... Executive Summary This report identifies the environmental activity costs of using Dyetype and Adhesive materials to produce a product. The tables below separate which one of these two chemicals is causing the most damage to the environment. Tables have proven that there is an excessive use of the Dyetype material. Both chemicals have been calculated using the life-cycle assessment to show unit cost per kilogram price for each product. The findings from the report immediately draw attention to the Dyetype chemical having the most environmental impact out of the two chemicals. The company also discovers that there are additional toxins being released which require $2,700,000 to cover the total costs. The Balance Scorecard is considered for the effects of toxin releases. If there is an fifth perspective to the balance scorecard Eco efficiency must be contributed adding environmental perspective to the Mudjimba Chemical Ltd plant. Table of Contents Executive Summary i 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Scope 1 1.3 Limitations 1 2. Environmental Cost Categories 2 3. Environmental Activity Costs 3 3.1 Inventory Analyse 3 3.2 Impact Analyse 4 3.3 Improvement Analyse 4 4. The Environmental Damage 5 5. Toxin Release Costs 6 6. The Additional Environmental Perspective 7 7. List of References 11 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this report is to calculate the environmental cost for two products being produced by a manufacturing...
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...Unit 1 Assignment Kaplan University AC301: Intermediate Accounting II September 23, 2012 Question 1. Relate the following information about your state: a) http://sos.georgia.gov/plb/accountancy/ b) CPA certification allows an accountant to become a partner in a CPA firm. It is also a requirement for career advancement and a requirement for other management positions. Some employers require job applicants to hold a CPA credential before applying for higher-level jobs. Accounting firms typically expect accountants to advance in their career, so a failure to achieve CPA certification after a certain amount of time can be cause for dismissal. CPA licenses provide credibility for accountants in other career paths. CPAs can teach college classes. A CPA can provide other services at a CPA firm such as offering financial advice, investment guidance and retirement planning, and holding this certification provides additional credibility. c) One thing about my state board that I found most interesting was that you can print your license, renew your license and click and verify a license all on the web page if you wanted to. It is very convenient, and if you haven’t received your paper license in the mail yet, your prospective employer can check on the web page and verify in a matter of seconds. d) One years and 2,000 hours in public accounting; five years and 10,000 hours in business, industry, government or college teaching (teaching at a 4 year college or...
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...Conceptual Foundations of the Balanced Scorecard Robert S. Kaplan Working Paper 10-074 Copyright © 2010 by Robert S. Kaplan Working papers are in draft form. This working paper is distributed for purposes of comment and discussion only. It may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder. Copies of working papers are available from the author. Conceptual Foundations of the Balanced Scorecard1 Robert S. Kaplan Harvard Business School, Harvard University 1 Paper originally prepared for C. Chapman, A. Hopwood, and M. Shields (eds.), Handbook of Management Accounting Research: Volume 3 (Elsevier, 2009). 1 Conceptual Foundations of the Balanced Scorecard Abstract David Norton and I introduced the Balanced Scorecard in a 1992 Harvard Business Review article (Kaplan & Norton, 1992). The article was based on a multi-company research project to study performance measurement in companies whose intangible assets played a central role in value creation (Nolan Norton Institute, 1991). Norton and I believed that if companies were to improve the management of their intangible assets, they had to integrate the measurement of intangible assets into their management systems. After publication of the 1992 HBR article, several companies quickly adopted the Balanced Scorecard giving us deeper and broader insights into its power and potential. During the next 15 years, as it was adopted by thousands of private, public, and nonprofit enterprises around the...
Words: 12283 - Pages: 50
...Conceptual Foundations of the Balanced Scorecard Robert S. Kaplan Working Paper 10-074 Copyright © 2010 by Robert S. Kaplan Working papers are in draft form. This working paper is distributed for purposes of comment and discussion only. It may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder. Copies of working papers are available from the author. Conceptual Foundations of the Balanced Scorecard1 Robert S. Kaplan Harvard Business School, Harvard University 1 Paper originally prepared for C. Chapman, A. Hopwood, and M. Shields (eds.), Handbook of Management Accounting Research: Volume 3 (Elsevier, 2009). 1 Conceptual Foundations of the Balanced Scorecard Abstract David Norton and I introduced the Balanced Scorecard in a 1992 Harvard Business Review article (Kaplan & Norton, 1992). The article was based on a multi-company research project to study performance measurement in companies whose intangible assets played a central role in value creation (Nolan Norton Institute, 1991). Norton and I believed that if companies were to improve the management of their intangible assets, they had to integrate the measurement of intangible assets into their management systems. After publication of the 1992 HBR article, several companies quickly adopted the Balanced Scorecard giving us deeper and broader insights into its power and potential. During the next 15 years, as it was adopted by thousands of private, public, and nonprofit enterprises around the...
