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Jeffrey Preston Bezos Research Paper

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One of the most popular websites in the internet Amazon is a multibillion dollar corporation that started from zero. The genius behind this is Jeff Preston. Jeffrey Preston Bezos was born in January 12 1964, in Albuquerque New Mexico. To his mother who was a teen mom,
Jacqueline Gise Jorgensen, and to his father,Ted Jorgensen, who was a bike shop owner. His mother gave birth to him when she was only seventeen years old. His father didn’t even show up to his birth and divorced his wife a few months after Jeff was born. After the divorce
Jacqueline met up with a Cuban immigrant named Miguel Bezos. Who was a person that studied in the university of New Mexico and got a degree in welding. He is also known for working with the major gas company Exxon. Bezos attended River Oaks …show more content…
Together with his wife he has had four children unfortunately their names have not been released to the public, for obvious reasons to protect their security. However, it is known that
Bezos adopted a young girl from china. Jeff Bezos along with his family live on the outskirts of
Seattle in a small suburban area. His wife Mackenzie is a major contributor that helps Jeff in his business. In other words, his wife is his second in command who helps her husband in any way that she can. So, the Bezos family is mainly focused on the business in any way that they can.
Jeff Bezos has also been given the award as one of Times best influential people of all time back in the year 1999. He has also been recognized as an innovator in many aspects.
Jeff Bezos has been a very influential person due to how he has made an impact to how people shop online. Amazon started as a very small and it was very amateur to how the interface was, and the website was in the very beginning. But, with the determination that he had and the vision that he had toward his website made it one of the most popular websites to do your online shopping in the internet. Due to all the things that he contributed to the

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