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Kilauea Volcano Research Paper

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This volcano is the youngest in Hawaii. It is also 1 out of the 5 most active volcanoes in Hawaii. It is 60 km deep. The Kilauea Volcano is a shield volcano. The volcano got its name from the Hawaiian word meaning spreading or spewing. The last time it erupted was in November 2008. It reached sea level about 100,000 years ago but is between 300,000 to 600,000 years old.

One of the major eruptions that has happened so far in 1790 killed about 80 people. The Kilauea volcano has had 62 eruptions so far. Its crater is 3,646 feet deep. Some of the hazards that come with this volcano are small earthquakes, lava entering the ocean which could harm some animals, volcanic gas, and explosive eruptions. It’s caldera is believed to be the volcano goddess

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