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Ladies Abd Gentlemen


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Ladies and Gentlemen Project Paper
Shantrice Scott
Strayer University
Dr. Hunsucker
November 24, 2014

Many students set goals with the hope that their achievements may help them be accepted into their chosen college. Unfortunately, they often put too much emphasis on one area and do not take part in a wide range of activities. Bewildered college applicants often say, "I've had a perfect average since I started junior high. How could they reject me?" What they do not realize is that schools are interested in more than just intellectual achievements. Others find themselves saying, "I am the best baseball player in my school. Why did I get rejected?" This also proves that college acceptance is not based on an athletic single area of activity, whether academic, musical, or Statement of Purpose. (Allen 1996) I firmly believe that it is important to be well-rounded, taking part in both challenging and interesting activities instead of just focusing on athletics or academics. I understand that proving oneself to be an outstanding athlete requires much skill development and hours of practice, and this is true for demonstrating intellectual ability, too. But a truly capable person balances many activities. Taking part in school, athletics, music, community service, extra-curricular activities, academic clubs, social clubs, hobbies and spending time with friends and family are the qualities that describe a truly well-rounded person. Sometimes students' ideas about the future, however, are constantly changing. Some, last year they were certain that being a lawyer was the perfect career, but this year they want to be a writer. Knowing they might change their minds should serve as an incentive for students to keep their options open. There is always the exception to this. Sure, there are kids who realize in kindergarten and tell their parents, "I want to be a scientist," take all the science courses available, join only science clubs, and find themselves working on disease cures in a lab years later. Some students in junior high and high school have ideas of what they plan to become, and what type of education being a well-rounded individual allows a person to understand many areas of study, learn many new things, and keeps one's mind sharp and body physically fit. And that could open many doors that may otherwise have remained closed. A gentleman is a man who can make a woman feel like a lady, and a lady is a woman who can make a man feel like a gentlemen. (Davidson1975) You have 5 out of 9 whites, between the ages of 20-30, saying that being a Gentlemen is not an outdated notion. There are 9 of 10 blacks that agree that being a Gentleman is an outdated notion. Holding doors, paying for meals, etc. are redundant. They are outdated and a hinder to men. If women are those independent, strong people they claim to be let them pay themselves, let them hold their own doors. I don’t argue that, but gentlemen where more than just men who followed these social rules. Gentlemen were also well-educated, cultured, civilized men of means and status. Men are better off with a higher enrollment rate in universities? Shouldn’t we all strive to act somewhat civilized (to both men and women because we can make a point without throwing a fit). Isn’t competition, such as competition for the best status in a group, something inherently holding male? I think these are the traits a true gentlemen should aim for, not some laughable obsolete social code. Face-to-face communication is selective and phone calls feel like as much work as compiling your taxes. (Hudson, 1966)
Yet, men are often held to a standard that requires them to deny the most modern and efficient forms of communication by reverting back to the less-popular and more time-consuming methods. The idea behind calling instead of texting or taking the time to compose a letter makes sense as a metaphor for men “going above and beyond” for a woman. However, for men to ditch the practicalities of technology and mainstream approaches to communication as a sign of being a true gentleman is simply unfair.
Men are not lazy or rude if they text instead of call. They are people, and people send text messages instead of calling. For me, being a lady means carrying about oneself with dignity. If a woman has respect for herself and her body, then it goes a long way towards gaining respect from men. For a man to be a gentleman, I interpret it as a man carrying about himself in a polite manner. Guys - whistling and calling noises towards other women is NOT gentlemanly. Perhaps there are women who like those things but my girlfriends and I think it so annoying. If you like a woman, be a gentleman and speak to her like the lady that she is. If a man treats a woman with respect and dignity, it shows that he's a gentleman. Both men and women should be polite and have basic manners though. Face-to-face communication is selective and phone calls feel like as much work as compiling your taxes.

Allen, W.M. (Ed.). (1967). Studies in the Modern Life history. (Vol.4). Ladies and Gentlemen’s
Davidson, J.A. (1975). Publication manual at the American Psychological Association (5th ed). Washington D.C.
Hudson, J. (1966). The Modern History of Gentlemen, the Modern language Association

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