Premium Essay

Just Testing to See If Yhis Works


Submitted By msbush34
Words 300
Pages 2
There are many considerations one must remember given the different roles and people in the audience. You will have to take into consideration their needs and what information should be shared. You would not want to share information that has not been confirmed.
The families of the miners will need reassurance. They need a caring individual as well as someone who is determined to help those who are stuck in the mine. The miners’ families are going to need reassurance that everything thing will work out but they also need reliable information. Many will end up relying on news stations for information if they are not kept in contact with someone at the scene, this will cause confusion and possibly more stress and panic among the families. When talking to fellow workers you want to be a friend but also be seen as someone who is handling the situation. The workers will want to feel that you care about them and what happened when the mine collapsed. They also want to feel that you are going to take care of their families and any issues that might arise. The workers will also want to feel that you will do anything in your power to get the rest of the miners out in the safest way possible The action you should take before and after delivering the message to each audience is simple. Before delivering the message it is important to make it clear who your audience is. Each audience has different needs so making sure you meet those needs is important. After delivering your message, waiting for feedback is important. The feedback you receive will help you confirm that the audience understood your message. It will also allow for you to answer any additional questions the audience may

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