Stuck on a Microsoft® Office 2010 project? Need a Microsoft Office 2010 skills refresher?
Compass can show you the way.
What Is Compass? Compass is a searchable database of multimedia tools designed to teach the 50 most essential skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. Available on your PC or mobile phone, Compass is an online, at-your-fingertips resource for tech savvy students who need help and answers right away.
Where Do I Find Compass? How to use Compass
Open your web browser and navigate to Search for a skill by typing a key word or phrase in the SEARCH box To find a FREQUENTLY SEARCHED SKILL click on View Skill next to the skill you are interested in. The search results display in a concept map, centered on the skill you searched. Each skill you click centers the concept map to show additional skills related to your search. When the skill you are looking for appears in the search results, click on the skill name to launch step-by-step instructions. Click on the VIEW AT A GLANCE or WATCH VIDEO button to see how to execute the skill. RETURN TO MAP will always bring you back to the map where you last left it. Learn more about using the skill in Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint, by clicking the OPEN tab in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Click the CLOSE tab when you are finished. To search for another skill, type a key word or phrase in the search box at the top of the screen or click the HOME button to go to the home page. Exit the program by closing your browser window.
How Do I Use Compass on My Mobile Phone?
Open your mobile browser and navigate to Search for a skill by typing a key word or phrase in the SEARCH box The search results display in a list of related skills. Click the skill you are looking for and you will be brought to the skill