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...Unit 2 Term Paper Gary M. Kidd Kaplan University Author Note Pro. Young-White, I’m sorry the term paper is a day late, but I spent most of 3 September at a scheduled medical procedure to refill the pain pump implanted in my spine with Dilaudid. It kept me knocked-out most of the day. Please remember that I’m given extra time on assignments via the Kaplan University office of student disabilities. Abstract This term paper for unit two review three articles, Ethics Consultation in United States Hospitals This term paper also defines 8 financial terms. Keywords: Balance sheet, Shareholder Equity, EBITDA, EBITDAM, Financial Ethics, Financial Benchmarking, Financial Trend Analysis, and Ratio Analysis. Unit 2 Term Paper Business ethics is the appropriate business guidelines and customs regarding debatable issues, like the way a CEO runs his company, illegal stock trading, corruption, business social and monetary obligations. The government’s authorities frequently enforce business ethics, still there are times when businesses alone will use a straightforward structure that organizations can abide by so that they simply may benefit the public interest (investopedia.com, 2013). Article Review The first article chosen for this assignment, is Betsy Gallup’s article Ethics Are an Important Part of Running a Health-Care Facility, and she explains ethics as having three components: independence, integrity and objectivity (2009)...
Words: 1921 - Pages: 8
...Education Avondale College Charles Sturt University Kings Own Institute Macquarie University Southern Cross University Top Education Institute The University of New England The University of New South Wales The University of Newcastle The University of Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Wollongong Williams Business College NORTHERN TERRITORY Charles Darwin University QUEENSLAND Australian Catholic University Bond University Central Queensland University Christian Heritage College Griffith University James Cook University Queensland University of Technology The University of Queensland The University of Southern Queensland University of the Sunshine Coast SOUTH AUSTRALIA Flinders University Kaplan Business School The University of Adelaide University of South Australia Open Universities (conferred by Uni of SA) TASMANIA University of Tasmania VICTORIA Australian Catholic University Cambridge International College Carrick Higher Education Deakin University Holmes Institute Holmesglen Institute of TAFE La Trobe University Melbourne Institute of Technology Monash University Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE RMIT University Swinburne University of Technology The University of Ballarat The University of Melbourne Victoria University WESTERN AUSTRALIA Curtin University of Technology Edith Cowan University Murdoch University The University of Notre Dame Australia University of Western Australia SINGAPORE Nanyang Technological University...
Words: 16200 - Pages: 65
...that direct costs systems predominate in customer and products entries whereas full costs systems are much more widespread in the case of branches. Furthermore, we also found that the use of activity based costs systems is very limited. 1. Introduction Historically, management accounting in banking institutions was introduced considerably later in comparison with companies in other sectors. There are a number of reasons for this limited development. This was due, on the one hand, to external causes. For example, it was not until the 80's that competitive conditions in the banking sector fostered the development of accounting management planning and control systems. On the other hand, there were also internal conditions that had to do with the nature of the banking business and the operations that these companies carry out, which differ significantly to those of other sectors. This hindered the transfer of models that had basically been developed for industrial companies to the financial sector. As regards internal factors, the accounting regulations set down by regulating bodies of the banking system have traditionally been the starting point from which banking institutions have drawn up their accounting information. The purpose of...
