...Burns: Understanding Nursing Research, 4th Edition Critiquing Exercise Knott, A. & Kee, C. C. (2005). Nurses’ beliefs about family presence during resuscitation. Applied Nursing Research, 18(4), 192-198. |STANDARDS/EVALUATION CRITERIA 50|KEY CONCEPTS IN CRITIQUE | |points | | |Descriptive Vividness 5 pts | | |Was the significance of the study adequately described? |1. The significance of the study was adequately described. | | |Family presence (FP) during resuscitation is a matter that | |Was the purpose of the study clearly described? |warrants more investigation as to whether or not it should, or | | |should not be allowed. Furthermore, the study proposes the | |Were the interpretations presented in a descriptive way that |necessity of protocols in place in institutions to guide | |illuminated more than the quotes did? |decisions on this matter. | | | ...
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