...La Malinche, otherwise known as Dona Maria, Malinalli, Malintzan. In the 1500s series of new trading techniques were established. Triangle Trade between the West Indies, Africa, and Europe was introduced. The Columbian Exchange, which was the exchange of plants, animals, diseases and technology with Europe and Native America, was also introduced. Several explorers, were very famous at the time, as they played an important role in the history of Latin America. The social classes at the time was ranked as peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, mulattoes, and native americans, and black slaves. La Malinche established a life for herself in a strict hierarchy through the background information on her life, her being a rule follower, and the global trends of the 1500’s affecting her....
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...before, to spread Christianity for the expansion of their religious power and to win the economic competition. At that time, two explorers, Christopher Columbus and Bartolome de las Casas, sought the New World to spread Catholicism and to find gold for trading slaves that can perform free labor in Spain. Columbus and Las Casas are well-known in the history of Indians. Both Columbus and Las Casas might initially have similar views on Indians when they discovered the new land and met Native Americans. As written in Columbus’s letter on their first voyage, Indians “show as much lovingness as though they would give their heart.” Las Casas also wrote in Apologetic History of the Indies that “they are most humble peoples and obey their kings in a strange and admirable manner” and “the most humble, most patient, most peaceful and calm, without strife nor tumults; not wrangling, nor querulous, as free from uproar, hate and desire of revenge as any in...
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...of life which cannot be explained with scientific or measurable proof. Often one of the biggest debates and questions raised among scholars, let alone humans in general, is how we came to be. How were we, and everything else on this earth, created? Why do humans have flaws and commit sins? Many will try and side with whatever view fits their lifestyle, religion, or culture. Most likely if one was brought up to believe in many Gods, they will continue believing this for the rest of their life. Although there is no concrete way to know exactly how our creation came about, history has left us some creation myths which serve to point us in the right direction by hypothesizing the events that led up to human creation. The society is an organization of people who set socials relations between its members and to share cultural interest, economic resources, and political ideas for a better living. Throughout history society has been structured since its establishment with levels, classes; also the product of population growth and divisions of labor have established different social classes that vary from one society to another. In most cases, there are upper classes who are the minority and lower classes who are the majority, and this structure has remained to this day, even with the addition of state to society, that most of the constitutions of states countries have been unable to set equal status for each member of society so, it is clear economical. According to Karl Marx “social...
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...and at times, upsetting history that has accumulated over the last few centuries, shaping the way that Americans are defined by people of other nations, as well as the way that they define themselves. Years of exploration and immigration have molded America and created a unique culture, so unique at times that parts of the culture clash. This has become the basis of conflict and prejudice that still prevails in today’s society and government. Explorers like Christopher Columbus used force to gain power and money, while other groups like the Pilgrims came to America for religious freedom, proving that Americans are built on a foundation of...
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...Carnival celebrations occur at around the same time throughout the world, but the origins and motivations for the event differ dramatically. In the United States, the words Mardi Gras mean "Fat Tuesday," and celebrate the day before lent; a time to indulge and party before a time of sacrifice. In Uruguay, some aspects of Carnival are akin to an apology. To explain, we need to time travel back to the late 18th century. European Uruguay Modern Uruguay is a secular country, with strong separations between church and state. Its president, a former rebel, has strong opinions regarding human rights and equality. Such was not the case in 18th century Uruguay. Despite Uruguay's South American location, about 93 percent of its citizens claim European...
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...A Patriot’s History of the United States by Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen and A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn show very different perspectives of the foundation of the United States. While Schweikart and Allen focus on the noble intentions of European explorers, progress, and the general selflessness of the founding fathers, Zinn tells of a country based on the destruction of the native people, the forced labor of thousands of slaves, and the oppression of the lower class. Each version show the past differently, and can either show an event as legendary and proud, or shameful and horrible. In A Patriot’s History of the United States, Schweikart/Allen cover Christopher Columbus and other explorers in a very positive...
