Premium Essay

Latero Revised


Submitted By menopauls
Words 313
Pages 2


We are twentieth-century welfare recipients (stomp), moonlighting in the sun as lateros. a job invented by national and state laws designed to re-cycle (sound) aluminum cans.

I collect from garbage cans in outdoor facilities, congested with rancid wastes my hands shelving themselves, opening plastic bags (sound) never knowing what to encounter…. several times a day i touch evil rituals,

(Anna) slit throats of chickens (stomp)
(Janine) tongues of poisoned rats (s)
(Mika) salivating on my index finger (s)
(Jannah) smells of month old rotten food
(Edward) next to pamper's diarrhea (s3)
(Inder) slimy grease blood hazardous waste materials but we cannot use rubber gloves (s)
(Jasper) they undermine my daily profit.

ALL: We are twentieth-century welfare recipients (s), moonlighting during the day as lateros. (s3)

Making it big in america
Someday, I might become experienced enough to offer technical assistance to other lateros. (clap)
I’m thinking of publishing my own guide to latero collecting and my own autobiography.


We are twentieth-century welfare recipients, moonlighting at night as lateros (s3)

(Mika) i am considered some kind of expert i can now hire workers at 25 cents-an-hour guaranteed salary
(Anna) and fifty percent of two and a half cents profit on each can collected


We are twentieth-century welfare recipients, moonlighting at midnight as lateros (s3)

I am becoming an entrepreneur, an American success story
I have hired bag ladies to keep peddlers from my territories
I have read in some guide to success that in order to get rich to make it big
I have to sacrifice myself


We are on our way up the opportunistic ladder of success
in ten years we will quit welfare to become a legitimate businessmen

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