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John Proctor's Internal Conflict In The Crucible

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In the play Crucible by Arthur Miller is about the witchcraft in 20th century. Anyone can be accused as a witch base on the way they act in the community. During this time if a person was accused as a witch and the person have no prove that not a with; as a result for that they would lose all of their reputation, and they things that they possess will not heritage to their offspring. John Proctor pulled conflicting direction by two compelling desires, ambitions, obligations, or influences. John Proctor has an internal conflict between his willingness to protect his public reputation or his integrity as a Christian. This help to form a work as a whole for this play is sometime making decisions is hard.
John Proctor normal farmer, but he has …show more content…
John Proctor’s wife, Elizabeth Proctor, was also being accused as a witch for having a doll that have a needle inside. She was being arrested and John Proctor know that he must do something to save his wife. The only thing that the can do to prove that his wife is not a witch by telling the truth about his adultery with Abigail. In the court, John Proctor state that “On the last night of my joy, some eight months ago. She uses to serve me in my house.” and “she thinks to dance with me on my wife graves” (Pg 1309). This mean Abigail will do anything to his wife to die, so she can be with …show more content…
As a result, the judge bring Elizabeth to the court and ask her whether what John Proctor said is the truth or not, because John Proctor said that his wife never tell a single lie before. For example, the judge ask Elizabeth “Your husband-- did the indeed turn on you” and Elizabeth answer, ‘My husband-- is a goody man, sir” (Pg 1311). Which is meant that Elizabeth is lying for the first time to save John Proctor Reputation, but she didn’t know because of that John Proctor got send to jail for lying in front of the court.
At the end of the play THe Crucible by Arthur Miller, the judge gave John Proctor two choices one is sign the confession which mean the has to lie, so he will not be hang, but he will lose his integrity or the will be hang if the does not sign the confession. John Proctor pick to keep his integrity, so the did not sign the confession. For example, John Proctor said that “ I have three son-- how may I teach them to walk like a men in the world, and sold out my friends” (Pg 1332). Which is mean that he would rather dead than telling a

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