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Knee Jerk Research Paper

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For my creative project I decided on the Knee Jerk Reflex Arc. One of the main reasons I decided to pick this topic is because cell and neuron signaling has been a hard subject for me to truly understand. Being able to study more on the subject and applying it in a creative way has really done wonders for me. First off, why do we test the knee jerk/patellar reflex? One of the main reasons is so doctors can rule out disorders such as muscular dystrophy and/ or Central Nervous System damage. Once a doctor taps your patellar tendon with a reflex hammer it sends your lower leg forward, and drops back down swiftly. If the lower leg does not respond or moves excessively, then there is some form of CNS damage or a disorder. So how does this really work, if your brain does not half to tell your lower leg to jerk up when the tendon is hit? It is basically because of your Afferent and Efferent neurons. Once your patellar tendon is stretched. It is then detected by the muscle spindles in your quadriceps muscle. The muscle spindles stimulate the sensory neurons, which travels to the spinal cord. This is where the sensory neurons synapse with the motor neurons causing the contraction of the quadriceps muscle. Which in return creates the movement of the lower leg to jerk up. …show more content…
No interneurons between them once meet in the CNS. But there is actually more than just the sensory and motor neuron that happens with the knee jerk. The sensory neuron actually enables an inhibitory interneuron within the CNS. Which sends signaling to the motor neurons of the opposing muscles in the Hamstring. This stimulation causes the quadriceps muscle to be unopposed and the Hamstring

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