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...American Strong Woman In the interpretations of the Nauhua figure, Malinalli through history, she has been cast in several roles. These include but are not limited to; * “Dona Marina,” the great lady of Hernan Cortes. * “Malintzin,” the noble prisoner/captive of Cortes. * “La Malinche,” the embodiment of treachery against the Latin people. While there are many portrayals of her, there is an underlying theme in all of them. That she is a compelling force in events despite the traditional roles of women of the time. For example when comparing Laura Esquival’s, “Malinche” Malinalli variant to the one found in Gary Jennings “Aztec,” readers will find two different portrayals her but with the same dominance. Due to this extraordinary puissance, it leads me believe that she is a strong woman. Due to the diversity of works that showcase her I will be focusing on the following two representations of her as seen in Esquival’s novel, “Malinche” and Jose Limon’s ballet, “La Malinche.” Let’s begin by examining Laura Esquival’s interpretation in “La Malinche.” Written in 2006, I believe this novel characterizes Malinalli as a strong woman. Furthermore, as an ambassador and a genius. She is a woman struggling between the remnants of her native Aztec civilization and the culture of the invading Spaniards. Through these trials and tribulations, her character grows from the naïve slave girl to the mother of a new civilization. She didn’t begin as a strong woman. In the novel...
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...Bartolomé de las Casas's “Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies,” were examples of primary sources. They both are a first-hand account as to what happened during their voyages in the late 1400s to the early 1500s. Columbus’ journal was more of a log, where he kept records of each day. Bartolome’s writings were more of a journal entry; he wrote his deepest thoughts as well as the things that he witnessed. De Las Casa’s writings also included firsthand stories that he recorded from others. Both Columbus and Las Casas kept very in-depth recordings of the things they did, heard, and saw. Columbus said himself, ‘“... I decided to write down the whole of this voyage in detail, day by day,...
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...Tuesday Walker Professor Zahler History 105 7 February 2012 The Innocent People By definition oppression is stated to be the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner. In history there are many benefits to some people when oppressing a group of people to conquer land. For example gaining wealth, food, clothing, and even slaves to help on this land. However conquering land can lead to gory results in many cases. In the document, A Brief Account of the devastation of the Indies by Bartoleme de las Casas he explained how unfair, and unjust it is when land is conquered by someone. Depending on how its afflicted it’s degrading, and traumatizing. When the Spaniards came to settle in Central America in 1493 they ultimately changed the living conditions forever with their total disregard for the lifestyle of the natives by killing the majority of them, enslaving them, and poorly teaching them aspects of Christianity. Taking advantage of innocent Indians the Spaniards came into their land with one goal, which was to gain wealth. Bartolemé de las Casas was a Spanish priest who devoted a lot of his time defending the Indians and their living conditions under the rule of Europeans. For instance Bartoleme de la Casas declared “Their reason for killing and destroying such an infinite number of souls is that the Christians have an ultimate aim, which is to acquire gold, and to swell themselves with riches in a very brief time and thus rise to a high estate...
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...“The history of the Caribbean is a history of exploitation of labor’’. The exploitation of labor is one of the most common issues faced in terms of human rights in certain countries. To gain power and wealth is only one of the reasons that exploitation of labor is a major issue. People use their power to take advantage of the less fortunate. Exploitation can be defined as an act of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work or to fulfill their own selfish purposes, whereas labor is defined as the use of physical and mental efforts in the creation of goods and services. So based on Caribbean history even laborers before the 20th century were taken advantage by their owners to gain benefits. Firstly the exploitation of the Caribbean with reference to the encomienda labor system. This system was created in 1512 by the Spanish to control and regulate American Indian labors (Arawaks/Tainos) during the colonization of the Americas. The word ‘encomienda’ comes from the Spanish word encomendar, "to entrust." The encomienda system was the earliest introduction of inhumane slavery as historians believed as one of the most damaging institutions that the Spanish colonists implemented in the New World. In the Americas, the first encomiendas were handed out by Christopher Columbus and institutionalized by Governor Nicolas de Ovando (1503) in the Caribbean. The Spaniards were referred to as the ecomendero because their responsibility was to ensure the well being of the...
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..............9 Slavo-Sklavus- schiavo.....................................................................................11 Gli Slavi e il significato dell’ etimologia della parola slavo nell’ Italia contemporanea........................................................................................................13 Conclusione 14 Bibliografia e sitografia 15 Introduzione In passato il problema dell’etimologia della parola slavo ha attirato l’attenzione di molti studiosi di spicco. Nel corso dei miei studi, sia d’italiano che di bulgaro, questo problema mi ha incuriosita a tal punto che voglio presentare differenti punti di vista dell’ origine della parola soprammenzionata. La mia intenzione è di parlare soltanto della trasformazione della parola e perciò cercherò di dare solo una breve recensione storica soffermandomi sugli Sclaveni, vale a dire gli Slavi meridionali. Il punto che mi incuriosisce in particolare riguarda le ragioni di tante ambiguità nell’ etimologia di questa parola, che viene usata in molte lingue europee. Un altro motivo per il quale ho scelto questo tema è il fatto che credo che sia molto interessante osservare i cambiamenti sia nell’etimologia di questa parola che nella storia di questo “ popolo’’[1]. A questo punto non posso ancora dire quanto questi cambiamenti nell’etimologia (da slavo a sclavus e infine...
