Journal of Flour Baby I bought my flour baby girl the first day of this project, I’ve been thinking a lot about what should I name her, and finally I decided that I want to name her Muamua Li, you might think this name is kind of weird. The reason why I named her this is because I think muamua is so cute and can represent that we are in an intimate relationship, and for the last name is Li is because one of my favorite star’s last name is Li so I think of put them together. I was so excited to have a flour baby around, it make me feel like I’m a real mother and I have to treat it seriously and care about it. So I found my friend Fiona and borrowed a pretty baby clothe to dress up Muamua, and it makes me think of that maybe in the future, if I’m really having a baby girl I would dress up her like a princess as I dress up Muamua. But my enthusiasm end at the second weeks, I start to feel that to carry a flour baby around is a big trouble. I had to carry her everywhere I went, even the bathroom. To be honest, she is not light, I feel so annoying when I had to carry her, and in fact I don’t like to carry things since I was a child, so when I need to carry things my families and friends would help me but at this time I need to carry her around with no help. I’ve think about just leave her in the locker so it won’t be lost and I don’t need to carry her around. But this is not gonna work. Honestly, I do lost her a few times, but not at school, I usually lost her at home, because I always put her on the sofa right after I walking the door instead of put her carefully in my bedroom. So if my parents saw that I put her in the sofa as I always do, they will hide it to remind me that I can’t just leave her anywhere. And by the way mom really likes Muamua too, she said when she sees Muamua she will think of me as a baby. She shows me how she holding me when I’m a baby, how she play with me and how she talks with me, even though I don’t know how to respond her at that time. I told my mom that I feel so tired to have a four baby, and she says it’s much harder to have an actual baby. Now I can understand how my mom felt when I was born. We have to carry the baby about four weeks, and today is the last day. Anyways, to having a baby is too far for me, but I love this project, it taught me a lot, and now I understand how hard to get through it.