...Contact Cities are generators of economic life and source of changes in the world. Thereby, Jane Jacobs in her book The Death and Life of Great American Cities puts into relief the role of cities on the social and economic levels, while denouncing the disastrous consequences of urban renewal programs. To that extent, in chapters 2 and 3, she discusses "The Uses of Sidewalks”, arguing that over all people need safety and trust in their city. Therefore, first she claims the necessity of keeping streets and sidewalks safe because they are the “vital organs” of cities (29). Secondly, she argues that the functioning of cities should be organized in order to foster human interaction in which “casual public trust” would evolve from (56-57). Hence, we come to understand that safety and contact in the streets are essential points to establish the social and economic development of a city. Jacobs starts the first part of his book with the notion of safety in the city, by assuming that the lack of safety in a city is in fact the lack of safety in the sidewalks: "When people say that a city, or a part of it, is dangerous or is a jungle what they mean primarily is that they do not feel safe on the sidewalks" (30). Although crime can occur in private spaces, Jacobs’ assumption is true to the extent that criminals would probably not show up on secure and frequented and streets. Then, Jacobs provides three qualities to make a city’s sidewalks safe: First, a distinction between “the public...
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...would be to have my future hinge on such people and such decisions. (Jane Jacobs (b. 1916), U.S. urban analyst. As quoted in the New York Times, p. 18 (May 31, 1993). The author of several books, including the classic Death and Life of Great American Cities, Jacobs was describing an interaction with urban planners from Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She never attended college.) Read more quotations about / on: future, people 2 Artists, whatever their medium, make selections from the abounding materials of life, and organize these selections into works that are under the control of the artist.... In relation to the inclusiveness and literally endless intricacy of life, art is arbitrary, symbolic and abstracted. That is its value and the source of its own kind of order and coherence. (Jane Jacobs (b. 1916), U.S. urban analyst. The Death and Life of Great American Cities, ch. 19 (1961). Jacobs lived in the lively, diverse Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan (New York City).) Read more quotations about / on: life 3 ... city areas with flourishing diversity sprout strange and unpredictable uses and peculiar scenes. But this is not a drawback of diversity. This is the point ... of it. (Jane Jacobs (b. 1916), U.S. urban analyst. The Death and Life of Great American Cities, ch. 10 (1961). Jacobs lived in the lively, diverse Greenwich Village neighborhood in Manhattan (New...
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...In The Death and Life of Great American Cities Jane Jacobs is concerned with the problems of city planning and the strategy that planners followed in the year of 1961. Jacobs provides a good analysis of what contributes to the success of neighborhoods by looking at city streets and sidewalks, parks and neighborhoods. She explained that the street is the essential public space of a city providing safety and also allows for a healthy level of informal human contact, balancing between the need for privacy and the need for community. A high ratio of adults and enough sidewalk space allows children to play freely, relieves some of the burdens and costs of parenting. Small parks can benefit an already vibrant neighborhood, but they must fit their context. Out of place or excessively large parks interrupt street life and denigrate its safety. Underused parks can be redeemed by specializing in a certain service or activity. It is most effective, politically and socially, to consider cities in three senses: as whole cities, as neighborhoods, and as districts, each with different needs and strategies. Jacobs argued that urban renewal did not respect the needs of most city-dwellers. Jacobs is well known for organizing grassroots efforts to protect existing neighborhoods from, "slum clearance," and particularly for her opposition to Robert Moses in his plans to overhaul her neighborhood of Greenwich Village. She is responsible for the eventual cancellation of the Lower Manhattan Expressway...
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...about the structure of the area. We think about the attractions, the buildings, and most importantly the streets. In Jane Jacob’s book The Death and Life of Great American Cities, she explores the “orthodox planning” of city architects and attacks their way of building cities (Jacobs 41). While observing cities and safety, Jacobs points out blatant problems regarding cities especially delving into sidewalk safety. She also discusses solutions to these obvious errors of the city planners. Just as Jacobs has done, I observed a few places in the cities I live in and have connected my observations with Jacobs’ analysis. Jane Jacobs starts off by pointing out the fact that streets and sidewalks are by “itself…nothing” but an “abstraction” (Jacobs 29). These streets and sidewalks are only considered to be an integral part of the buildings and attractions that are a part of the city. They become something of value only when people start to use them to conduct daily business and extracurricular activities. As I have observed in Wedgewood Drive, Lansdale during the early hours of the morning the streets are deserted except for a few people getting up to go to the mosque for prayer. As the day progresses the local residents start to make use of the streets and conduct their activities and that is when Jacobs’ solution to city safety and peace are brought forth. Jane Jacobs suggests that solution for sidewalk and city safety. In her book she states that “public peace…is not kept primarily...