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...MARACAS ROYAL ROAD, MARACAS ST. JOSEPH P.O.BOX 175 PORT OF SPAIN TRINIDAD WI. Course Work Essay An Assignment Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Course Hist 104- 01 West Indian History Instructor Tshana Thomas- Francique By Dwight Bowen 20th October, 2015 Approval …………………. The Columbian Neo-Indian Exchange What have been is what will be, and what has been done, is what will be done and there is nothing that will reverse it. The incipient world as we know it has been undergoing a drastic era for biological globalization since the landing of the Europeans between the fifteen and the eighteen century. This era is known as the Columbian exchange and commenced in the year 1492 when Christopher Columbus and his crew sailed the Atlantic, exploring more advantages. Beckles & Shepherd suggest in his book Liberties lost, “that the European’s instinct was to reach Asia by sailing deep into the Western Atlantic. His quest was to find Asia, craving for the riches of Asia. Lost in the Caribbean Sea, he found indigenous people of Bahamas whose posture of welcome ushered into a global era.” (2004, p.35) Columbus’ first voyage was one of revelation in which he took the prospect to explore much places as he can. As history tells us, he made a series of voyages scooping new discoveries and engagements with the people who he encountered with on his journey. He first landed in the Bahamas. Columbus took with him soldiers, conquistador...
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...This collection tells the history of Cuban art, there are pictures ranging from the Spanish colonial days to the present. There is, for instance, a painting dating from the 19th century made by the black slave Tati. This painting generates much talk because it is the oldest the museum treasures and it could be said that the entire collection starts with it. Then, there are pieces from the first and second avant-garde from artists such as Fidelio Ponce, perhaps the most well known artist from Camaguey, Servando, Mariano, Abela, Carlos Enriquez, and also works from more contemporary artists such as Los Carpinteros, Roberto Fabelo, and Yoel Jover. The building that houses the museum is an architectural and historical gem in itself; a colonial building that was first a cavalry barracks, then a hotel, and more recently this...
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...1. His main purpose for writing A Peoples History of the United States is to give information in a fair way. 2. His thesis for the first 11 pages is to describe past events as they happened. 3. Columbus is portrayed in traditional books as a false hero because his discovery was accidental. HE slaughtered, abused and exploited the natives who were nice to him when he got there. 4. He thinks nobody should take the memory of the nation as their own. 5. One motive that drove Columbus to oppress indigenous peoples was Gold. It was a sign of wealth and he wanted as much of it as possible and he also wanted to find a shorter route to India. 6. Bartolome de Las Casas was originally a cpnquistador but then turned into a priest and a promoter of peace. 7. The signifigance of Powhatans statement was to show that...
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...Written Assignment Unit 4 University of the People Introduction Beginning of 15th century to the end of 18th century major improvement had been observed in world art history. This period is categorized in major 3 categories: renaissance period (1400 to 1600 AD), the baroque (1600 to 1700 AD), rococo (starting from 18th century to the end of 18th century). Advancement in science and technology was a great achievement during this period. This also influenced arts and architecture. New innovation changed art styles including art materials, form, shape and composition. This allowed eliminating of conventional method and context. At the same time new area and objects were discovered and incorporated. Scientific Knowledge and Renaissance Period. Renaissance started at the beginning of 15th century. Instead of old classical style, renaissance introduced realism. Old pagan style arts were dismissed and new styles were developed based upon popularity and quality. Artists applied their scientific knowledge and experience in their artworks. Many artists had multiple skills. For example, Leonardo Da Vinci was a painter, scientist, architect, sculptor and military engineer. In addition, Leonardo Da Vinci was identified as a “Renaissance Man “who played major role behind renaissance. Leonardo designed tank, parachutes, flying machine which were retrieved from his notebook, obviously outcome of his military knowledge. Similarly, Filippo Brunelleschi who was an architect...
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