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Lady Macbeth's Guilt

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In the Shakespeare story Macbeth, Lady Macbeth plays a big guilt part in a murder. In the beginning of act 1, the witches read to Macbeth his future. The witches tell Macbeth that he will be king. My opinion he will make a great king because he very level he headed. Lady Macbeth tries work hard to be queen on other hand. While Thane of Cawdor was a bad title and thief Macbeth still earned the title. During scenes Act two and three they start crowning Macbeth. Banquo gets his future read to him by witches. Lady Macbeth was plotting on Duncan when she read a letter. Macbeth was a loyalty to everybody. Lady Macbeth also was power hungry for power. She wanted to rule the people. The witches told Banquo that his kids were going to his lungs. Meanwhile

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