Unsolved mysteries, especially those within ancient times, happen to be one of my most favorite subjects throughout school and even more so as personal interest. I chose the topic which involved the “Mummy’s Curse,” a series of unexplainable, unfortunate, or tragic events that happened to the people who were present at the opening of Tutankhamen’s tomb. Believed to be under a kind of enchantment, rumors of such misfortune by engravings have been proven untrue as science and technology, not to mention common sense, continued to enhance.
For many years people deemed that the very act of entering into a King's tomb would inflict death upon them, in specific ways I might add. Coincidence of a mosquito bite on Lord Carnarvon's left cheek (which after his unraveling king Tut also possessed this mark) and along with inscriptions of impending death by wings, sparked even more rumors and notoriety of the Mummy's curse.
Dr. Hans Merk, a dermatologist at the University of Aachen, Germany and a German microbiologist, G. Kramer, from the University of Leipzig both believe that the cause of the curse was to be blamed upon some type of mold spores such as anthrax. As anthrax is known to have existed in Ancient times, it is unclear whether it was purposely placed inside the tombs to ensure a "curse" upon looters, or if it was naturally created inside the tomb under the right conditions. Other researchers reported that bats inhabit many excavated burial chambers, and their droppings carry a fungus that can cause the influenza like respiratory disease Histoplasmosis, which could have also inflicted illness upon the people of these excursions.
I do believe that the dozen or so of people who died after excavating the King’s tomb was in fact caused by ingestion or inhalation of toxic air-borne bacteria from a variety of sources, whether it was a mixture or variation of toxins, or