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...A systems perspective on supply chain measurements Stefan Holmberg The Authors | Stefan Holmberg, Division of Logistics, Lund University, Sweden Abstract | Both practitioners and research scientists have noted a number of problems regarding measurement activities during the past decade. The problems reported suggest that measurement activities are fragmented both within and across organizations. Expands on a systems perspective on supply chain measurements and describes how problems can be communicated, understood and managed by developing methods and tools for describing interrelationships within supply chains. Empirical evidence from a case study of a Swedish home furnishing business supply chain provides data suggesting that firms within a supply chain cannot simply be categorized as either having adopted systems thinking or not. Rather, both structured models indicating a high degree of systems thinking, and problems showing fragmentation, are present. A performance model, which is used to reflect the systemic structure of an underlying supply chain and a potential integrator, is introduced and suggested as the focus of future research initiatives within supply chain measurements. Article type: case study. Keywords: Supply chain, Measurement, Systems integration, Performance measurement. Content Indicators: Research Implications** Practice Implications** Originality** Readability** International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management Volume...
Words: 8785 - Pages: 36
...student’s Blackboard course shell under the Student Center. Below is a list of courses with eChapters loaded into the course shells, giving students free access as of the first day of classes. * = eChapters are forthcoming Course ID ACC100 ACC206 ACC303 ACC304 ACC305 ACC306 Text Title Accounting Principles – 9th edition Accounting Principles – 9th edition Intermediate Accounting 14e Intermediate Accounting 14e Intermediate Accounting 14e Microcomputer Applications for Accounting Excel 2010 Microsoft® Excel 2010: A Case Approach, Complete, 1st Edition, copyright 2011 SOUTH WESTERN FEDERAL TAXATION 2012: COMPREHENSIVE, 36th ed. South-Western Federal Taxation 2013: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 36th Edition Cost Accounting 13th 09 ed. Advanced Accounting 4th 10th ed. Auditing & Assurance Services 13th 10 ed. Core Concepts of Government and Not for Profit Accounting 2nd ed., 2011 ed ACC 499: Accounting Capstone: Custom Edition Author Weygandt, Kimmel & Kieso Weygandt, Kimmel & Kieso Kieso Kieso Kieso O’Leary Publisher Wiley Wiley Wiley Wiley Wiley McGraw Hill ACC307 ACC317 ACC350 ACC401 ACC403 ACC410 ACC499 Hoffman Hoffman Horngren Jeter Arens Granof Selected chapters from accounting texts Pope Weygandt Weygandt Knapp & Rittenburg Schroeder Romney Pope Cengage...
Words: 3676 - Pages: 15
...Services: A Management Accounting Approach Jordi Carenys Professor at the Management Control Department. EADA Business School EADA, c/o Aragó 204, 08011 Barcelona, Spain E-mail: jcarenys@eada.edu Tel: 934 520 844; Fax: 933 237 317 Web: www.eada.edu Xavier Sales Professor at the Management Control Department. EADA Business School E-mail: xsales@eada.edu Abstract The present study aims to outline the characteristics of the cost systems used in banking institutions. It does so by describing the partial costs and full cost systems in banking institutions. It then looks at the limitations of these approaches to the current competitive conditions and goes on to consider the applicability of the activity based costing system in the allocation of indirect transformation costs to branches, products and customers. Finally, we will look at the findings of a questionnaire to Spanish savings banks in order to evaluate how widespread these systems are and how they are used in savings banks. We found that direct costs systems predominate in customer and products entries whereas full costs systems are much more widespread in the case of branches. Furthermore, we also found that the use of activity based costs systems is very limited. Keywords: Saving banks Cost structure Management accounting Cost systems Activity based costing. JEL Classification Codes: M41 – Accounting G21 - Banks; Other Depository Institutions. 1. Introduction Historically, management accounting in banking institutions...
Words: 10513 - Pages: 43
...Towards a conceptual framework for strategic cost management - The concept, objectives, and instruments - Von der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Technischen Universität Chemnitz genehmigte Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Doctor rerum politicarum (Dr. rer. pol.) vorgelegt von Ibrahim Abd El Mageed Ali El Kelety geboren am 11.01.1965 in El Menoufia - Ägypten eingereicht am: 14. Juni 2006 Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Uwe Götze Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Bloech Prof. Dr. Peter Schuster Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 18. Juli 2006 Acknowledgement To the Almighty God “ALLAH” Who have granted me all these graces to fulfill this work and Who supported me in all my life. To Him I extend my heartfelt thanks. It is a pleasure to express my sincere and deepest heartfelt gratitude to my “Doktorvater“ Prof. Dr. Uwe Götze for his kind supervision, continuous encouragement, valuable enthusiastic discussion and unfailing advice throughout the present work, as well as financial support during my latest period of study in Germany. He assisted in all matters, provided solutions to different problems. Prof. Dr. Uwe Götze supported and helped me during my learning period in Germany and writing this thesis. I am very lucky being one of his students. I would like to express my deep thanks to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Bloech - Georg-August University of Göttingen - for his kind acceptance to act as an examiner. I would also like to express my sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. Peter...
