Department of International Business MSc International Business E-Business BMG814 (CRN 69620) Assessment ONE Details
Module Coordinator: Dr. Bobbi Sharma
Module (BMG814) E-Business
Assignment 1: Group Work
Assessment weighting Word limit 50% of module marks 3000 words
Choose an organisation with which you are familiar to undertake the following tasks: 1. Identify and critically assess the implications of disintermediation and re-intermediation for both your organisation and their customers; 2. Evans and Wurster (1999) have argued that the Internet will greatly impact the relationship between the retailer and the consumer along the dimensions of Reach, Richness and Affiliation. Critically evaluate the implications of these dimensions for bricks-and-mortar (offline) retailers for your chosen product. Use examples to illustrate your discussion. Where possible, you should use theoretical models studied during the course to enrich your discussion and analysis. All published information relative to organisations that you have used in the preparation of your assignment should be included as an appendix. It is expected that you will provide: Information from the organisation web site which support arguments put forward in your assignment (and reference accordingly); Company documentation (and reference accordingly); Academic sources (no Wikis etc. or other such sources) or industry literature (e.g. Economist, Guardian, etc.) to provide research evidence to support your arguments (and reference accordingly).
Module (BMG814) E-Business
Your written assignment should include at least ten references to the literature in the area. It must be cited and included in a reference list at the end of your assignment; the quality of the references will be taken into consideration in the assessment of the assignment. Students should use a range of