...Strategy and culture in J D Wetherspoon 1.0 Introduction------------------------------------------P1 2.0 Procedure---------------------------------------------P1 3.0 External environment-------------------------------P1 4.1 Examples of factors 4.2 SWOT analysis 4.3 Set of guidelines about management 4.0 Organisational culture------------------------------P3 5.4 Organisation culture and shared values 5.5 Culture of J D Wetherspoon 5.6 Organisation culture and organizational behaviour 5.7 Management approach 5.0 Business strategy------------------------------------P4 6.8 Possible strategies 6.9 Strategy during the 1980s and 1990s, and four benefits 6.10 Compare two different strategy 6.11 Factors before change strategy 6.12 Business strategy and strategic choice 6.13 Key issue about management 6.0 Change------------------------------------------------P8 7.14 Forces for change 7.15 Stakeholder power 7.16 Change situation 7.0 Conclude---------------------------------------------P11 1.0 introduction This report is for analyse J D Wetherspoon’s business strategy and environment. First section analyse the changes in the external environment which J D Wetherspoon has faced since it was founded in 1979. In section 2 should consider the relationship between organizational culture and organizational behavior. Third is to analyse business strategy...
Words: 3619 - Pages: 15
...and Management Case Study: Chase’s Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (a) In: Business and Management Case Study: Chase’s Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (a) Case Study: Chase’s Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (A) Q1. How should Chase have bid in the first round competition to lead the HK$3.3 billion Disneyland financing? 1.Three ways to approach this deal 1) bid to win, 2) bid to lose and3) no bid. Chase chose to bid to lose on the first round, but just enough to make it to the short list. Also, since Chase is one of Disney's relationship banks, Chase would not want to ruin this relationship by not bidding on their project. If Chase wanted to lead the competition from the first round, they should have made a bid that was more aggressive and aimed to win. This bid would have been closer to the desires of Disney, making them more appealing and increasing their probabilities of leading the financing. However, they chose to bid to lose, with just enough terms to get into the second round to "protect their reputation", but not to lead. The deal started to become more attractive with the possibility of Disney awarding a sole lead arranger mandate and with the increased potential for a successful syndication. At this point, after Chase made it through the first round, they decided on a more aggressive final proposal where they would be very close to meeting most of Disney’s demands in order to win...
Words: 591 - Pages: 3
...‘strategic’ approach to human resource, the company’s strategy according to (Johnson, Scholes & Whittington 2011; p3) should be ‘the direction and scope of an organisation over a long- term, which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences’. However there have been many debates varying from academics to critics about what strategic human resource management (SHRM) actually embraces and implies for organisations. Definitions range from 'a human resource system, that is tailored to the demands of the business strategy', (Snow, 1984)to 'the pattern of planned human resource activities intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals' (Wright and McMahan 1992). However, organisations that invest in SHRM anticipate receiving a return on their investment. Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 Company Overview 4 Mission & Values 4 McDonald’s Strategy 4 McDonalds Human Resource Planning (HR practices) 5 Equal opportunities to diversity management 5 Managing Cultural Diversity in McDonalds 5 Culture...
Words: 5412 - Pages: 22
...report 45 Consolidated financial statements 45 Group accounting policies 50 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 51 Consolidated balance sheet 52 Consolidated cash flow statement 53 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 54 Notes to the Group financial statements 75 Company financial statements 75 Company accounting policies 77 Company balance sheet 78 Notes to the Company financial statements InVesTor InFormATIon 86 Five year summary of results 87 Supplementary information 88 Investor relations and financial calendar Our business We are the UK’s fourth largest food retailer by sales with an annual turnover in excess of £15bn. We have 425 stores across Britain, ranging in size from 10,000 to 40,000 square feet. Over 10m customers visit our stores each week served by over 134,000 employees. Our strategy and vision See page 6 to find out more Our vision is to be the ‘Food Specialist For Everyone’. As a food specialist we differentiate ourselves from our major competitors by having: • our own manufacturing and packing facilities; • more people in-store preparing food than any other retailer; and • more specialist butchers, fishmongers and bakers in-store than our...
Words: 57108 - Pages: 229