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Lady Macbeth's Transformation

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To acquire a evil mind, one has to overcome a lot powerful to be able to ignore the feeling of compassion and guilt and to destroy their visual image of a human being and to turn it into a monster. In one of Shakespeare's famous play, “Macbeth,” Macbeth strips away his heroic traits when his ambition comes into play and slowly dehumanizes into a non-empathic monster which causes his marriage downfall. In the early stages of the play, Macbeth is the one in the relationship to fear failure and to lose his sense of morals while, in contrast, Lady Macbeth prays to be “unsexed” and to lose her sense of guilt. After they murder Duncan, their attitudes slowly start to change throughout the play and now Macbeth is one to obtain the power and replaces …show more content…
This soon changed dramatically as Macbeth writes to his wife sharing that in order to fulfill the witches prophecy to become king, he must first take King Duncan out of the picture. Lady Macbeth was impressed with her husband’s solution and wants him to commit to the horrible deed of killing King Duncan to seize the crown, but doubts him for his soft-spot for his cousin. Lady Macbeth worries that Macbeth will lack ambition since she refers to him as “too full o' th' milk of human kindness” and won't achieve what he desires since he listens to his conscience. Lady Macbeth prays for her to be “unsexed” to be less like a women and more like a man to help persuade Macbeth to kill Duncan and wants to be able to feel no compassion or sympathy. Lady Macbeth whispers to evil praying to “Make thick my blood. Stop up the access and passage to remorse, that no compunctious visitings of nature shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between the effect and it!” Lady Macbeth wants to become demoralized so that nothing can come between her and her husbands wicked plan. Once she knows that Macbeth is doubtful, she encourages him to “Look like th' innocent flower, but be the serpent under ’t” and attacks him at his weak spot, his manhood and courage. Lady Macbeth in this situation takes the lead and absorbs the role of the man in their relationship in order to help conceive Macbeth to seize the crown. Lady Macbeth not only feels no sense of empathy, but she acquires the mind of a corrupted woman and pleas to “Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this,” meaning that she would rather “dash the brains out” of her own child rather than breaking the promise with Macbeth. Macbeth is charmed by her words and is awed that she has so much power that helooks

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