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Jephthah's Foolish Vow

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In this chapter, Thompson points out the tragedy in the Bible. He continued to talk about Jephthah’s daughter and how she was not considering a hero even though she sacrificed her life for her dad’s foolish vow. Jephthah vowed to sacrifice the first thing that comes greet him when he gets back from the war, and it turns out to be his daughter. Jephthah only has one child, but he is willing to keep his promise when he told this news to his daughter they mourned. Thompson also argue on the topic of why should we honor Jephthah and not his daughter? Even though Jephthah was the one that made that vow why does his daughter has to suffer for it? Although Jephthah, to some people, seems cruel and foolish (for making that vow), he still kept his promise

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