Words: 197356 - Pages: 790
...Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA School of Management, University of Michigan-Dearborn, MI, USA College of Business Administration, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA Department of Accounting, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, AR, USA Zicklin School of Business, CUNY – Baruch College, New York, NY, USA Belk College of Business, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC, USA College of Business and Economics, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA RSM Erasmus University, Department of Financial Management, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Mohamed E. Bayou Chee W. Chow Cynthia M. Daily Harry Z. Davis Nabil Elias Arron Scott Fleming Frank G. H. Hartmann vii viii LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Fred A. Jacobs Frances Kennedy James M. Kohlmeyer, III Leslie Kren John Y. Lee Michael S. Luehlfing Adam S. Maiga School of Accountancy, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA Department of Accountancy and Legal Studies, Clemson University, SC, USA College of Business, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, USA School of Business, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA Lubin School of Business, Pace University, Pleasantville, NY, USA School of Professional Accountancy, Louisiana Tech University, LA, USA School of Accounting, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA I.H. Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada School of Professional Accountancy, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA, USA School of...
Words: 111886 - Pages: 448
...I DEVELOPMENT OF AN ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR INTERNATIONAL MARKET ENTRIES Taking the accounting information system of Milkiland Intermarket as a base of research PROJECT THESIS Faculty of Business Field of Study: International Business Cooperative State University Baden-Wuerttemberg Mannheim Handed in by: Vladyslava Zhurenkova Address: Plumstruk 3, 23617 Obernwohlde Course: WIB-bi 13BI Student ID-Number: 8658655 Academic Tutor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Schuster Supervising Tutor at Milkiland Volodymyr Gontar Intermarket: Corresponding Company: Milkiland Intermarket Kyiv, Ukraine, 10th September 2014 II CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT The Project thesis on hand “Development of an accounting information system for international market entries Taking the Accounting information system of the Milkiland Intermarket as a base of research” Contains internal resp. confidential data of Milkiland Intermarket. It is strictly forbidden, To distribute the content of this paper (including data, figures, tables, charts etc.) as a whole or in extracts, To make copies or transcripts of this paper or of parts of it, To display this paper or make it available in digital, electronic virtual form. Exceptional cases may be considered through permission granted in written form by the author and the Milkiland Intermarket. Kyiv, Ukraine, 10th September 2014 ___________________ Signature III ABSTRACT This paper is focused on...
Words: 10652 - Pages: 43
...Click here to download the solutions manual / test bank INSTANTLY!! http://testbanksolutionsmanual.blogspot.com/2011/02/accounting-information-systems-romney.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accounting Information Systems Romney 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney Steinbart 11th Edition Solutions Manual Accounting Information Systems Romney Steinbart 11th Edition Solutions Manual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Solution Manual in e-version of the following book*** Name: Accounting Information Systems Author: Romney Steinbart Edition: 11th ISBN-10: 0136015182 Type: Solutions Manual - The file contains solutions and questions to all chapters and all questions. All the files are carefully checked and accuracy is ensured. - The file is either in .doc, .pdf, excel, or zipped in the package and can easily be read on PCs and Macs. - Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Our response is the fastest. All questions will always be answered in 6...
Words: 18533 - Pages: 75
...Handbook of Management Accounting Research Volume 3 Edited by CHRISTOPHER S. CHAPMAN Imperial College London, UK ANTHONY G. HOPWOOD University of Oxford, UK MICHAEL D. SHIELDS Michigan State University, USA AMSTERDAM – BOSTON – HEIDELBERG – LONDON – NEW YORK – OXFORD PARIS – SAN DIEGO – SAN FRANCISCO – SINGAPORE – SYDNEY – TOKYO Elsevier The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK First edition 2009 Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone ( 44) (0) 1865 843830; fax ( 44) (0) 1865 853333; email: permissions@elsevier.com. Alternatively visit the Science and Technology Books website at www.elsevierdirect.com/rights for further information Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for...
Words: 187223 - Pages: 749