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...Long-term implications Urban renewal sometimes lives up to the hopes of its original proponents – it has been assessed by politicians, urban planners, civic leaders, and residents – it has played an undeniably[citation needed] important role. Additionally, urban renewal can have many positive effects. Replenished housing stock might be an improvement in quality; it may increase density and reduce sprawl; it might have economic benefits and improve the global economic competitiveness of a city's centre. It may, in some instances, improve cultural and social amenity, and it may also improve opportunities for safety and surveillance. Developments such as London Docklands increased tax revenues for government. In late 1964, the British commentator Neil Wates expressed the opinion that urban renewal in the USA had 'demonstrated the tremendous advantages which flow from an urban renewal programme,' such as remedying the 'personal problems' of the poor, creation or renovation of housing stock, educational and cultural 'opportunities'.[26] As many examples listed above show, urban renewal has been responsible for the rehabilitation of communities—as well as displacement. Replacement housing – particularly in the form of housing towers – might be difficult to police, leading to an increase in crime, and such structures might in themselves be dehumanising. Urban renewal is usually non-consultative. Urban renewal continues to evolve as successes and failures are examined and new models...
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...Urban Renewal in New Haven, CT Education is a number one factor when it comes to planning for the future. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, grandparent, or a high school senior rummaging through college trip packages looking for the median between your perspective lifestyle and your SAT scores. There is an unidentified common ground that is correlated between education and where the education being received is located. A parent may want to send their child to a specific school because of a good district, good reviews, or even because the housing in the area is affordable for them. Another reason would be that the location is the best place their children can get an education for what was bargained in terms of schooling fees. A prospective college student may choose a school based on the programs offered that would aid towards their career path, the student may want to study abroad, they may want to be outside of the normal environmental climate, or simply just because they want to establish life in a specific area. But who is to say that the community in which the education is received in is also a big part of the student’s life. The interaction between the student and the surrounding neighborhood can be very crucial to an extent. Whatever the case may be location is a key aspect when choosing an education system for your needs. However there have been instances where this correlation may not have turned out to be the best for some families. To be precise in the last two...
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...1. Reuben (Num. 26:5–11): 43,730 Rueben means look or see, a son. 2. Simeon (Num. 26:12–14): 22,200which means hearing 3. Gad (Num. 26:15–18): 40,500Gad (fortune) 4. Judah (Num. 26:19–22): 76,500 s meaning ‘praised’, as derived from the root ydh, ‘to praise 5. Issachar (Num. 26:23–25): 64,300j Issachar sounds like the Hebrew for reward. 6. Zebulun (Num. 26:26–27): 60,500 “gift” as well as “honor” 7. Manasseh (Num. 26:28–34): 52,700 8. Ephraim (Num. 26:35–37): 32,500 9. Benjamin (Num. 26:38–41): 45,600Son of my right hand 10. Dan (Num. 26:42–43): 64,400 (judgement), saying, “God hath judged me 11. Asher (Num. 26:44–47): 53,400 (happy) (“blessing”) 12. Naphtali (Num. 26:48–50): 45,400(wrestlings), My struggle 13. Levi (Num. 26:57–62): 23,000 which means attachment, saying, (joined), God has used some of the worst things to accomplish some of the best. Barry, J. D., Grigoni, M. R., Heiser, M. S., Custis, M., Mangum, D., & Whitehead, M. M. (2012). Faithlife Study Bible. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software. Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Nu 26:5–62). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers. Reuben – viewing (or behold) the son Simeon – hearing and obeying Levi – joining or cleaving to Judah – confession or praise of God Zebulon – home or dwelling place Issachar – reward or what is given by way of reward Dan – judging Gad –...
