You’re running through a vast field that’s filled with wheat as tall as you. Suddenly a clif appears before you. Unable to stop you feel yourself falling to your inevitable death. Closer and closer. Feet from the ground, you immediately stop. You have found that you have landed on a soft cloud. You relax into a deep serenity as the cloud soars up and floats through the sky. No longer is there a threat of death, but a land of tranquility as you drift off into the sunset for your next adventure.
Unfortunately, the world in which we currently live could not provide the same experience that was just described. As humans, we are limited in our perception and our senses. But, the world is evolving and technology is starting to fill the void created…show more content… Let’s try a fun experiment the members of the MIT’s media lab Gershon Dublon and Joseph A Paradiso introduce in their 2014 article “Extra-Sensory Perception”. “Try counting the electronic sensors surrounding you right now. There are cameras and microphones in your computer. GPS sensors and gyroscopes in your smartphone. Accelerometers in your fitness tracker. If you work in a modern office building or live in a newly renovated house, you are constantly in the presence of sensors that measure motion, temperature and humidity.” (Gershon Dublon and Joseph A Paradiso). A lot right? Essentially, this technology is everywhere and there’s no signs of it stopping. With this technology, we will be able to see a whole new world. Gershon Dublon and Joseph A Paradiso go on to say that “Using DoppelLab, that person can see the current and desired temperature in every room at once and quickly spot issues that span multiple rooms or floors.“ Our whole world will be added to. Just take a look at these pictures. Imagining being able to see the world with such vision or with thermal reading--it may help you find your lost car keys. Humans will become more efficient in our everyday lives since we will be able to plan ahead. A new perspective of the world will give new meaning to glasses, prosthetics, hearing aids. By using technology to aid us, we can develop new senses while enhancing our old…show more content… {,,,} Consequently, virtual reality will develop into a digital realm where humans can exist. And not just exist, but live forever. Russian futurist Dmitry Itskov has proposed the 2045 Avatar project. It’s goal is to create a digital human avatar by 2045. It is a misconception that this will happen far in the future when really it isn’t. Michael Cerullo details in “Uploading and Branching Identity” that we are only a decade away from completely uploading the human brain and that “once a human brain is preserved it could be stored for centuries without any loss of information” (Cerullo). In other words, this means we can become immortal. Many current issues we face with health won’t be problems anymore which can help save lives of people on the verge of death. Some wonder if we become digital, will we still be ourselves. Cerullo answers this by stating that “psychological branching identity states that consciousness will continue as long as there is continuity in psychological structure. What differentiates this from psychological identity is that it allows identity to continue in multiple selves”. In other words, we can live endlessly, in a digital life of advance senses and capabilities without actually losing