...Apartheid was given birth to by the National Party in 1948. With the implementation of the various apartheid laws racial discriminations was firmly institutionalised in South Africa. The following is a timeline of the various Apartheid Prime Ministers/Presidents all from the National Party of the day that entrenched and kept firm the apartheid regime for the next 46 years. Prime Minister D.F. Malan: 1948-1954 D.F. Malan is seen as the champion of Afrikaner Nationalism. His National Party government started its comprehensive implementation of apartheid. White supremacy, racial segregation and the control of migrant black workers was the order of the day. During his years in office the foundations of the Apartheid regime were firmly laid down. Under his rule the following laws came into being: * Prohibition of mixed marriages Act No. 55 of 1949 * Population registration Act No. 30 of 1950 * Group areas Act No. 41 of 1950 * Immortality amendment Act No. 21 of 1950 * Suppression of communism Act No. 44 of 1950 * Separate representation of voters Act No. 52 of 1951 * Bantu Authorities Act No.68 of 1951 * Native laws amendment Act No. 54 of 1952 * Abolition of passes Act No. 67 of 1952 * Reservation of separate amenities Act No. 49 of 1952 * Bantu education Act No.47 off 1953 These laws removed the last trace of non-white franchise and imposed segregation on almost all aspects of South African life. Prime Minister...
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