminals. State prisons have a minimum and maximum security prisons which are divided based on the severity of the crime. Municipal prison is a high security prison. Military prison is operated by the military and is used to house prisoners of war, enemy combatants, those whose freedom is deemed a national security risk by the military or national authority and member of the military found guilty of a serious crime. The concept of prison as a total institution is to have authorities the life of the inmates controlled by the authorities. If the authorities weren’t in control then the whole prison system would be pointless. Jails play a big role in our criminal justice system because it helps keep our prisons from being over crowed. Our criminal justice system uses prisons for temporary basis. We use community based corrections programs associated with jails and prisons to also keep our prison and jails from overcrowding. These programs offer an alternative to incarceration within the prison system, some inmates, who might have been ready to turn away from a

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