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Jazz History

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Jazz is a seemingly simple, but also very complex style of music that’s exact origin is somewhat unclear; however, most associate the birthplace of jazz with the city of New Orleans in a French Quarter, in which prostitution was openly tolerated, known as Storyville. In these thirty-eight blocks brothels, gambling joints, saloons, dives, cabarets and newly emerging music such as jazz flourished and was an integral part of everyday life in New Orleans (Grauer and Keepnews 3). During the first half of the 20th Century, jazz was mainly viewed as non-intellectual or utilitarian music that primarily served the purpose of entertainment in the streets by brass bands and later in the cafes and smoke-filled nightclubs it was often performed in. It …show more content…
The roots of jazz can be traced back to the tribal “rhythms of West Africa; harmonic structure from European classical music; melodic and harmonic qualities from nineteenth-century American folk music; religious music; work songs and minstrel show music” (Feather 23). It is from these spirituals, blues and folk songs that the earliest ragtime and Dixieland brass bands of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s arose and paved the way for what was soon to become the new popular “fad” known as jazz. In 1917 with the closing of Storyville due to a federal order ending legalized prostitution, many musicians in New Orleans were left jobless which in effect lead to the spread of jazz throughout the country as these musicians boarded the Mississippi river boats and headed north to find work (Feather 24). No matter the exact origin of jazz it is an art form and expression that is truly American by nature and has been influenced and cultivated by many outstanding musicians of the 20th Century. In this paper I will discuss the lives of three prominent clarinetists, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw and Eddie Daniels and the importance each of them played in influencing and furthering the art of jazz in the 20th …show more content…
His parents met and married in Baltimore in the late 1880s early 1890’s and later moved to Chicago in 1903, which was experiencing an economic boom at the time and was also becoming a central hub for jazz music. Growing up in such a large family wasn’t easy and to support the family financially Goodman’s father, David, worked twelve to fourteen hours a day in sweatshops and as a tailor (Collier 6-9). During this time it was not uncommon for children in their early teens to get jobs and help contribute towards their family’s income and in wanting a better life for his children David Goodman made the decision for some of his boys, including Benny, to learn to play music. At the age of ten Goodman’s father took him and two of his brothers to the nearby synagogue, the Kehelah Jacob Synagogue, which had a band, offered some instruction and loaned musical instruments cheaply. It was on that historic day that Benny Goodman was given the instrument that would ultimately define his future success, the clarinet (Collier

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