...In April 1996, Dag Juul Møller, owner and president of Juul Møller Bokhandel A/S, an (in Norwegian terms) medium-sized bookstore company located in Oslo, Norway, was sitting in his home office contemplating a new challenge to the industry. He had just finished a telephone conversation with Dagfinn Nettland, a young Master of Management student at the Norwegian School of Management with a passion for computers. Dag had used him to help set up his home office. Dagfinn had spent the Easter break surfing the Internet and writing his term paper for a course called GRA2329 IT in Global Business at the Norwegian School of Management. The term paper assignment was to take an existing company and analyze how this company could use the Internet as an information and sales channel for products and services. The students in GRA2329 had chosen a wide variety of businesses and organizations. Dagfinn had been a member of a group working with Norsk Rikstoto, the company administering nationwide equestrian sports gambling. What interested Dag, however, was another aspect of the course: When GRA2329 was started, the required books had not been available in the bookstore, but had first started arriving several weeks into the course. Normally, in situation like this, the professor would have postponed the discussions over the delayed literature until later in the course. However, for GRA2329, things had been different. Several of the students had bought the course literature over the Internet, from...
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...Norwegian School of Management NSM-2002-001-CA-EN, August 30, 2002 Juul Møller AS In April 1996, Dag Juul Møller, owner and president of Juul Møller Bokhandel A/S, an (in Norwegian terms) medium-sized bookstore company located in Oslo, Norway, was sitting in his home office contemplating a new challenge to the industry. He had just finished a telephone conversation with Dagfinn Nettland, a young Master of Management student at the Norwegian School of Management with a passion for computers. Dag had used him to help set up his home office. Dagfinn had spent the Easter break surfing the Internet and writing his term paper for a course called GRA2329 IT in Global Business at the Norwegian School of Management. The term paper assignment was to take an existing company and analyze how this company could use the Internet as an information and sales channel for products and services. The students in GRA2329 had chosen a wide variety of businesses and organizations. Dagfinn had been a member of a group working with Norsk Rikstoto, the company administering nationwide equestrian sports gambling. What interested Dag, however, was another aspect of the course: When GRA2329 was started, the required books had not been available in the bookstore, but had first started arriving several weeks into the course. Normally, in situation like this, the professor would have postponed the discussions over the delayed literature until later in the course. However, for GRA2329...
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...Opinion. 10 Assumptions 10 Define Alternatives 10 Alternative #1 10 Strengths of alternative. 11 Weaknesses of alternative. 11 Overall evaluation of alternative. 12 Alternative #2 12 Strength of Alternative. 12 Weakness of alternative. 13 Overall evaluation of alternative. 13 Alternative #3 13 Strength of alternative. 13 Weakness of Alternative. 15 Overall evaluation of alternative. 15 Specify the selection criteria 15 Optimal Alternatives 16 Short term effects 16 Long term effects 17 Objective Criteria Juul Møller Bokhandel A/S is in the business of selling text books, primarily business administration books, to university students. The middle-sized bookstore conducts business on school campuses and surrounding areas near various campus. Its main customer is one of Norway’s largest business school, the Norwegian School of Management, which also has a long and strong history with the Juul Møller family. To date, the main objectives of the firm are to not only sell books, but also to ensure that it is meeting the demands of the school curriculum; always having books in stock and ensuring that there are enough copies for students and professors. This in turn allows the bookstore to remain the number...
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...Peter Kaspersen TEKSTENS TRANSFORMATIONER En undersøgelse af fortolkningen af den litterære tekst i det almene gymnasiums danskundervisning Ph.D.-afhandling Dansk Institut for Gymnasiepædagogik Syddansk Universitet 2004 INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE Indholdsfortegnelse Forord Første del. Forudsætninger Kapitel 1. Debatten om faget Fremtidens danskfag Litteratursynet i Fremtidens danskfag Danskfagets mangler Den litterære fronts modangreb En fagdidaktisk kritik Kapitel 2. Afhandlingens placering i debatten Samfundssyn Didaktiksyn Litteratursyn Inspirationen fra Fremtidens danskfag Inspirationen fra litteraturteorien Inspirationen fra systemteorien Dannelsessyn Utraditionel dannelse Sammenfatning af første del Anden del. Teorier Kapitel 3. Den sociokulturelle udfordring Vygotsky Bakhtin Hvorfor ikke sociokulturalisme? Kapitel 4. Amerikansk litteraturpædagogik Klasserummets dialog Fortolkningens instanser Læsercentrerede teorier – og derudover Kapitel 5. Systemteori Bruner iagttaget af Luhmann 1 1 3 4 6 9 10 13 13 16 21 22 24 28 31 34 36 38 38 39 44 48 50 50 57 61 68 68 Systemteoriens grundlæggende paradoks Kommunikationsbegrebet Meningsbegrebet Systemteoretisk uddannelsesteori Interaktionssystemet undervisning Systemteori og danskundervisning Videns- og læringsformer. Stokastiske processer Systemteoretisk kunstteori Det selvprogrammere(n)de værk Kunstsystemets historie Litteratur og undervisning Kritik af Luhmanns systemteori Kapitel 6. Pædagogisk forskning Klasserumsforskning...
Words: 201508 - Pages: 807
...“A critical component of any winning business is an HR function that improves business results. I highly recommend this book to HR and business leaders everywhere.” —William S. Allen, Senior VP, Group HR, AP Moller-Maersk AS, Copenhagen, Denmark “Got business? This book does. By asking (and answering) the tough questions about HR relevance for line managers, shareholders, and customers, readers will clearly understand the why, how, and what of HR transformation.” —Rich Baird, Joint U.S. and Global Leader, Advisory People and Change, PwC “Wow, they have done it! Many HR shops need transformation but don’t have the answers. This book is the roadmap, answers the questions, provides the rationale, and describes how HR transformations should unfold. Read it, but better yet—do it!” —Richard W. Beatty, Rutgers University, coauthor of The Differentiated Workforce “A must read for an HR team that wants to add the most value to the business.” —Bob Bloss, HR Executive Vice President, Hallmark “A thoughtful and practical guide that will help leaders navigate some of the most important decisions about building the HR organization of the future.” —John Boudreau, USC Marshall, coauthor of Investing in People and Beyond HR “Two bangs for your hard-earned buck. First, a very strong summary of the key tenets of the most important HR thinking. Second, highly practical examples of what to do and—even more importantly—what NOT to do when embarking upon transformation.” —Reg Bull...
Words: 69596 - Pages: 279