Chile is located in the south-western part of South America. It is bordered by Peru, Argentina, and Bolivia. Chile is one of two countries that is not bordered by Brazil. The capital is Santiago which is the biggest city in Chile. As you may have figured out already, Chile is located in the southwestern hemisphere. Three of Chile's major cities except for Santiago are Puente Alto, Conception, and Vina del Mar. The area of Chile is 285, 133 square miles. Chile is only 108 miles wide.
*Chile's population is 17, 113, 688.
*85% of the population lives in urban areas, 40% live in greater Santiago(5.6 million).
*Chile is known as a multiethnic society
*White/Amerindian 95.4%
*Mapuche 4%
*Other 0.6%
Money and Currency
Chile's money is like some of the other countries. They use the Peso. $1.00 in U.S. money is equal to 570 to 590 Pesos. The symbol for Pesos is the same dollar sign that we use. Chilean coins run in $1 , $5, $10, $50, and $100. The banks also give $500, $1.000, $5.000, and $10.000. The dots are for the same purpose, to represent thousands. If anyone would be thinking of going to Chile, you should bring U.S. dollars instead of pesos because if you want to exchange pesos, it would be a very high rate. The only problem with bringing U.S. dollars though is that not many places take them. Only places like hotels, airports, travel agencies, and other tourist sites.
Geographical Features
Some of Chile's geographical features are mountains, deserts, islands, and part of the antarctic. Most of you all know the Andes Mountains which is why Chile is very mountainous. Chile also has the worlds driest desert(Atacama) which is a huge tourist attraction.
*the Chilean constitution allows freedom of religion, and other policies contribute to free practice of religion.
typical Chilean food
Typical Chilean Dishes
*Arrollado de Chancho - Chunks of pork wrapped in pork fat smothered in red chili.
*Bistec a lo pobre - beefsteak, French fries, fried onions, topped with a couple of fried eggs.
Chilean Seafood
*Almejas con Limón - raw clams with lemon juice.
*Caldillo de Congrio - conger-eel soup with onions, potatoes and carrots.
Typical Chilean Desserts (and sweet things)
Arroz con Leche - Rice pudding (literally rice with milk)
Leche Asada - A milk flan.
*Spanish spoken in Chile is distinctively accented and unlike the others neighboring countries
* Small amount of chileans speak the german language, mostly as a second language.
*English is now mandatory requirement in schools from 5th grade up
*List of languages spoken throughout the country:
Other Interesting Facts
One interesting fact is that Chile is the 38th largest country in the world. They are twice the size of Japan. Also they are saying that Chile could possibly go from 17 million people to 20 million people by 2050. Another interesting fact is that Chile is 1 of 2 countries(other one is Ecuador) that does not border Brazil.