In the popular horror series, American Horror Story: Freak Show, a character named Jimmy Darling, expressed, They don’t even know us. If they just got to know us they would see we are just like them. What this quote is trying to say is that just because one person is different than the other, it does not mean they are not human. In the show American Horror Story: Freak Show, People are described as “freaks” because they look different than others. When in reality the real “freak” is the serial killer because he is going around slaughtering people, but the members of the Jupiter, Florida community, do not suspect the serial killer, Dandy, to be a suspect, because he is rich and looks ordinary, so instead, the police suspect the “freaks”and…show more content… She thought she was the same as everyone else that was living on Earth, until she started school. Velasquez was very excited to start school and thought it was going to be super fun, but “Instead I was met with staring and name calling.” said Velasquez. She didn’t understand what was wrong with her (Gomez 1). People called her names and stared at her because she has a rare disease that makes her stand out more than her classmates. People brought her down because of the way she physically looked, in the comments on a YouTube video. “The YouTube video crushed my spirit, Velasquez admits. I was desperate to find one positive comment that supported me, and I never found one. It was absolutely mind-blowing. I kept thinking, How do I build myself back up? Do I want to? (Gomez 1)”. She eventually overcame the rude comments and all the enmity. Instead of giving up, she became a motivational speaker and shares her story with high schoolers at assemblies, she was now living her dream job and influencing people to believe in themselves (Stauss 1). Velasquez showed she was proud of how she looked and influences kids around the country to be proud and confident of who they are and how they