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...would be a great nation and blessed him with Isaac. Isaac had two sons named Esau, the eldest and Jacob. Jacob has to leave home to hide from his brother Esau because Jacob tricked their father into giving him the blessing that was intended for the eldest. Jacob ran to Haran to stay with relative, Laban, to avoid the anger of Esau. While there he falls in love with Rachel, Laban’s youngest daughter and asks for her hand in marriage. Laban agrees that if Jacob will agree to stay and work for seven years he may have Rachel’s hand. Laban does not keep his promise he replaces Rachel with Leah, the eldest daughter, and tricks Jacob into sleeping with her instead. When Jacob discovers what has happened he demands to be given Rachel as promised and so ends up with Rachel as a second wife. Jacob never really shows affection for Leah and makes it known that Rachel is the favored wife. Leah provides Jacob with a firstborn and numerous other sons, but it is late in life when Rachel conceives Joseph, who is the eleventh born son, and then Benjamin. Benjamin’s birth takes Rachel’s life and therefore is the last of her children. Joseph Jacob makes it clear to everyone that Joseph is the favored son (Blank, 1998). Jacob may consider Joseph to be his real firstborn son since Rachel was the chosen wife. Jealousy builds over the years at the obvious favoritism bestowed on Joseph by Jacob in Jacob’s other children. Although the actual firstborn son Rueben loses favor because he sleeps...
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... Originally located by Birch Creek on Old Post Road in Ogden, UT, the David Elias Browning Farm House was moved to the grounds of Fort Buenaventura in 2007. David Elias Browning (1829-1901) was the son of Jonathan Browning and Elizabeth Stalcup. He was also the half-brother of John Moses Browning, the famous gun inventor. David, born in Davidson County, TN, moved with his family to Adams County, IL, and later to Nauvoo, IL, and Mosquito Creek, IA, before settling in Ogden, UT. In Ogden, David married Charilla Abigail Abbott. David, a lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, was married to Charilla, a convert to the Church. David's occupation was farming. This cabin stood on his farm, but he lived most of the year in Ogden and traveled daily by horse and buggy to the farm. He was commissioned by Brigham Young to be the sealer of Weights and Measures (scales tester) for Weber County and was also commissioned a Justice of the Territory of Utah. He was a member of the Grand Jury, and also served in the Territorial Militia (Nauvoo Legion). Charilla (1829-1914) was Ogden's first school teacher and lived at Fort Buenaventura, then called Brown’s Fort, before she married David. This farm house also served as a post office from 1888-1902. Miles Goodyear Miles Goodyear was a mountain man during the last years of the fur trade who built and occupied Fort Buenaventura in what is now Ogden, Utah. Goodyear was born in Hamden, Connecticut on February...
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...The Life of Joseph Joseph was born to Jacob and Rachel after she had been unable to have children for seven years. Joseph was Jacob’s 11th son, and his favorite, born when he was very old. Jacob made Joseph a beautiful robe that had many colors in it. Jacob would often send Joseph to spy on his brothers and to report back to him any behavior that was considered inappropriate. The brothers knew Joseph was watching them and their hatred for him grew even more for telling Jacob what they were doing. Joseph also had special dreams in which he could predict things that would happen in the future. When Joseph told the brothers of his dreams, they wanted to know what he could see. He told them that in the first dream, sheaves of wheat that belonged to them were going to bow to his sheaf. In the second dream, he told them that the sun, moon and eleven stars were going to bow to him. When Joseph was 17 years old, he worked with his brothers as shepherds. One day Jacob sent Joseph to see what the brothers were doing in Shechem. When Joseph got there, the brothers were nowhere to be found. A man told him where they were, so he went to Dotham to see what they were up to. Though he was trying not to be seen by the brothers, he was spotted anyway. Before he could reach them, they had already come up with a plan between them to kill Joseph. The brothers tore his robe off and threw him in a pit. Reuben had talked the brothers into throwing him in the pit instead of killing him so that he...
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...were created Africans. It is God’s choice. We must live with it, and others must accept us as we are. It is the practice, custom and culture of marriage, as practiced by Africans, that is our discussion today. This discussion seeks to show that our practices are not foreign to Godly practices or Christian belief. A step by step exposition with Biblical references show that our traditional marriages have similarities with the Jewish traditions of old as recorded in the Bible. None of them stands in contra-distinction to the teachings of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. A man who loves a woman, proposes to that woman. In Genesis 34:3 we read the following, about Shechem who loved Dinah: “And his soul clave unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved the damsel, and spake kindly unto the damsel.” A woman also marries whom she thinks best. This we read in Numbers 36:6: “This is the thing which the Lord doth command...
