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Submitted By ManjotKhangura
Words 506
Pages 3
Jewish History and Facts
Judaism is the third oldest religion in history. The Jewish are a spread out culture located all over the world. There are many Jewish groups. Ashkenazi Jews mainly live in Eastern and Central Europe. Sephardi Jews were largely spread among several communities in the Mediterranean region. Mizrahi Jews were mainly spread throughout Western Asia. Other populations of Jews live in Central Asia, Ethiopia, the Caucasus, and India. The Jewish were always moving to other places in history because they were always excluded (especially in Nazi Germany). Jewish people played good roles in politics. In recent centuries, secular Jews in Europe and the Americas have tended towards the liberal political left, and played key roles in the birth of the 19th century's labor movement and socialism. While Diaspora Jews have also been represented in the conservative side of the political spectrum and were in political right.
Jews had a hard time in economy. They were prevented from owning any land many times in history from people such as the Europeans. Nowadays Jews do well in the economy and have good finance. Because they live all over the world, the place they live in determines their economy.

Information about Jewish Culture and Genesis
The Jews have a bible called the Tanakh. This bible has a part called “Genesis”. This is what our myth comes from. Genesis is the first book in the bible. It explains how the Earth was made but there are two stories of Genesis. Both of them tell a somewhat different story. The Genesis 1 is the one that will be presented today.
The earliest art of the Jewish culture was all religious. A lot of these described parts of the bible but there weren’t much artwork on Genesis. It was more on the other book in the bible “Torah”.
Music back in the early days was a part of Judaism where they worshiped the temples. Music today extends to many places such as concert halls.
Performing arts are a key part of Jewish self-expression. Yiddish Theatre kept the language in the popular imagination.
Hebrew has always been the main religious language of the Jews, but it was rarely spoken until its revival in current Israel. The Middle Ages saw the rise of several combined Jewish languages including Ladino, Yiddish, and Judeo-Arabic.
In Jewish life, food takes on all sorts of roles--traditional, social, and spiritual. Jewish cuisine evolved over centuries, in dialogue with local cultures and conditions. Recipes range from spicy Yemenite and Syrian treats to the classic kugels and briskets of Eastern Europe.
The Jewish were really religious and their culture really proved that. Everything they did in the early days was for their religion. The Jewish lifestyle is really religious but they are all around the world and there are not a lot in every place which kind of mixes them with other cultures.

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