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...Each of these happenings could have caused Joseph to become pessimistic, unforgiving and possibly evil; although Joseph had God with him through all his strife, the narrartor tell us.. God had a plan for Joseph to triumph all negative things and show forgiveness and spread it through his story. He believes that God’s plan eventually led him to saving his brothers lives. If not for all the bad things that happened to Joseph, his brothers may not have been granted grain during the famine. There would have been another person in charge instead of Joseph being there that denied the brothers and surely they would have died. Also, Joseph’s brothers may never have been set on the right path if their jealousy had continued throughout their lives. Jacob had a suspicion that his sons had done away with Joseph because he loved and favored him so much. The...
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...1. Genesis 1-3. The Bible talks of beginnings and God is already there (He is not a born god as with Greeks). 1. List the six days of creation and say what happens in each. 1) On the first day God created the Earth, which at the time would have been a giant ball of water, and He divided light from darkness. “Formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” (Genesis 1:1-5) 2) On day two God separated the water from the air. God made the expanse and separated water from water, He called “the expanse sky.” (Genesis 1:6-8) 3) On the third day God created the land and plants. Moving all water to one place that allowed dry ground to appear. He called this dry ground land and he called the gathered water seas. Thus, allowing land to produce vegetation: “seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” (Genesis 1:9-13) 4) On the fourth day God created the stars and the sun. Creating two great lights, “the greater light to govern day, and lesser light to govern night.” (Genesis 1:14-19) 5) On day five fish and birds were created. Living birds flying above the expanse sky and the great creature in the expanse sea. God blessed them and said, “be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on earth.” (Genesis 1:20-23) 6) On the sixth day of creation, land animals and man were created. At this time there...
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...that, Jacob’s wife, Rachel, was unable to conceive (Genesis 29:31). Jacob at the time lived along with his father-in-law Laban but soon decides that he wants to return to his own county (Genesis 30:25). Jacob then fled and takes all his belongs, wives, and livestock and set out for the land of Canaan where his father, Isaac, lived (Genesis 31:17-18). However, Rachel stole her father’s household gods and took them with her in hope that they would help her become fertile and give Jacob more children (Genesis 31:19). Laban then finds out that Jacob had left in secret and sets out to find him (Genesis 31:22-23). When Laban catches up to Jacob he is furious about Jacobs actions and demands why he has stolen his household Gods (Genesis 31:30). Jacob doesn’t know that Rachel has stolen the gods so he gives Laban permission to search all his belongings and tents (Genesis 31:32). Rachel had hidden the gods in her camel saddle and sat on them so that her father would not find them and did not get up when he came to search her using the excuse that she was menstruating (Genesis 31:34-35). Laban continued his search but found nothing...
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...The Prophets Speak Warnings of Unfaithfulness Our Father Yahweh speaks to the prophets concerning issues of their unfaithfulness to Him. Not only in our reading will we discover that through their unfaithfulness of idolatry, social injustice and religious ritualism actions of sinful lust and injustices ways will cause great depression, but will also cause the fall of kingdoms that was blessed to stand strong as kingdoms of God. This action from the people of Judah, cause God to bring judgments of famines and wars on their kingdoms. These very acts of the people defying the Lord God (Yahweh) provoking Him to anger grieved the Lord because of His faithfulness to His people. Yahweh is a God of prosperity, love and growth that is promised to be shown to those who chose to be faithful to Him in their heart and in their ways. But the people of Judah fell into so many sins because of acting on the desires of their sinful hearts. Yahweh had the prophets to go before the people and warn them in so many ways. After the King Josiah’s death 602 B.C the people revolted in idolatry and lawlessness. God commanded the prophets to warn the people of their wicked acts that they were engaging in idolatry. In Hosea’s prophesies; God showed him the house of Israel’s sins through harlotry and idolatry. (Hosea 8:4- 14) They have made kings and princes not by God; God did not acknowledge their detestable idols. They’ve made idols out of silver and gold; their idolatry caused God anger...
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